I don't see Duke losing this one. They just can't. I don't know that they blow the roof off CIS though. I thought they would with the week long break but the spread makes me think otherwise. Duke is 9.5 point favorite but over 80%(at my sports book) of the dollars have been on Duke. I'd say Duke by less than 10.

I will say that in this scenario, after losing B2B games, that everyone in the world knows or at least expects Duke to bounce back so naturally most of the bets are on Duke.
I also really enjoy watching Giles rebound.
Tatum does not do much well, IYAM. Most underwhelmed I've been by a stud freshman in quite some time.
hard to see what we are trying to do at the O end....just seems like there is no plan. Taking bad shots too
Can we please run through an offensive set? All the way through? We are so eager to fire something up we are taking tough shot after tough shot
No movement on O, tough shots, no offensive rebounding. Not a good combo. Good energy. Don't need Miami getting good bounces I know that
I saw a lot of energy @ Louisville. I saw a lot of guys bouncing around. I see very little of that tonight
We're not playing with any confidence. It needs to change, if we're going to get a W.

a great Defensive set with a 2-3 then we go back to man to why?
Gotta correct one area and it kinda slacks another but we look better.
Think we'll see a reply, since the guy stumbled smacking Grayson in the face?
Let's try throwing it down low and letting Bolden or Jefferson try to create.

On a side note, I see nothing out of Giles offensively, nothing. Will it ever come?

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