I don’t for a second think we will lose this but’s pretty bad right now.
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we need to quit playing down to people. This is about as dumb as it gets!
Same old first half story... Great defense, awful offense. Need a spurt to finish the half here and blow this out of the water in the next 20.
Not looking like the number 1 overall this half.
We are in trouble. Our defensive effort is keeping us in the game....It should be something that has us up by 20, it's been that good.
It'd be nice to see this team set up something in the half court.
A game like this should scare everyone more than playing a good team because you have three guys with their foot out the door to the NBA against an inferior team. I hope K never EVER does the one and done ever again.
A whole lot of stupid in this post.
I’m going to go back to Zion should touch the ball every possession on offense.
Looks like our guys are gonna get what they want. Lots of shots from 3
Bison’s point guard looks like he should be wearing a blouse.
Jesus Cam shoot the ball you had a wide open three..lucky to not drive into another charge
Let’s make a run boys! I don’t want to stress in the second half of a 1 vs 16 game lol
We are so fornuate we are not down 20 points. Remember when we used to kick butt right out of the gate?

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