Is Marshall a warrior or what. He's got a broken nose. So did Hansflop. Marshall takes that mask off and say's screw it. Hansflop well he's Hansflop. Ok, you're in a fox hole with shells exploding all around you. Hansflop by far had the greater college career but who do you choose to be beside you? OFC
That wasn't a foul. Just because you don't like him don't be an idiot about it.

Except for his really stupid second foul his defense has been pretty good. His size has gave Mason absolute fits.
Who said I didn't like him? And how am I being an idiot? Chill out
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I've seen way too many games where one team goes up big in the first half and then loses their focus and let's the other team back in it. It's time to refocus!
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Go to hell. You've been ignored.

Haha ok so much for being on the same side. It was a simple question you took out of context.

DJ thanks for the explanation I thought the only requirement was the tournament didn't know the regular season was as well.
We need to get Grayson, Luke, and Ingram going again!! This is not over by a long shot. Get that focus back.
Go Duke!!

Let's get to the rim boys. Grayson and Luke shot fake and go. Marshall at the back door if doubled.
What on earth was Matt Jones thinking? Ingram was wide open. If anyone should have poise out there, Matt should. That was a terrible pass.
There is a difference between stall ball and taking a little more time. So far, Duke has done a good job of not taking their foot off the gas, but pulling it out and passing up ok shots for better. Pressing can lead to bad shots, which can equal run outs for the opposition. There was an O-board they wondered why Marshall did not go back up. It would not have been a bad shot, but he passed it out, worked some clock, and Ingram got an offensive putback off his own miss.

Why do you take a little time off and give the other team momentum because you turn the ball over, get off a bad shot or even not a shot at all. Duke is not good at this. We don't have Phil Ford handling the ball. We take way to long to set up the shot. As I write this we are up by 16 now. Remember how much we were up at half. Now it's 14. We are not playing the aggressive offense we played the first half. We ran the shot clock down to about 2 seconds and missed. Now it's a 9 point lead. Now just how many more trips down the court do we run some time off the clock. 12 minutes left. Advantage Yale right now. It's down to seven. let's go down the court after this T. O. and run some more time off the clock. From a 23 point lead to a 7 point lead in 8 minutes. Let's sit on the ball for a while. OFC
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Sit Matts rear on the bench. Please!! I hope NOBODY ever says slow ball works again on this board.. You keep up what we were doing and we win this one by 30. We're gunna struggle to win this one now with full momentum swing
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This team is imploding. 22-6 run. K needs to get them to think like Yale: Play fundamental defense and then take each possession to execute their offense.

You could not ask for a worse start.
We're going to lose this game because our leaders decided to take stupid shots instead of moving the ball like earlier
We need to get away from this 1-5 basketball it's total bs.

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