After seeing Grayson walking to the locker room I'm thinking that the fall might've looked worse than it was because even though you could tell that he was walking gingerly, he was waking without any help and even though he was obviously in some pain it didn't seem like he was necessarily in a whole lot of pain
I know we don't know Grayson's condition right now, but this is getting to be completely insane. I've never seen anything like it.
Grayson is getting good looks, and most of his shots have been in line. Hopefully he's alright and the shots start falling in the second half. Great first half from Amile and Chase.
I did see him walk to locker room then he turned around to wait on another coach. I think he hit hard and on his kneecap area looks like and that sends a pain down your leg for couple minutes as we prob all have had this before
Matt & Chase have let their games speak for them to their detractors.
Both teams have had their ups and downs, but Duke is winning, and that's the key stat.
Hope Grayson is okay...we're going to need him.

Ouch DJ stop because u don't agree? He hasn't screwed us up he's played his role and as long as he does that I'm fine with him.. But when he starts his drive crap and air balling threes I'll state the truth.. But so far so good
I jokingly said when Bolden got hurt I hoped we had enough players to finish out the season. Now I'm not joking as I say it again. The basketball gods might be pissed at us it seems.
The refs are ruining this game. For both teams. There is no flow at all and now everyone is scared to make plays offensively. I'm not being a UNC fan by saying this. They are killing both teams and the game as a whole. Gotta start letting them play some
Ouch DJ stop because u don't agree? He hasn't screwed us up he's played his role and as long as he does that I'm fine with him.. But when he starts his drive crap and air balling threes I'll state the truth.. But so far so good

The truth as you see it doesn't make it the truth. Here's the deal, when you say so-and-so "hasn't screwed up yet" it strikes a nerve. It's backhanded and serves no purpose. That's actually the truth.
Ouch DJ stop because u don't agree? He hasn't screwed us up he's played his role and as long as he does that I'm fine with him.. But when he starts his drive crap and air balling threes I'll state the truth.. But so far so good
I'm glad we're keeping this time-honored Duke mb tradition going of having that one poster who picks one player that he rides relentlessly throughout the season :D
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Hey, if Jeter and Jones are stepping up, it's time for some others. I think this means Frank and Luke will make it happen.
I'm glad we're keeping this time-honored Duke mb tradition going of having that one poster who picks one player that he rides relentlessly throughout the season :D
Not riding anyone someone clearly called me out and I responded.
If he suffered even a mcl strain he is out 2 months. IT will be hard very hard to bring 4 people into lineup at different times rest of the year
Let's go Frank any jitters you may have had should be gone and if no Allen it should allow you to do what you do best. Be a scorer!
You were called out because of a stupid, stupid comment. Now quit whining or get lost. It's that easy.
Really? Stupid according to you right? Isn't that how it works? I didn't respond to you because I took what you said and didn't have anything to say back so take that for what it's worth and talk Duke basketball

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