Great ending to the half... this is the Javin and Alex we need for the rest of the season... just quit fouling so much Javin
If Moore and Stanley can consistently hit from deep, we're gonna be tough to beat going forward.
Carey just got a tech. Dammit.

I feel like guys do that to us all the time and never get called. And Anderson agrees.
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Did Vernon Carey get a tech for walking backwards or for yelling wtf
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How did Cassius do that? He is fun to watch.
Looking to see Tre take leadership and bring this one home. He’s been quiet. Let’s go Duke.
So if that’s a tech, then there should be technicals all over the place every game. That stuff happens all the time!

I agree. Very unlike Vernon but it's a rule and if the officials ate gonna call it call it consistantly and against all teams. Both our bigs in foul trouble. May have to see Robby in for a few minutes. He might block some of those inside shots. OFC

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