Our offense is to predictable with a
Will you STFU about Duvall? don't know shit about basketball and you've been on his ass for a he the reason nobody can hit a 3 or a wide open jumper. Good god dude. Lololololo
Because we’ve had so many wide open looks? lmao .do you watch? Obviously K thinks the same if u watch lmao. I know duval is horrible for the #1 pg prior and if you don’t see how he affects this team In huge ways !! You don’t know basketball.
Getting outplayed at home by our rival is embarrassing. This team continues to struggle at the free throw line. For the life of me I will never understand why some of the guys shoot this bad from the free throw line. Bags and Carter have got to go to the rim. These hook shots aren't working.
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You ever stopped and thought he's our only senior? The rest of the guys aren't living up to their hype. It's that simple. He's no point guard. Duval can't shoot, and our other one and dones are non factors. Keep blaming Allen if it makes you feel better. Our 2 stud bigs: 5 total points. 5. Against that front line? 5.
Once again, this is the worst ball movement Duke team I've seen in a while.

Yep I have. And what leadership has he brought tonight? Is he firing up those guys? Is he settling the guys down? Is he keeping the temperament calm? Even at the VERY beginning of the game he was awful. You’re right he’s the only senior there which means he has to step up. He’s making freshman level decisions out there. The freshman are flustered like freshman should be at times. He’s the guy who knows what it takes to get over bad play. He’s not showing them how to do it. Yeah freshman, regardless of how good they are, may suck sometimes because they’re young. That’s why hardened experience leaders are so valuable. But we didn’t have one that first half. And there was absolutely no reason for that
We have to make a run and get the crazies going if we're going to win this game. We're just not playing with a lot of confidence. I was surprised to see Alex pass up that wide open shot on that one turnover.
Other duke teams would have fired away.
Plenty of time to turn this around. Let's steal this one like they did us at Chapel Hill.

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I gave my dog “Duke” a can of wet dog food as a treat during halftime. If he’s pleased he will give us a victory.
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Yep I have. And what leadership has he brought tonight? Is he firing up those guys? Is he settling the guys down? Is he keeping the temperament calm? Even at the VERY beginning of the game he was awful. You’re right he’s the only senior there which means he has to step up. He’s making freshman level decisions out there. The freshman are flustered like freshman should be at times. He’s the guy who knows wh

Who leads the team next year? there is no senior...or junior who has significant time....
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Our offense is to predictable with a

Because we’ve had so many wide open looks? lmao .do you watch? Obviously K thinks the same if u watch lmao. I know duval is horrible for the #1 pg prior and if you don’t see how he affects this team In huge ways !! You don’t know basketball.

So you're saying I think more like K than I do you? Thanks for the compliment dumbass
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We are going to be on the wrong end of a blow out I hate to say. Probably the most infuriating Duke team I've watched ever.
We can harp on our bigs all day. But our offense can’t function until we start hitting some shots. Hitting 60% of our 3’s seems like a fantasy now
Watching this game

Our body language is definitely different this half. Hasn’t resulted in anything good yet but I think if we play angry the whole second half we gonna win.
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I feel bad for the crazies, they got hypothermia for this shit!
I thought this team needed Bagley to win...we don’t...we are worse with a lot...
7.7% from 3....never thought i would see that from a Duke team....we used to live and die by we just pray we can make one!
Not one of Coach Ks better coaching years either ... this team is bad unless their hot an opposing teams cold
Our offense is to predictable with a

Because we’ve had so many wide open looks? lmao .do you watch? Obviously K thinks the same if u watch lmao. I know duval is horrible for the #1 pg prior and if you don’t see how he affects this team In huge ways !! You don’t know basketball.

You’re ridiculous he hasn’t even played much tonight.
Time is now.... the plays we need to make a run are there.... but we’ve pist our pants every damn time!

I had a bad feeling Grayson would struggle on sr night. He’s gonna have to get HOT NOW
UNC has this game if I’m K( which I’m not). I’d start thinking about my team. This is just beyond embarrassing and when a 6’11” forward/C don’t pass the ball off try’s to bring it up against a team that is playing good defense. You got problems and it’s March.

Sorry for your senior night Grayson but this is a high school team just Like Barry said it was a gym

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