It's pretty clear Giles is just not close to 100%. And, I think he's out of position at the 5. Bolden is much better suited there.

Giles needs to be at the 4 as a PF. I can't imagine an NBA team taking him in the top 10-15. In that instance, he'd be best served, imo, to stay a year and build himself up and become 100%. In which case he would have a great shot at a top 5 pick.
Do you think it does him any good playing minutes this year?
weird -so they have the ability and showed the mentality also in this half - why has it not surfaced before?
I understand....I'm just curious because I'm a defensive minded guy. I LOVE seeing that and I'm NOT SURE Kennard and MAYBE Allen can play defense that way.

I'm with you, but this an emotional contest with an inspired comeback.

I actually am with you and think if Tatum becomes who he thinks he is, and Matt is at least 37% effective on O, this lineup becomes Duke's best. I'd love to see it start next game. Just as a positive message.
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Ok guys let's finish strong. No stall ball. We can still win by 25 and there's no reason we shouldn't. OFC
The next time we try to micromanage every little thing about a team. Just remember how much impact is had by simply giving 100%
Do you think it does him any good playing minutes this year?

I think so. In March, I bet he ain't Chris Webber, but if he's a decent Harry Giles that's better than nothing (or Chase or Javin or AV). He needs to continue to take these contact shots and work help D. He won't be great in March, but he'll be good.
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The ball needs to be in Frank Jacksons hands..this half pretty much answered that..
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What a half! I also wanted to end with foot on gas but I think they got a taste in there mouth. Great great 20 mins right there
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Matt was the engine that brought us back in the 2nd half, but man I was impressed with Bolden's play. His hedging out on the screen & roll was excellent! Hope he continues to hustle like that!!!!!

Tip of the cap to Capel....and Matt Jones - from now on i would like to see this type of urgency and effort at both ends. Then maybe we can live up to the expectations set for this year AND the Duke basketball program every year!
We took a big step forward tonight. Still a few more steps before we're ready to make a run, but every journey starts with a single step. If we can get all 10-12 players scrapping and looking to share, we'll be up there.
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Bolden deserves honorable mention. That rim protection was huge.

Bolden has earned starter like minutes going forward. His presence on D is exactly what we have been searching for from a 5. He plays the pick and roll as he should and at least distracts shots around the rim. He is showing that he's tired of riding the bench. I hope others show the same type of attitude. That is when this team will takes strides forward
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Start bolden next game with Matt and frank and amile and either Luke or Grayson please! #NoTatum
Start bolden next game with Matt and frank and amile and either Luke or Grayson please! #NoTatum

In that awful first half, Tatum actually did what I was hoping he would do, which is use his drive to create for others. Amile just couldn't finish.

I think Tatum will be not only fine, but the key to Duke's finish. He's just got to use his gifts for the betterment of Duke, not Jayson.
In that awful first half, Tat actually did what I was hoping he would do, which is use his drive to create for others. Amile just couldn't finish.

I think Tatum will be not only fine, but the key to Duke's finish. He's just got to use his gifts for the betterment of Duke, not Jayson.

Hope you're right

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