YEAH!!! Now do that again and don't mention stall ball to the players until about 2 minutes left.
Coach K doing the halftime interview? In years past he never did it right? I know it's an NCAA rule in the tournament but he always passed it off I thought.
I thought K summed it up well there...."we played the last few minutes like we had a really big lead."

I thought so too. But it's hard to complain when you lead by 23 at halftime against anyone.
Man I didn't expect this, just hope they don't take their foot off the gas.
Great half! Grayson was lights out, but he got lax...and ended up with his 2nd foul before the half.

I just hope we don't pull a Miami and let them back in the game. Gotta put the hammer down and put them away!
Best stat other than the score is 10 assists for Duke in first half.At one point this year it took 3 complete games before they got to 10.
Love the sharing of the hall.
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Wow guys! What we saw up until the last minute or so was a "Clinic"!! Damn, I'm proud of these kids. They definitely came to play, have focus, and playing great "D".
Now, that being said, thank god for halftime, so that K can get them settled down and bring them back to earth. We will see how mature they have become over the season by the way they play in the second half. Watch the defensive intensity, that will be a sign. No meltdown, please.
Go Duke!!

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Great defense. Great offense. equals great 1st half and that's why we are leading by 23. Now what are we going to do about it in the second half. Increase the lead, maintain the lead or go to stall ball. I certainly hope it is not the latter and prefer the increase but will settle for the maintain. I am what I am and despite the big lead losing the second half is not acceptable. From what Coach K said at the half time interview he is going to coach the team like the score is 0 to 0. Let's see if the players play like that. I smell a kill and want to see it completed with all due respect to Yale. This is not let's experiment time. It's total execution time. OFC
We need to maintain the D, and don't fall too in love with the three point shot. Get some stuff going to the basket. Get to the foul line.

I'm keeping my fingers crossed. The thing for me is I don't have a problem with it if we are up by 20 with about 5 minutes left to go but I do have a problem if we are up by 24 with 15 minutes left to go or 16 with 10 minutes left to go . Maybe it's just me but we don't execute the stall ball game very well. OFC
He likes to focus on the game. "Passing it off" isn't really what he's doing.

By definition avoiding some type of work and making a subordinate do it would be "passing it off" but that's besides my point. My point is in past years I don't remember him doing it. I remember it being more of wojo, capel, etc.
By definition avoiding some type of work and making a subordinate do it would be "passing it off" but that's besides my point. My point is in past years I don't remember him doing it. I remember it being more of wojo, capel, etc.

He can "pass it off" during the regular season but it's a requirement by the NCAA during the tournament.
By definition avoiding some type of work and making a subordinate do it would be "passing it off" but that's besides my point. My point is in past years I don't remember him doing it. I remember it being more of wojo, capel, etc.
Go to hell. You've been ignored.

There is a difference between stall ball and taking a little more time. So far, Duke has done a good job of not taking their foot off the gas, but pulling it out and passing up ok shots for better. Pressing can lead to bad shots, which can equal run outs for the opposition. There was an O-board they wondered why Marshall did not go back up. It would not have been a bad shot, but he passed it out, worked some clock, and Ingram got an offensive putback off his own miss.

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