These players are about to get lit up at half. That was a half to remember for all the wrong reasons.
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Well that was embarrassing lol

I’m serious. Time to sit Alex. He’s a massive liability tonight.

Adjust and come out swinging.
Clemson's dead serious about winning this game. OFC
That was about our worst first half of the season by far. We need to turn this around quickly to start the 2nd half or we are in trouble!!!
If Alex had done anything Duke would be up. He has been used on defense and missed two layups. I guess it's easier to hit shots when you're up thirty.
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It’s frustrating watching want him to do well, but there is only so long you can keep him in.

This is up there with our first loss as worst defensive performance of the year so’s pretty bad

He's really had the chance to score some points tonight. He's got to figure it out. OFC
I’m usually never negative about Duke players but AOC is awful. He played so bad that half.
I wonder watch Coach K is telling the team right now. OFC
Quit turning it over and quit giving up some many layups. We should be down 25.

K will get them sorted out.
I think K gives Alex one more shot in the second half and if it's the same result as the first half he'll plant his butt on the pine for the rest of the game. Hurt was missing in action the first half as well.
I know some of you love Alex and think every game he will break out but this dude plain out isn't very good game a year and many many bad ones...please get back soon Joey and Moore
Hurt should score 25 on this team.
How can rhe defense give up 40 pts to a horrible offensive team?
Guess the boys have been reading too many papers thinking they are the best in the country.
Really missing Moore on D I think. Would love to see us go small to defend but we can’t.

Lots of game left. Down 7. Not a big deal.

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