He has been terrible tonight..and he does not shoot because he can't shoot.

He has made some big shots all year. Oregon is a tall athletic team and it's obviously bothering everyone but Brandon. Sorry man, I just don't agree with the "it's Derryck's fault" sentiment. I just don't.
I think we are a) an immature team (with four freshmen); b) a team that never was able to mesh talent wise - they just haven't been able to figure out how to play as a team (offensively or defensively); and c) playing a really great "team" that is smart and athletic and can play some very good basketball.
I swear they picked up their point guard last night at the hotel but we are making look like Robby Benson from One on One. I feel like a red hot poker is being shoved up my arse watching this.
Derryck's stupid missed layup took this from what coulda been Duke down by 6/7 to down big. Stupid mistake. Hopefully he gets that worked out in summer. Kid has decent handles but passes and shooting is subpar

Very big play, no doubt. He missed an open layup, which was followed immediately by a dunk on the other that got the lead back to double digits in seconds.
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Derryck's stupid missed layup took this from what coulda been Duke down by 6/7 to down big. Stupid mistake. Hopefully he gets that worked out in summer. Kid has decent handles but passes and shooting is subpar

If you think a missed layup was this team's undoing tonight then I don't even know how to respond. This game was over five minutes into the second half.
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It's funny, the guys are blaming each other on the floor for miscues much like our fans. Frustration brings out the demons in us all.
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Matt Jones lololol. That is the exact reason his percentage from 3 is so high. He only hits 3s when we dont need them.
I have no issue with you pigsah, but why?

Awful decisions! Dribbles off his foot then drives when we coulda cut the game to 6 or 7. Pull-up 3 with 4 better options on the floor. I don't trust him with the ball ever.. Literally ever
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I'm not blaming the season on DT, but he did frustrate me a lot. He will need serious improvement to start next season in my eyes. I like the kid a lot.
If you think a missed layup was this team's undoing tonight then I don't even know how to respond. This game was over five minutes into the second half.
I'm not saying that at all. I'm saying that stupid missed open layup which woulda cut the lead to 2 possessions lead to Oregon scoring and made it a double digit lead.
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I don't think Thornton is the reason we lost..just that a good PG could have controlled this game.

He may be one someday..but he's not close to one now.
Oregon is better than we are but that's not saying much. They have little chance of winning it all and will be underdog vs OU.
If you think a missed layup was this team's undoing tonight then I don't even know how to respond. This game was over five minutes into the second half.

It wasn't the undoing by any means. But, if you think such a play was insignificant (that in combo with the bad 3 by Grayson) then you're not aware of momentum and belief as well as fear in college basketball. See Northern Iowa - A&M.

A team can be completely outplayed the entire game (as Northern Iowa did against A&M), but if they keep it close enough or hit some big buckets they can get close enough and steal a game.

Even at the 1:13 mark if Ingram makes that 3 - we're only down 7. Even being completely out-played.
If you think a missed layup was this team's undoing tonight then I don't even know how to respond. This game was over five minutes into the second half.

He didn't say it was but you have to be delusional to not think that was a dumb decision that if we coulda got points there possible changes the game
Plumlee with his 3rd board.

More of a problem than Matt Jones.

If we could just take a damn step back and look at what is happening, a superior 1 seed is beating the 4 seed. They are a better team, plain and simple. This is not this team's year and if our guys are so awful as some of you claim they are, then I guess the fact that Duke was able to even field a team, let alone win a game and God forbid make the tournament and get to the Sweet Sixteen is a freakin miracle...I guess.
He didn't say it was but you have to be delusional to not think that was a dumb decision that if we coulda got points there possible changes the game

Making lay ups isn't a decision, it's an act of God. Lol.
I'm not going to sit here and bash the players at all! Does it suck to lose, of course it does! But I believe there was a time this season where there was a panic button that was going off and we weren't going to make the tournament! I'll take a sweet 16 appearance after all this team has been through this season. You lose 4 of your 5 starters from last year and then your only returning stater gets hurt and is out for the year. There are a lot of other teams that would love to be in our position right now! Oregon was the better team, they wanted it more! Tip your hat to them and move on!
Dukehokie, I appreciate your view on things. We have a bunch of front runner fans on here tonight. I'm proud of these kids with all the adversity they have overcome this season. Just wasn't our night. Gonna hug my wife and sleep good tonight. God is good as one of our poster said a time ago.
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the last 2 mins of the first half and the first 2 of the second were the momentum shifters that pushed the lead to double digits - if we could have stayed close then who knows....but that little burst hurt us big time

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