Originally posted by denniden:
Originally posted by JCColsCane:

Originally posted by denniden:

^ I don't think Allen is lacking in confidence and with his ankle issue, he needs to be monitored as well. I think he will be will come up big in a game down the stretch run. I do believe you are correct though, he is going get some run next season from the jump.
I didn't think Allen was still having an issue with his ankle. Has anybody heard anything? I didn't see it posted anywhere since he turned it the other game.
Don't know why we keep having these ankle and foot problems!
Go Duke!!

Duke doesn't typically say too much about injuries. Unless the player is not able to go, then you will usually get an explanation of sorts. He is still dinged up a bit.

K actually said quite about the teams injuries after this game.... including Justise playing with fractured ribs.

I haven't seen the game yet, so I'll reserve any comments about Allen or any other persons playing time.

"Duke doesn't typically say TOO MUCH about injuries"

Which of course leaves it open for a brief synopsis but not a lot more. I am not sure how what I said was wrong. Or no?
Originally posted by DiehardDukeFan4Life:
Duke 78
Miami 70
I was pretty close with my prediction on what we would score but I was way off on my prediction of what Syracuse would score but I'm totally fine with that lol
Denn, I actually wasn't trying to post that to be like, "Oh yeah, well GUESS WHAT K JUST DID!!" I actually agree that typically it is a hush hush thing, but thought it coincidence that he said as much about it as he did after this game and then I saw your post. lol
was out last nite and saw the game late on dvr. wow what a dominating performance from this team. they didn't really even play that well on the offensive side but a much better defensive effort. i mean the defense was very disruptive on syracuse.

i kind of go with jay's comments earlier. lets not sell this team short. the sky is the limit. these guys are good. can't wait to see them play carolina and i really want virginia in the acc title game.

i loved where justice hits that 3 and gives K a "5" on the sideline. could watch that all day!
Two things I noticed last night that were pretty obvious in my opinion, 1) Okafor may have played defense with more effort than in any other game this season and 2) Boeheim did not coach near as passionately as he normally does for whatever reason.
Its the Nike's.. We didn't have all these foot and ankle issues with Addidas!
Buckin, I noticed the same 2 things. I think a couple things are fueling Big Jah on the defensive end...

First, I have to believe, his understanding of how teams have been attacking an try to exploit us in the pick n roll and his overall grasp of defense and help defense is getting much better simply from his experience.

Secondly, he's probably getting sick of every analyst in the country totally bashing on his D and is determined to change that.
Originally posted by crazyduke3:
Denn, I actually wasn't trying to post that to be like, "Oh yeah, well GUESS WHAT K JUST DID!!" I actually agree that typically it is a hush hush thing, but thought it coincidence that he said as much about it as he did after this game and then I saw your post. lol
crazyduke3, after watching the "K" presser after the game, I actually thought he said more than he usually does about the injuries. I know things are pretty much hush-hush, and nothing wrong with that, but I think he is starting to feel like the BB gods are frowning on him. We are running out of bodies, and the way I feel about it, I can imagine what he thinks.
We have some major heeling to do, and it looks like it's going to have to come between the last game and the start of the ACCT. Let's hope we can get to that point with no further damage.
Go Duke!!