Too many Duke downers on this board for me right now. We care gonna win. OFC

Yeah, you would think we are down 15 to a crappy team. We're on the road against an excellent team, a record crowd, we're missing Zion and having to juggle combinations to try to find a consistent effort...and we're still hanging in there. Doing pretty good in my mind (except of course the 3 point shooting).

He hasn’t played all year, since the redshirt is burned he deserves to make his case for playing time. Deserves the chance for judgement to be delayed... I’m rooting for him. But if your first impression of him in this half so far is positive, I’d like to know what you saw.
What in the world did you expect him to do? Drop 20 in the first half? There is not a big enough sample size to even comment on it IMO. First half of college basketball he has played and its an ACC road game that is the biggest crowd EVER at that. Can we give him maybe a full game before criticizing him?
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Baker can't just start out playing 20 minutes. He needs to be eased in. I wish it were sooner in the season, but who knew our 3 point shooting would remain this poor? I like it.
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Kentucky has progressed, Carolina had progressed, and we have not. We are a 2 man show and one of the 2 is out right now. Unless we start knocking down shots we are at best a Sweet 16 team.
The part about the holes and uk is what has us more disturbed. They are getting better, we aren’t.
We are legit with Zion, he’s that good. The problem is, like you said, where does any consistent scoring come from other than Zion and RJ.
Smart. Get our mid range shooters into mid range positions.
Too many Duke downers on this board for me right now. We care gonna win. OFC

We are fans discussing the game... Not motivational speakers in the locker room with them. I don’t think anyone is being a downer, just rather frustrated with the excessive 3PT attempts. Outside of RJ’s offense and Javin’s defense, there isn’t much to brag about right now.
Any game we win without Zion is a bonus. The big picture is getting him back healthy. Losing games sucks, none of us wants to see that. But I am not letting a poor performance or a loss change how I feel about this team at full strength.
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For as well as Javin has played this game, his fg% 2 feet within the basket is still too low. He should be finishing everytime he gets there.

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