This is going to be a tough one to win. And part of the equation is how close to 100% is Grayson's ankle. Is it 70, 80, or 90%? Going to need big games out of him, and at least one or the other of Luke or Jayson (preferably both). Have to make fts (if and when we get them), and keep turnovers to a minimum. Oh, and stay out of serious foul trouble.

Duke 76
UVA 74

If we get a few good stops and keep the foot on the gas we win. No stupid 3s. Tatum has to bring his A game tonight!
Everything points to a UVA win especially since they lost last game.. but if we continue to grow as a team tonight will be a win
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It's not complicated if you think about it. I'll say it again, for Duke to win they need to do 2 things, and it doesn't matter who the other team is:
#1--Be Duke
#2--See #1
Please Lord come out of crapville tonight with a win devils

I got a good feeling tonight we come to play for 40 minutes

I can't listen to these preppy ignorant arrogant pricks around here all year

Dang VA tell us how you really feel about em. Hate when you hold back.

Well, 5.5 point underdogs, maybe we should just stay home and give it to them? NOPE, not today, think we'll just go ahead and make the trip! Both teams have a killer finishing schedule ahead of them, and both need this one badly, so it will come down to talent and heart. Duke has more talent, so it will come down to heart, and my feeling is: Duke will have a little more heart tonight and gain a big confidence boost.
Go Duke!
Please Lord come out of crapville tonight with a win devils

I got a good feeling tonight we come to play for 40 minutes

I can't listen to these preppy ignorant arrogant pricks around here all year


Amen!!!! Those prissy punks can eat it. Hahaha. I don't agree with you always VA, but I always agree with you about this.

Make Perrentes shoot 20 times to get 15 points, turn them over and keep Wilkins and Hall from getting the Terrence Mann hustle plays and Duke should walk out with a win fairly efficiently.

Duke - 72
UVA - 65
I think we need to run. They certainly aren't used to a fast paced game. If we fall into to that deliberate slow paced game they probably will win it. OFC
I think we need to run. They certainly aren't used to a fast paced game. If we fall into to that deliberate slow paced game they probably will win it. OFC

Run when the opportunity presents itself....don't run just to run. That's what UVA will want us to try and do.
UVA is a 5.5 favorite (as of now).

Duke 69
UVA 77
Duke plus the points looks easy. I think we are in for a tough one tonight. I will say that Duke is the obvious bet because of how they are trending so maybe the line means nothing. That is usually not the case however.

Dang VA tell us how you really feel about em. Hate when you hold back.


You have no idea how much I despise them and their fans.

Living here all my life you didn't hear a word from them till last 5 years....some didn't even know what a basketball was until they started winning some games

I'm sure if we win they will have an excuse like last 2 years(refs in cville and Grayson walked last year lol) but I would rather hear their excuses than them acting like they are the greatest team to ever lace them up
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Everything points to a UVA win especially since they lost last game.. but if we continue to grow as a team tonight will be a win
I have premonitions of Tatum and Grayson driving into two people and throwing the ball away. UVA is so damn good at help defense. The way around this is to anticipate the close down and find the shooter with a crisp pass, because they close out threes well too. Then of course you gotta make those shots. Hopefully our guard length gives Perrantes trouble, but he's not easy to ruffle.
Run when the opportunity presents itself....don't run just to run. That's what UVA will want us to try and do.

Let me clarify that. They are always good on the defensive end because they make you play to their pace. They have that deliberate offense and combined with that defense lures teams into that slow close game where it's just about always a close game. What I want to see is if we get a really nice run going stay with it so they have to play at our pace and we dictate how the game is played. Not them. OFC
I think we drive and kick a lot, and Luke, Grayson, Frank and Jones make enough 3's to carry us to a hard fought victory. I have Tatum as the wild card. If he plays well and gets to the rim regularly in the second half we will win more comfortably. I watched most of the VT UVA game, and despite the loss Perrantes is a heck of a player. It would be nice if he didn't go off for 35+ points tonight.

Duke 78
UVA 72

Go Duke!

I think, like K-ville said, we need this road win against a quality team to show that we're truly back and a championship contender. Getting really excited for this one.
I've had a dream today. Mostly because I hate work and just thought about this game all day. But I digress. Coach unleashes the kraken and all bloody hell spews in Charlottesville. Everyone wakes up in the morning going, "F$&@. They are the team we said they would be before the year."
From what I am seeing right now at my sportsbook, Duke has over 90% of the dollars wagered placed on them. It's also worth pointing out that this is one of the most bet CBB games tonight so it carries more weight than a game like Ga Tech and Miami.

My head tells me Vegas is right and Duke doesn't get the job done tonight. My heart says Duke takes another step forward and grows up a little bit more tonight.

Also, like I noted against ND, Duke seemed very confident and loose today in the shootaround.
This looks like a tough, tough game to win. UVA is tough and will be psyched for us.

I still don't know what to think about Duke.

I think we will win but would not at all be surprised to see us lose and, if I were an outside observer I'd probably favor UVA as well. Hoping K will pull some magic and have the team ready to go. A win here could be big for the season. Mainly, though, the team needs to play together as a team and play good D.

Would also like to see Bolden get some minutes (Is he hurt? Doghouse? Not practicing hard?).

But, as always, the most important game of the year is the one you are about to play. So this is it.
From what I am seeing right now at my sportsbook, Duke has over 90% of the dollars wagered placed on them. It's also worth pointing out that this is one of the most bet CBB games tonight so it carries more weight than a game like Ga Tech and Miami.

My head tells me Vegas is right and Duke doesn't get the job done tonight. My heart says Duke takes another step forward and grows up a little bit more tonight.

Also, like I noted against ND, Duke seemed very confident and loose today in the shootaround.
Who the heck are you to have all this information?
If we need to find some offensive rhythm early then I feel like we will win. Let's Go Duke!
Not the start we were hoping to see. Cold shooting, careless turnovers and uva taking advantage of the fan frenzy. Yuck.
Just gotta get some composure while the arena is rocking. It'll calm down.
Not the start we were hoping to see. Cold shooting, careless turnovers and uva taking advantage of the fan frenzy. Yuck.

Agreed this has the makings of a UVA blowout unless we settle down. The crowd is sooo hyped. Need to take them out of it.
UVA's defense is locked in right now. Give the ball to Luke. Good things generally happens when he creates!

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