Although that 3 just went down our D has pretty darn good too.
What was Jefferson doing in there with 2 fouls? Now he has 3 and not even 2nd half
Giles you can't screw that up. We're letting them control this game
sloppy finish to the half - poor choices and turn overs and easy buckets given up. Need to get mentally into a low scoring game where every possession is a grind
wtf was kennard doing?!? seriously? did he realize he brought the ball up with 7 seconds left?
I like where we are. We could have closed the half better, but we're a second half team and only down 4 on the road.
4 point deficit doesn't scare me a bit....... Grayson's Ankle scares the hell outa me
The Giles turnover killed us. Our D has been as good as theirs and they get all the love.
We played horrible the first and last three minutes of the half. That's the difference right now.

To this point in the season, the next 20 minutes are the biggest this team has faced. Let's see what they have in the tank.
I thought the best lineup includes Frank and Giles. Luke, for once, looks completely confused out there. Only 4 points though....
Great defense that half from us, but rough way to end this half. We're still in good position to take this thing! Hopefully Grayson's ankle is alright.
Just have to get better play from Grayson and Duke and we will win this game. Our defense has been pretty dang good. It looked like Matt was the only guard that looks to make an entry pass to our bigs.
Defense is good. Gotta get the ball in the hole. Didn't like Jefferson playing with 2 fouls, that could hurt
These are the games that test you mentally for 40 minutes. We started slow out of the gates and finished sloppy. Somewhere in there were 15 minutes of solid basketball. If we can play the final 20 like the middle 15 I think we have a darn good shot. If we miss rebounds and fumble the ball away it will be fsu Lou games all over
This score is not totally reflective of Va's defense. We look like we don't know how to play, look confused and sloppy ball handling. Thankfully Va looks almost as bad.
wtf was kennard doing?!? seriously? did he realize he brought the ball up with 7 seconds left?

That's what I was wondering! Wtf?!!!! When I saw they had 9 seconds I was glad they had plenty of time to get a good shot off and then Luke looks totally clueless. Did he actually not know how much time was left?!!!! Good Lord how ugly....
We just have to keep composure better in the second half. Take the crowd out of it.
Okay, sluggish, sloppy, not in sync on offence, Kennard and Allen combine 2 for 13, and Amile with 3 fouls. 8 turnovers, several unforced.

Hey, we played great D, and we are down 4 points. We got this.

BTW - I would rather watch curling than watch UVA play basketball against any team other than Duke. Seriously, it's like watching paint dry. You don't even have to look up from your popcorn bowl until there is 5 seconds on the shot clock. Painful to watch. They do play some tough D though.

Go Duke.

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Matt is the player of the game for us so far. It's an ugly, defensive matchup and he's setting the tone for us.
Ugghhh...Uva is mucking this up....the missed good looks early hurt...2nd half composure check and we good....#goduke
Okay, sluggish, sloppy, not in sync on offence, Kennard and Allen combine 2 for 13, and Amile with 3 fouls. 8 turnovers, several unforced.

And if anyone told us this was the case before the game we'd say it doesn't pay to watch the second half. That was bad basketball, but we're down just four.
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The kids are playing pretty good defense, but we are just not locked in on offense, They seem to be more "together". We just need to settle down and focus on each other. I like where we're at right now, we just need Grayson, Luke, and Jayson to come alive!! Let's get this second half.
Go Duke!
I just want our guys to stop whining after every non call and play. Go win the game and attach the rim!
K makes the adjustments..... if your UVA your thinking we needed to be up more. Grayson may not play, but this Muck fest I think we get by
I would like to see us push the ball up the court quicker and cut down on turnovers. We do these two things we win.

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