I think we can stop worrying about being the best team in the country or ACC right now. Still a bunch of work to do.
Exactly. They needed this loss as well as this board. Started smelling ourselves. Crazy year in college basketball that will and has involved Duke as well.
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The scary thing is Clemson was terrible at the line tonight. That was humbling. I hope they learned from it
Plenty of work to do but with our full team we are the best, although that doesn't mean we couldn't lose

I disagree - Baylor has 4 guards that would spread and shred Duke. FSU will likely be better than Duke as well but at least we get them at home. Time will tell.
Let’s analyze what went wrong, let’s learn from it. But when we wake up tomorrow, we’ll still be in first place in the ACC and we’ll still be a top 5 team if we take care of business this weekend. This is a learning tool for a team that certainly doesn’t have it all figured out yet.
Their players were just hot. Taking and making bad/contested shots. That’s all it came down to in the end. Both teams sucked from the line. Depth is our strength. We need to continue rotating ppl in these conference games no matter what. They need to know how to play and contribute in close games. Vernon missed some bunnies that he was making before too
We also learned tonight that our bench is not what we thought without Joey and Wendell.
Clemson missed just as many free throws....

I’ll live with it. Good growing experience. Missed Wendell and Joey. Just get healthy and get some rest.

I’m bummed it happened on ESPN so the whole world could watch. Wish that one was ACC+ lol
When we retook the lead in the second half, Carey missed like 5 fts in a row that would have extended lead. Clemson made a 3, tied it back up and the crowd and team got back in it. That completely changed the final 8 minutes. I think he makes just 3 of those and we win.

Yeah, we let them off the ropes there. As you said, make a few and I believe the flow of the game would have been different.

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Recorded the game but rather not watch it.
Why did Hurt only take 1 shot? Was he injured?
We did miss Moore and Baker but we missed AOC. Javin and Matthew would were there and played. They might as well stayed home. Give Clemson credit though . They whipped our butts. We can analyze all we want too but we were just out played. Clemson wanted this game. It really doesn't matter how far we fall on the polls come Monday. We have a big game on Saturday with UL coming in and still smarting from that whipping we gave them last year. We need to be ready.
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We also learned tonight that our bench is not what we thought without Joey and Wendell.

Yep. Especially against the 5 out. Eight was not necessarily enough in this matchup. But other things than depth doomed us

Turnovers and free throws would be the first place I’d start.

Then I’d look at Vern and Matt on D. The 5 out hurt us.
I blame this loss on UNC because this is the first time that Clemson has beaten both of us back to back since 1990 lol. On a serious note, we just played bad tonight. Too many missed free throws and too many careless turnovers, some were caused by Clemson’s defense but some were unforced and Clemson played pretty good tonight.. We’ll rebound from this loss and we’ve still got a damn good team this year, especially once Moore and Baker return.
We did miss Moore and Baker but we missed AOC. Javin and Matthew would were there and played. They might as well stayed home. Give Clemson credit though . They whipped our butts. We can analyze all we want too but we were just out played. Clemson wanted this game. It really doesn't matter how far we fall on the polls come Monday. We have a big game on Saturday ad UL are coming in thinking of a win a them a whipping we gave them last year at their place. We need to be resdy. OFC

I agree, Sky. Sometimes we act like there isn't a group on the other side competing. Clemson deserved the win, and Duke will bounce back.

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