Don’t foul Orangemen, they are naturally good at freethrows.
Reaper does not want to give that ball up ever again.
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Didn’t girard just get a shooting foul for that?
8 and a half minutes left and Syracuse with 23 free throws. Wonder what the chance is of them reaching 35 plus?
Just make sure if you’re gonna put yours on the wall like we did you phone a friend or two. That SOB is heavy!!
Just ordered an 82” Samsung. Hope what I have lasts til it arrives. Now I have two “spotlights” on the tv.
Joe Girard III looks like he could be on the verge of getting a technical because I’ve seen him put his hands over his mouth out of frustration at least 2-3 out of times in the last few minutes or so
I like driving into the zone to have it collapse but some possessions we are taking it a little too deep (that’s what she said)
That was a big three by Hurt. With the Orange getting hot from outside, we have got to score!!!
We have had some bad turnovers that have led to some 3s that are keeping them in this game.
Win this next 4 min stretch to keep it in double figures going into the under 4 tv timeout here boys
Syracuse should stop trying to get offensive rebounds. Carey ain't gonna let it happen.
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Wtf!! That is so weak compared to the contact on the last two trips for duke!
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That Dolecja is very annoying with his flailing and throwing himself into defenders and acting like he's getting killed