Get Cam and RJ attacking the basket, AOC hanging on the perimeter. Keep fighting fellas.
Hell yeah!!! Our guys are fighting...Javin getting killed and still battling...and the reaper with +1 on a made 3!!!

What in the world did you expect him to do? Drop 20 in the first half? There is not a big enough sample size to even comment on it IMO. First half of college basketball he has played and its an ACC road game that is the biggest crowd EVER at that. Can we give him maybe a full game before criticizing him?

Tiny sample, I agree. I said that he deserved a chance to play more minutes before we pass judgement. Didn’t I? Didn’t “criticize him” just noted his actions so far in a quick first impression.
If Alex will work to get open, and "K" can set something up for him, + Cam can find his range, we go a shot! Stay hungry RJ.
Go Duke!
There was absolutely nothing intentional in that. He wasn't even looking in the right direction.
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AOC!!!!!! I’m loving it. I’ve been stuck on the fact that this kid needs minutes. I know he’s capable of blowing a defensive possession here and there but his shooting ability makes him worth the risk IMO.
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Man, I don't have a problem with them being on the FT line.
Javin has his limitations but I feel like I at least see a captain on the floor. He’s playing with guts and I’ll take it.

Huge limitations. But he’s playing hard as heck with Zion our. This may be good for team development going forward honestly. We need more guys to be a threat. It makes us way more deadly. I’m scratching my head at his misses tonight like how but I love what we’ve seen tonight
We didn’t score on that possession but I loved the mobement

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