good job they cant score and are turning the ball over or we would be down double digits
When you have an boyband haircut, you must keep it out of you're eye while playing bball.
we are defending would look much better if we could score..

Grayson Allen as our PG is a fail...
No reason not to have Grayson and Kennard on wings..
Jackson, Kennard,Allen, Jefferson and Giles it's not complicated..
Capel is dealing with a very tough assignment right now but he looks lost on the bench
Don't really know what to even say. Hope we get it together and gut out a win. This team needs some positive energy and momentum. We look lost.
I don't know if I can take this tonight. It's not healthy at this point. I would have put my house, cars, and business on Duke being a well oiled machine.
Sorry folks but we are just a BAD basketball team period

And as a poster said....Grayson at PG is a failure....give it to Frank and see what happens

It can't get any worse can it
its basic stuff that we just cant do....even D3 players know to block out and help defensively - this team is just lost on BOTH ends.
A lot of people have been blaming the young guys for our troubles but Matt Jones is not good at anything and Kennard is awful on defense
Until we get pissed off and fight back rather than feeling sorry for ourselves this is going to continue. Where is the fight where is the pride. Finger pointing central
This team will be lucky to finish 500 in league play. They've shown no growth. If I have to here a commentator say one more time that the opposing team is getting into the lane at will I'm going vomit.
We're just a high energy, flashy timely run away from being a team with some Fing attitude. Hopeful it's tonight and soon
I've said it for two weeks...Allen shouldn't be PG its Frank Jackson...but I guess we didn't like winning....
Coach K was at most the practices this week.

This team is overrated and Jay Wills comments were dead on!
I don't think this team will ever figure it out. Just bad team makeup and missing Coach K is killing us. Don't think Capel is the answer as coach. They just don't play well together.
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