More good D from Javin. Big game for our role players.
Tough foul on Javin. Went hard for it. I can't fault him for that.
I know Jack White has had a tough stretch lately and K is sending a message but I feel bad that he’s sitting...just need him to get back in his lane because we’re going to need him down the stretch...
How many blocks does Javin have credit for?
Is it just me, or is anyone else really not worried about this game? I know the score is super close, but I can't shake this feeling of "we're gonna win no matter what". Maybe it's cause Syracuse really doesn't have one guy who can take over whenever. If it's close at the end, it favors us. Whatever it is, I'm just not worried at all.
Let’s not forget about Battle...he has the ability to take over!
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So pretty much no Bolden and White for the game. Message sent, I wonder if it'll be received.

I don't get the Bolden part. I thought he was playing well lately and showing a lot of effort. I have to think it's something else with him.

Also, I'm thinking it's not a real "message" to Jack. It hasn't been lack of work ethic. Sometimes a break can help. I feel like the message sent stuff seems harsh.
does he put his jacket back on, just in case he needs to run out of it later?
Bilas is really magnifying the calls that go for duke huh? Doesn’t seem to do it against teams duke plays
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I love Jack White but I got no problem with him sitting for the duration of this one. Dudes got to find his shot for games at this level.
Has bilas ever criticized the refs in Dukes favor? Curious lol I he does it all game every game and Ibeen never heard it.
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