We will have to go man if we have any chance of a comeback...need possessions now...
Trent is 2-10 and Allen is 3-9 with 5 turn overs and we still have people blaming duval lol this team looks lethargic I’m not sure how carter couldn’t power through that
That’s just being stupid and irrational. No major D1 team can be successful without guards who can shoot. We haven’t been able to hit a jumper in four games.
We got plenty of them when he was out..every game he hasn’t played we have shot extremely extremely well...truth
Yeah but they’re a better TEAM than Duke.

Totally agree. But we dont recruit teams ,we recruit great players and try to make them play as a team. All star games are a mess for a reason. You need role players, leadership, experience...we get a fresh set every year.
Even if we lose this (and I think we come back) we are still 24-7 with a very young team. We'll probably get a 2 seed and could very well go on a run. It ain't over!!!!!!! Smacks floor.
We need to find the guy who can hit a 10 footer....that shot is killing us on our end, UNC hitting all theirs
Best two minutes they have played all game. Let’s go boys!
Keep grinding we are back within striking distance. Have to stay composed on defense because Carolina does a remarkable job at making the extra passes. We need to also polish up the boards, no extra shots
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Berry is coming back in soon... if I’m K I go at him on offense right away... get him his 4th
Need to keep this crowd in it. Big possession out of the break here
I do think we have to give Duval the ball and get Allen working off least Duval can create and help the bigs...Allen is the only guy that can hit a three right now...and Alex...but he doesn’t play enough...
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