Our rebounding and quickness to the ball sucks ass tonight.
Is it just me, or is anyone else really not worried about this game? I know the score is super close, but I can't shake this feeling of "we're gonna win no matter what". Maybe it's cause Syracuse really doesn't have one guy who can take over whenever. If it's close at the end, it favors us. Whatever it is, I'm just not worried at all.
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Attack Chukwu.. I get they play in zone but I would attack him every time to get his 4th and 5th foul
Holy moly, we can't keep them off the offensive boards. We'd have a double digit lead if we could just get a few of those.

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RJ got to the spot. Pass needed to be better.
I really hope this gets Alex going the rest of the season.
Alex needed this game. In other news if Zion gets you in a headlock you will never get out of it.
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It's kinda amusing that the slim reaper is finding his groove here. I always thought that conventional wisdom was that shooting in a dome like this is tougher.

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