
Oct 7, 2004
Winfield, KS
We need a win. Period. I don't know what else to say - just win baby.

Tonight's game is slated for an 8:15pm est tip and will air on ESPNHD.

I think the rest helps and we get a hard-fought W.

Duke 76

Miami 69

GO DUKE!!!!!!
Its almost a must win game for us and I think we'll win 80 to 70.
Duke will win because they are at home but a loss would devastate this young group.

Duke wins
Definitely a must win today, we should pull it out but by less then 10 points.

Any word on Amile's status?

Any word if the crazies are going to do some sort of protest during espn game day? I hope so...
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Definite must win for us tonight. Have to win and win big. Play together as a team and for the love of Blueberry Cereal play some Defense!!!!!!

Duke - 76
Miami - 60
Normally this game feels like a blowout of epic proportions--kinda like the ND home game in 2015. But Larranaga will exploit our weaknesses. I hope we pack the paint with good helpside D because I expect Miami to drive it inside a lot today. I do think we maintain around an 8 point lead most of the game and finish strong.
Bilas interviewed a few of the crazies and they had a chance to react to the espn hate coverage and basically copped out. Disappointed but I'm sure they were told beforehand not to be too critical. No mention of Michelle Beadle either.
Typically I don't like when we've had a long break, but we're at home and all our guys know it's time to get it together. Just win.
Need to take advantage of these next two games at home and get a big W and hope the crazies give a big unwelcome BOOOOO to ESPN! Duke wins!

Duke: 85
Miami: 76

Let's Go Duke!!
I wish they would definitely have some sort of sign for michelle beadle
I'm not sure what to expect. Back to back losses, and another week off before this game. I'm hoping they're able to pull themselves together, and respond to the task at hand. Miami won't roll over for us.
Go Duke!

Duke 75
Miami 70

Not only need a win, but a good looking team win at that. Get Luke the ball please!!!

Duke - 85
Miami - 77
I missed the discord with her. Can someone please tell me what she said?

She, among other reporters, stated she really wanted to see Grayson get knocked out by someone to teach him a lesson. And really hung on to that phrase for a long time. ESPN apologized for her.

She's been a pot stirrer her whole career. Calls out colleagues behind their backs, makes disparaging statements on her horrible show with Marcellus Wiley, etc.

The Aaron Rodgers and Clay Matthews stems from some comments she supposedly made at a post super bowl party, and supposedly goes back to when Rodgers was in college and she was a beat reporter. Use your imagination there.

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