
Oct 7, 2004
Winfield, KS
Back at it again tomorrow after a rough outing in Tuesday's Champions Classic matchup against UK.

We still have a gaping hole at PG and although Thornton has shown flashes of what's to come, he's not ready to lead this team just yet. I do like his game, however, and what the future holds with the kid at the helm.

I'm certainly not cashing in this season - not by a LONG shot - (so don't take this comment out of context) but it's hard not to look more at what Duke will be next year then what it is going to be this year. I'm trying to hang my hat right now on how much fun it will be to see where Coach K has this team towards the end of the year. I have no doubt it'll be a much better oiled machine by March.

Enough of my early season eval - on to the game.

This is the same old VCU team we've grown used to under a new Head Coach - but the apple didn't fall far from the tree. Coach Wade blossomed under Shaka Smart and was named the coach in April after Smarts' departure to Texas. It still plays the same style, it still recruits the same personnel and I expect its defensive pressure to be just as intense as it was the last time we faced the Rams(and won) in the Battle for Atlantis in 2012.

Right now Duke is a 10 point favorite and I think that's about right. It'll be a hard fought battle but we find our winning ways and go to 3-1 on the season.

The game is slated for a 7:30pm est. tip and will air on ESPN2.

Duke 76

VCU 67

GO DUKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hopefully a better shooting performance and get the away from home jitters out early. GO DUKE.

VCU 68
That defense they play is legit and might be tough on us for the better part of the game...
US -71
Them- 66

Hope its not that close but as stated previously "them" are known for playing hard nose defense, but I expect K will have "US" prepared and we pull off the W.

I live here in Richmond and this is a big game for VCU.

We could have some legitimate problems turning the ball over tonight.

I anticipate a close game with Duke pulling away late. But I think it's going to be tougher than expected.

Duke 75
VCU 68
I think we win, but not until after VCU gives us some heartburn.

Duke 74
VCU 68
I believe in Derryck! Haha. He can't do it alone though. After VCU and Eric Maynor spiked us and we got hit by a few good, pressing Clemson teams, K has devised a decent press break. I use it for my teams on occasion. I think we can handle their press. We will have a few turnovers early though. The key is attitude. We need a winner's attitude tonight from someone on the perimeter.

Duke - 70
VCU - 68
Our lack of PG play could kill us against the full court press. A little worried

They play more extended-halfcourt zone these days, with a press mixed in. Ingram's passes have been pretty weak, so he needs to tighten it up. I say let Thornton dribble through on his own, then let Matt spell him and initiate the break.
I just want to see if what was discussed in practice this week comes out on the court tonight, adjustments. I know K's #1 topic was turnovers. They killed us. We need to see a little more fire from Ingram as well. I'm thinking th Kennard 3 may be ready to find some net tonight.
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DT takes the next step forward!! Looking for Passion and intensity!!!!

I must be crazy reading some of these posts but i think we come out guns a blazin!

Duke- 83
VCU- 64
I wonder if there will be a line-up shake-up. I don't mean that in a reactionary sense personally, I know it was one game. But K does have a track record of shaking things up after bad performances, even early in the season.
I wonder if there will be a line-up shake-up. I don't mean that in a reactionary sense personally, I know it was one game. But K does have a track record of shaking things up after bad performances, even early in the season.

Considering how Thornton played on Tuesday + how VCU pressured the ball, I would almost be surprised if K doesn't give him a chance to start and/or plays him starting minutes tonight.
I really hope to see our freshman play significantly better this game.
I still really like this Duke team. We'll continue to look sloppy and out-of-sync more than we're used to, but we have skilled players, leadership, and effort. I think they're fun to watch as long as you accept the warts.

I think we'll win a close one.
We don't have a one-man press breaker and I doubt that will be our strategy. Tall guys passing over opponents' heads could be key, so Amile could be handling the ball in the backcourt vs the press. Brandon, obviously. Matt and Luke are tall for guards, too.

I'd like to see Grayson let the game come to him. He was pushing against UK, and when it didn't work that got in his head. I want to see him playing D, making hustle plays.
I want
We don't have a one-man press breaker and I doubt that will be our strategy. Tall guys passing over opponents' heads could be key, so Amile could be handling the ball in the backcourt vs the press. Brandon, obviously. Matt and Luke are tall for guards, too.

I'd like to see Grayson let the game come to him. He was pushing against UK, and when it didn't work that got in his head. I want to see him playing D, making hustle plays.

I want Grayson to find his jumper. That opens up so many things for him in the lane.
I still really like this Duke team. We'll continue to look sloppy and out-of-sync more than we're used to, but we have skilled players, leadership, and effort. I think they're fun to watch as long as you accept the warts.

I think we'll win a close one.
I like that "warts".
I hope we just do two things:

1, play well, (hit shots, few turnovers play good D).
2, win of course.
I just want to see if what was discussed in practice this week comes out on the court tonight, adjustments. I know K's #1 topic was turnovers. They killed us. We need to see a little more fire from Ingram as well. I'm thinking th Kennard 3 may be ready to find some net tonight.
Fire and emotion from Ingram absolutely.
I just want to see if what was discussed in practice this week comes out on the court tonight, adjustments. I know K's #1 topic was turnovers. They killed us. We need to see a little more fire from Ingram as well. I'm thinking th Kennard 3 may be ready to find some net tonight.

I'm liking what you said about Ingram. A player of his caliber had to be disappointed in his performance against UK. I think he has a big game as long as he doesn't orce it. Just go out and play your game big fellow. OFC
Duke 78
VCU 69
Looking for Ingram and D. Thornton to help break the press VCU will through at us. Coach K will have them prepared for a bounce back game! Go Duke
We may need to change our predictions. This just in. I can't say for sure but it looks like Gary-7 is picking VCU and the rest of THR has followed his expert tradition. OFC
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This will be interesting to see how the Freshmen react to the loss. My feeling is that if we can handle the pressure early, VCU may pay a heavy price. Look for Thornton to play well and maybe even punish VCU in transition. I also think Grayson will play much better tonight (not because it's not Kentucky), but because he is smart and very coachable. He will adjust his play accordingly.
I didn't pick Kentucky over Duke, and I am sure not going to pick VCU. Duke will recover and win this one.
Go Duke!!


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