Are we playing 4 on 5, they have a guy wide open in the middle, every time down the floor.
I am sure I will take a ton of heat for this but I do not see what all they hype was surrounding Ingram.
I maybe wrong in the end and I hope I am but I am not impressed.
Jefferson and Plum have no excuse. Win or lose tonight they have some owning up to do. Their post defense and rebounding positioning has been horrid!!!!
Brandon has been invited to my home for Thanksgiving....he needs some weight
The good thing is, so much of this teams problems are mistakes (passing, defensive assignments, FT's, etc.)... And those things can be fixed.. We have shooters, we have scorers, we have defenders, we have size/length, we have athletes.. We just have to get them all on the same page and knowing their roles.
Starting to show a bit of confidence and energy.
Well, they all of a sudden look like they wanna win. That's a good thing.
The key to this spurt is the energy on the defensive end has increased and of course we are knocking down shots
We're showing hustle. Keep it up fellas.
Great to see emotion and passion. Isn't Duke basketball without it!

Things aren't coming natural for Ingram yet... He'll get it
Way to many points left at the line but a win is a win on to the next game.
If we hang on, I'm impressed. Could have folded when we went down by 7, but we didn't.

If we make some free throws we win by plenty.

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