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Kids are really gutting it out, I like where we are. If we can keep RJ from fouling out, and Cam can continue, with help from Alex or Tre, we've got a shot at this.
The rest of the BB world better hope that Duke doesn't pull this on out! Alex needs to relax and let the game come to him, somebody else needs to step up. The "D" can win this for us in the 2nd half. Hang in there Folks.
Go Duke!
Javin, Tre, and Cam have played their tails off. Barrett got us going, he's just got to play smarter and stay on the court this second half. Alex and or Jack have to knock down some shots. Rebound and limit their transition baskets and we got this.
Rj need to really play smart this second half. K has to enforce Williams is flopping at every opportunity. I would like to see K get a teck for some of the no calls against Duke. Tre has been assaulted a few times and no whistle. Keep fighting fellows!
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If we keep the same intensity the 2nd half, I like our chances. Hopefully Cam’s hand stays hot and everyone continues to play the way they have been.

See y’all post game. - Let’s go!!! :D
Love how our guys are playing! We need AOC and Jack to hit some shots. Hope Ques is ok.

Holes are in trouble with we get the big man back.
The guys are giving it all. It’s like they finally realize Zion isn’t coming back.

I’ll show myself to the door.
We are playing great without our two best inside players. The refs have had a bad game.

Yet, all those guys can talk about is how great Kenny Williams and other UNC players are. Seriously?

We have to have another great half and hope for some better calls to go our way, but I cannot abide this ESPN-UNC network. Can't wait for the NCAAs when they have zero voice.
I'd take the same out of Tre and Jav....1 3 a piece from AOC and Jack...becuase RJ is going to score more this half....rebounding has been ok but still given up layups and drives too easily
Guys, if things start going south, please understand the situation at hand lol. I expect the cheats to go on some sort of run, Duke just has to weather it and get some more help. Jack is not even looking to shoot.
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Tipping it and knocking down cam, for a wide open three. Cool.
I mean how do you come out that flat in a game against your rival. I just don't get it. They are hitting some tough shots, but come on Duke.
The stage is just too big for Jack and Alex right now. Somebody else has to step up and do something! If you scared to shoot, at least play some tough defense.
didntbring our defensive intensity out of the locker room....second chance points and not moving with shooters costing us
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