I say Duke starts having their players wear ski boots (to protect against ankle rolls). What y'all think?
Great game from what I've seen. Apparently my SMART TV is not very smart when a commercial comes on. Freezes every time. I saw 4 of Grayson's 19 points.
Grayson's shot looks so smooth right now.
Time to empty the bench. Thanks Quinn. Well done. Get the bench guys some PT.
Strange feeling sad and happy at the same time, I'm gonna miss Quinn.
Did okafor not play much along with tyus. Seen they okafor had only 6 points whet happened. Also does cook ankle look better. 2 days off now
The last few weeks they have played better on Saturday nights than Wednesday nights, let's hope the trend continues
Grayson Grayson Grayson:) so glad he played this well! He clearly deserves PT and will get as many points as possible the next three years. He's gunna be an all-time fav for sure
Funny. When was the last time a Duke-UNC game means absolutely nothing in terms of ACC seeding (Duke is 2, UNC is 4 or 5 but since UL has Virginia, UL will own tiebreaker over UNC with win. If UL loses, UNC owns tiebreaker).
Sure hope we saved some more of those 3's and FT's for Saturday!! Great defense tonight, lots of talking and help. Everybody really looked focused.
Go Duke!!

And although Jah took 1 whole shot the 2nd half and scored a season worst 6 points, he swished his last 2 FTS and hopefully can take that with him going to UNC and the tourneys!

I know we didn't need Jah so he didn't have to try to score but I still watch him like a hawk, and do you guys see him holding back on both ends somewhat? I'm just praying this ankle deal isn't gonna hinder his total dominance attitude the staff has instilled in him all season.

I'm pretty gunshy with having 2 of our past 4 seasons' cut short cause of Irving and Kelly/Curry, when both could have ended in Titles and at least Final Fours. Please let this team be at peak performance in the tourneys basketball gods, this team is just too good at each position and you owe us one!
I'm still amazed that if Duke hadn't scored at all in the second half, they still would have won by 2

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