You lie. You'll get your hopes up in the second half.
Well, I've stopped watching already, I've had a great day. I can't end it being pissed watching a basketball game. To many other this I can be doin.
We are hard to guard if you have to account for both Allen and Kennard...right now you only have to account for one...
Drive for show but putt for dough in golf.....same in for show but its defense for dough...maybe we need to look past the stats of recruits and get back to finding the ones with the fire and desire, the non statistical factors that make players rise up when challenged. It looks like we missed that on this class on evidence so far. All hopes that it will get better are starting to look like desperate optimism at this stage in the season
When Allen, Kennard, Jefferson, and Jones shoot 3 for 17 we are gonna struggle. I never thought we'd look this bad. We've been blaming the freshmen the all year, but the veterans are the one that's killing us tonight.
1 assist.

And for those who are saying we need Coach K, remember he was on the bench when we got smoked by VT and barely beat Tenn St and Elon. If Coach K was on the bench we would still be 0-8 from three and probably losing by double figures.

It's the same people who were saying we just need Amile, or we we just need Giles, or we just Bolden, etc. No more excuses. We are a bad team. We probably have the most talent on paper, but we suck.
1 assist.

And for those who are saying we need Coach K, remember he was on the bench when we got smoked by VT and barely beat Tenn St and Elon. If Coach K was on the bench we would still be 0-8 from three and probably losing by double figures.

It's the same people who were saying we just need Amile, or we we just need Giles, or we just Bolden, etc. No more excuses. We are a bad team. We probably have the most talent on paper, but we suck.

Smh Damn, this is harder to swallow than strep throat
Keep your cool, Miami is on fire and Duke should make some adjustments. Just need to rebound and it will be a different story.

Duke will win this game, they should be down 30, a couple plays here and there and this thing turns to Dukes favor.

Have faith!
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Stop running sets. Just run. Play 4 out, 1 in and tell Grayson and Jackson to drive and either finish or pass it out. Full court press. Play basketball. Let the talent take over instead of trying to fit a system. Make it a street game.
Perhaps the most disappointing aspect of this game is that Duke had an entire week to do a re-boot for the season. It was the perfect time to reset the year and start from zero. We had a home game against a tough team and we had a chance to practice and be super focused.

Instead, we come out with ... nothing. I just don't know what to say. The most disappointing Duke team that I can remember at this point. We are going to get crushed by teams better than this.

Maybe we can recover but it would be the most miraculous season recovery I've ever seen if we did.
Not pissed, not even surprised... Just disappointed. The team just isn't a usual, cohesive Duke TEAM. Still have faith but damn...
That missed layup by Grayson to start the game set the tone the wrong way. I wish he would have slammed the piss out of it and got the team riled up.
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Not having a lead guard hurts. Having all of these finesse players who haven't been interested in playing consistent defense is worse. I would love to see these players be consistent on the boards, in transition, at the line, whatever. Miami is just out-working Duke, and it is painful to even write that! This group simply does not fit well together.
1 Assist, ZERO - 3's in the first half. I can't remember the last time I've seen Duke play this poorly. All one on one BB.
Perhaps the most disappointing aspect of this game is that Duke had an entire week to do a re-boot for the season.

We do bad like this every time, every season when we have one week breaks. They kill us nearly every single time for the past few seasons.
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This lineup to start the half was a little mind boggling but so far so good...

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