
Oct 7, 2004
Winfield, KS
Sorry for the late thread - late season-ending tourney game for us didn't get home till 2am and now throwing a bunch of clothes in a bag to head to the airport.

Gonna miss senior night...

Tip of the hat to all the seniors. Sean Kelly and of course, Quinn Cook. Thanks for the four years!

Duke will roll in this one...

Duke 84

Wake Forest 62

Should be a big win. Thanks to our seniors and probably freshman
Duke should win easily. Should. Wake played us close at Wake and they played well at UVA. Duke might be a little fired up for Senior night and last home game and maybe get caught looking ahead to UNC. If they are focused, then Duke should win easily. But I wouldn't be surprised by a little closer than we all would like.

Duke 83
Wake 70
With tonight being Senior Nighr And Quinn's final game at Cameron, I think we win by a lot unlike in the first game where we only won by 7.

Duke 88
WF 62

We seem to play better the second time around.

I'm annoyed that this isn't on TV for me. I'll be watching on my computer, but it's never the same.
Duke wins big for Quinn's Senior Night! Should be a formality, and I think it will. Salute to both Quinn and Sean for all they have done for Duke University. OFC

Duke 83
WF 62

Originally posted by HeLooks2MuchLikeDave:
I don't think we are going to have a problem with motivation the rest of the way. Go Duke.
Yes, this is probably the last time that 3 of our 5 starters ever play in Cameron. I'm guessing they're going to want to go out and a good note. We may not play well b/c we just have an off night or we're too banged up, but I doubt motivation will be a problem.
I can't believe that we are already here, March 4th, senior night. This season has flown by. This is the last game in Cameron fellas. The last game we will ever see this group of guys play together at home and more importantly the last game Quinn Cook will play in a Duke uniform at home. This will be an emotional night. The team will be fired up for Quinn and ready to play. They took us to the wire in Winston Salem, was there behind our bench and it was intense. It's possible they could catch us looking ahead to the holes, but I doubt it. I think we come out prepared and on fire tonight for Quinn Cook and Sean Kelly. Sean has been a great practice player and teammate and he will be missed. Quinn, here is a kid that has grown so much in the four years he has been at Duke. I couldn't be more proud of a kid than I am of Quinn. All seniors are special in their own way, but Quinn is joining a rarefied group in my opinion. He is one special kid who deserves to cut down some nets this March and April. I hope that he will. And I thank him for four great years. GO DUKE!!!!!


Send QC out the right way, get ready for the Heels.

Duke - 82
WF - 70
Here's to Quinn putting up about 30 tonight and a large enough margin for Sean to get in and score 4 or 5. That would be so awesome OFC
Does anyone think that there's a chance that Sean Kelly could possibly get the start and play maybe the first minute or so since it's Senior Night then come back in for a couple minutes at the end of the game if we're ahead by enough points.
Duke by a lot. Cameron, loud as hell. Prediction for UNC......pain.
Originally posted by DiehardDukeFan4Life:
Does anyone think that there's a chance that Sean Kelly could possibly get the start and play maybe the first minute or so since it's Senior Night then come back in for a couple minutes at the end of the game if we're ahead by enough points.
I don't think that's been the case for walk on's before. OFC
Do we clinch the #2 seed in the ACCT with a win tonight? I was thinking if we win only Notre Dame could tie us and since we split with them it then goes to the highest seed and how you did against them and we beat UVa and they didn' i right about this?

Love the 7pm game time the #2 seed gets so I don't have to take vacation day from work LOL
It's hard to tell about senior games. And as usual I don't take it for granted. Wake gets any confidence early, and they could keep it close. Hopefully our guys blitz them.

Duke 80
Wake 70

I don't think this game will be as close as the first one! Duke by a bunch!! GO DUKE!!!

Originally posted by VaBlueDevil33:
Do we clinch the #2 seed in the ACCT with a win tonight? I was thinking if we win only Notre Dame could tie us and since we split with them it then goes to the highest seed and how you did against them and we beat UVa and they didn' i right about this?

Love the 7pm game time the #2 seed gets so I don't have to take vacation day from work LOL
Is not the game at 8?

Anyways, our magic number is one for the two seed. Win one of remaining games or ND lose one of their remaining games.
Originally posted by aah555:

Originally posted by HeLooks2MuchLikeDave:
I don't think we are going to have a problem with motivation the rest of the way. Go Duke.
Yes, this is probably the last time that 3 of our 5 starters ever play in Cameron. I'm guessing they're going to want to go out and a good note. We may not play well b/c we just have an off night or we're too banged up, but I doubt motivation will be a problem.
Probably 4 of 5.

Quinn is loved by his teammates. That is typically the case with most teams, but I truly think these guys would get into a fight for Quinn. They love him. He has been a such a voice for them since they were taking their visits last year. If they aren't inspired for this one, they won't e motivated for another game the rest of the year.

Big time win tonight.

Duke - 90
Wake - 67

Quinn - 27
Originally posted by kwyjibos13:

Originally posted by VaBlueDevil33:
Do we clinch the #2 seed in the ACCT with a win tonight? I was thinking if we win only Notre Dame could tie us and since we split with them it then goes to the highest seed and how you did against them and we beat UVa and they didn' i right about this?

Love the 7pm game time the #2 seed gets so I don't have to take vacation day from work LOL
Is not the game at 8?

Anyways, our magic number is one for the two seed. Win one of remaining games or ND lose one of their remaining games.
I think he was referring to the ACC tourney when he said 7pm. Tonight's game is at 8.
Originally posted by skysdad:
Here's to Quinn putting up about 30 tonight and a large enough margin for Sean to get in and score 4 or 5. That would be so awesome OFC
^Ditto. Can't believe I am not going to get to see this game, can't get ESPN3. I get ND-Louisville, which doesn't interest me at all. Maybe it's better for me, cause' I don't want to see Quinn go, let alone see him walk out on the floor before the game! One of my all-time favorites. Also, thanks to Sean.
Don't see a letdown tonight, we have not forgotten the game and problems at Wake. Duke waxes hot and rolls!
Go Duke!!

This post was edited on 3/4 6:42 PM by JCColsCane
Is this going to be on watchEspn? because it's not on any of my local channels.

Also, were going to romp these fools.
try the ACC network...
WOW.. I think I'm the only one who has not scored in the first half.
I don't know why Tony Romo is showing up at Duke games…him and his mediocre team needs to go on somewhere and don't rub off on Duke.
Is today "Pick on Okafor" day?

And since when did college refs start calling travels on big man? Must've been after Hansmule graduated.
Grayson is going to be a major player for us once the NCAA's start....he should get some good PT in the ACC tournament....kid is freaky athletic and gets after it
This is shaping up to be a good old fashioned ass whipping.
Originally posted by DFerryFan:
Is today "Pick on Okafor" day?

And since when did college refs start calling travels on big man? Must've been after Hansmule graduated.
Was it a travel? The announcer said offensive foul
Originally posted by DiehardDukeFan4Life:

Originally posted by DFerryFan:
Is today "Pick on Okafor" day?

And since when did college refs start calling travels on big man? Must've been after Hansmule graduated.
Was it a travel? The announcer said offensive foul
Sorry, I meant the earlier call…Okafor was called for traveling after his flagrant 1

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