NCST lost to Heels by 57, they are not a good team. Can't sugarcoat home losses.
Yeah but UNC always destroys teams like NC State (and Clemson). We can't look at these teams that UNC beats badly every single season and then use our games against them as an indicator. We've had seasons where we got beat by teams that UNC beat badly and still did well that year overall (and at times beat UNC, too).
It's ok when the blame can clearly be placed on someone's shoulders and everyone except like 2 will admit it
You're starting to sound like your avatar. Not everything can be explained by a hard-line stance. Things don't have to be black and white.
The Thornton transfer is biting more than people thought. Grayson running point throws him off his game. Give the ball to Frank and roll with it. We can't do no worse than we did tonight.
It's ok when the blame can clearly be placed on someone's shoulders and everyone except like 2 will admit it

That's not what you're doing, though. Yes, Tatum stunk down the stretch. But he doesn't stink and he's not worthless for this team. You and anyone else who thinks that is just stupid.

Some of you are so reactionary and say such ridiculous things. There's just no grasp on reality whatsoever.
Blame whoever you want but the simple answer is the only leader this team has is not there and it is a shame Capel, Jefferson Grayson cannot fill the void.
If coach is back and we lose to Pitt or Syracuse, or Miami then I'll be worried.
It's ok when the blame can clearly be placed on someone's shoulders and everyone except like 2 will admit it
Yeah I'm one of the 2. Heck everyone was trashing Bolden just two games ago and Jones the whole season. Who's it gonna be the next game we lose? I always thought you won with five players and not one. I must have not been coached too good growing up.
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That's not what you're doing, though. Yes, Tatum stunk down the stretch. But he doesn't stink and he's not worthless for this team. You and anyone else who thinks that is just stupid.

Some of you are so reactionary and say such ridiculous things. There's just no grasp on reality whatsoever.
Serious question. If a player did stink and was worthless to a Duke team, do you think you would actually admit it?
Maybe not over but getting pretty darn close to it

The degree of difficulty just went up that's for sure. But so much can change so quickly in basketball. Remember the UK team (bunch of 1 & dones) a few years ago that we laughed about during the regular season because they lost a ton of games...but they got it together at the end of the year, and made it to the Final Four. Still time to right the ship, now whether it happens...I don't know, but I do have hope.

The Tatum bashing is straight embarrassing, some of the more embarrassing talk in my DI time. Kid played a really good game, just missed some shots. I calmly told my wife after the turnover, let's see if anybody was open..... After review, not really. Just a dumb dribble, that's all!!!

If we really need to blame somebody or something.... It's K's back, injury after injury or the Grayson trip. Which I really believe had some sort of negative effect full circle.
NCST lost to Heels by 57, they are not a good team. Can't sugarcoat home losses.

GT lost to us by 55 and beat UNC four days prior. In sports, 1+1 isn't always 2, unfortunately.

I agree State isn't good, but they're talented. That's not meant to be an's just the truth. My ultimate fear early in the second half was it being close down the stretch because State had Smith, Jr.
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I'll agree with dukiejay that it's not one coach or player that is causing this it's a combination of things. Last year Grayson had very few games that he didn't hit the big shots. Tatum seems like he is still playing aau ball.
I don't thinke Amile should have played all those minutes. He's definitely not himself. It seemed when Bolden was on the floor we were much better. Not sure why we kept him on bench.
It's a team issue and disappointment. Can't blame it on one person or coach. They just aren't playing good basketball. I don't think there is something they can fix over night. The combination of players don't work well together. Either they are weak defenders or limited offensively. Not having a point guard also is really hurting this team and Allen. He is better working off of the ball.
Tatum isn't the reason we're losing. Capel isn't the reason. Neither are the injuries. There's a lot of the them....but the most obvious is that this team just doesn't mesh well together.

Tonight Tatum was really bad down the stretch. But the moves that got him those shots were outstanding....he just didn't finish. If he makes those first two we probably win by 10.
Serious question. If a player did stink and was worthless to a Duke team, do you think you would actually admit it?

No he wouldn't. Some on here believe if you trash a player you dont support your team but it's not true. That's fine they believe that but they must go through blindly supporting anything and that's a sad thing. And he is trash and anyone can see that. Can he turn it around? Yes he can Matt and bolden we're both trash for the majority of the season now they aren't though. And dukedenver everything is black and white and I'll take sounding like him as a YUGE compliment. And I guess a lot of us are stupid Jay a lot of us
Dukes issue is point guard. Too much experimenting. Got to have guard play in the dance. Some teams mesh but this team is lost. Point guard Point guard Point guard!
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No he wouldn't. Some on here believe if you trash a player you dont support your team but it's not true. That's fine they believe that but they must go through blindly supporting anything and that's a sad thing. And he is trash and anyone can see that. Can he turn it around? Yes he can Matt and bolden we're both trash for the majority of the season now they aren't though. And dukedenver everything is black and white and I'll take sounding like him as a YUGE compliment. And I guess a lot of us are stupid Jay a lot of us

You're not stupid, but you just can't comprehend anything without it specifically being someone's fault. This 'team' just isn't very good. That's the reality. It's not one person.

I'll ask this....would you trash your own kid like that? If not, then why do it to someone else's? You can trash all you want....that's fine. But you look stupid doing it.
Utterly and incredibly disappointing season. Truck loads of talent and we are playing like garbage. Looks like another season with out a regular season ACC crown. So so so disappointing. There are so many problems on this team. Soo many. I don't think this team will get it together.

It's tough to watch this. I love Duke and will still pull for them but man...
Yep. We're all frustrated, but being a fan is accepting that the sun doesn't always shine on the same dog's azz all the time (same thing as life). Don't have to like it, but have to learn to put it in perspective.

Completely agree OAD! It is what it is! Onto the next one. I still love my Blue Devils no matter what. The only thing that I will say is that it stinks to play one good half of basketball, then flatten another half and squander away a lead and that's kind of been my pet peeve with Duke. I remember saying it last year, that there were so many times Duke was up then blew the lead and either lost or had to fight to win. The ND game last year in the ACC tournament is a perfect example! That is the most frustrating and u can't just pin that on one player. It takes a team effort to win and takes a team effort to lose.
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No he wouldn't. Some on here believe if you trash a player you dont support your team but it's not true. That's fine they believe that but they must go through blindly supporting anything and that's a sad thing. And he is trash and anyone can see that. Can he turn it around? Yes he can Matt and bolden we're both trash for the majority of the season now they aren't though. And dukedenver everything is black and white and I'll take sounding like him as a YUGE compliment. And I guess a lot of us are stupid Jay a lot of us
Some fans on this board are blindly loyal. Its admirable at some level but I just am not built that way. You have to be able to call a spade a spade.

Realizing that some fans will defend any and every player on this team even if we were to go 0-30 gave me a new perspective. Thats just how some people are.
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You're not stupid, but you just can't comprehend anything without it specifically being someone's fault. This 'team' just isn't very good. That's the reality. It's not one person.

I'll ask this....would you trash your own kid like that? If not, then why do it to someone else's? You can trash all you want....that's fine. But you look stupid doing it.

The key word team. We are not a team and that's the issue.
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OK, this is crazy talk. You're upset, but c'mon. Reel it in. He's NBA bound and will eventually be pretty good. River and Jabari had similar performances, and they're drawing big checks still. It isn't good news for us however.
Maybe a little crazy talk but a wide open drive x2 and you miss!?!? I mean if it was contested maybe but good grief. If he had t played terrible in the past it wouldn't be that bad. I realize I may eat my words when he drains the 3 to win it against UNC in CH but for now, he's just terrible.
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Hi, I am excited to actually post. I have been following for years, but finally decided to put in my two cents. I may get killed for stating what has already been said a couple different times, but this team is much, much better w/Grayson coming off the bench and used in situational bursts. We simply cannot have him and Luke in the game at the same time. I personally feel that Luke is more of an offensive threat than Grayson and many have called for Tatum's head, but I think a few people are missing the chemistry issues when Grayson is on the floor.
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Some of you all really need to take a step back
Some fans on this board are blindly loyal. Its admirable at some level but I just am not built that way. You have to be able to call a spade a spade.

Realizing that some fans will defend any and every player on this team even if we were to go 0-30 gave me a new perspective. Thats just how some people are.

I'm not being blindly loyal. I'm just not saying someone 'sucks' and that pisses you off.

How much more clear do I have to be? Tell me.

I've said this 'team' isn't good. I've said Matt wasn't playing well earlier in the year, but I prefaced it by saying that didn't define him. I've said we miss K. I've said Grayson's antics have pissed me off.

What I haven't done is put the blame all on one person. Like I said, Tatum was awful down the stretch....but he was great the first 30 minutes. Good teams find ways to win despite players having off nights. Grayson was awful tonight too....but we didn't lose because of him, either.

So I ask again....what do you want? Am I not being reactionary enough? Do I need to complain and whine more. Please tell me.

Edit....sorry Mpm....didn't mean to quote you. Just thought I liked your post.
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I feel as if I'm one of those fans that people think support everything K does or that every player is off limits, but I felt like Grayson sucked tonight. That said, it ain't all on one player. Our defense or lack of is the biggest problem.
@dukiejay i agree we aren't a team and that's the problem but I'm laying the blame where I believe it is currently deserved. As for my kid no
I wouldn't tell them they suck but if they played that sort of selfish ball we'd have some serious discussion about it
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Hi, I am excited to actually post. I have been following for years, but finally decided to put in my two cents. I may get killed for stating what has already been said a couple different times, but this team is much, much better w/Grayson coming off the bench and used in situational bursts. We simply cannot have him and Luke in the game at the same time. I personally feel that Luke is more of an offensive threat than Grayson and many have called for Tatum's head, but I think a few people are missing the chemistry issues when Grayson is on the floor.

Welcome to the board. Have fun. OFC
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They should be ran, until half the team has lower leg injuries!
I feel as if I'm one of those fans that people think support everything K does or that every player is off limits, but I felt like Grayson sucked tonight. That said, it ain't all on one player. Our defense or lack of is the biggest problem.

Allen sucked tonight as well. Not sure he should have taken that many shots with an injured finger. I'm not on the boat that he should be benched though. I still think he's the most capable at running an offense. My god...He had 18 assists in the wins vs. GA Tech and BC. Something has changed since those games. Also Luke has to take more than 9 shots a game.
Dukes issue is point guard. Too much experimenting. Got to have guard play in the dance. Some teams mesh but this team is lost. Point guard Point guard Point guard!

Welcome to the board. Have fun. OFC
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You have to remember OADs are a gamble just a few seasons ago Kentucky had the greatest class ever started ranked 1 and I believe they won the NIT title that year. Sometimes all that talent does not gel. Look at the talent UK and Duke have has since all these OADs started and they have only 2 titles between the both.

That wasn't one of the better UK classes and they didn't win the NIT.
Jayson's been auditioning for the pros since he came back from injury, its plain as day. I am not here to rip him, he's been playing better of late, but I had expectations from all the hype of a more Grant Hill type, who made EVERYONE AROUND HIM BETTER.

Win as team and lose as team though and there was plenty of blame to go around tonite. Amile looked like a kid amongst men, he must not be 100%, but Kapita and Abu were way too much for him.

Grayson didnt shoot it well and seems to struggle at FT line now.Key stretch late Matt missing three and ole D on Smith at other end for layup....

Jeff Capel the "novelty" of the 2nd half Miami Vice lineup has worn off...Cant have LUKE AND GRAYSON sitting. K's successor search is suddenly once again wide open.. This team has to learn to play like losing is not an option...Thats the way Cook, Tyus, and those '15 guys played!!!

Never thought I would say this im my lifetime, but Duke is playing AAU BALL...

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