Late money coming in on Duke, line back up to 3.5
The underdogs have been covering like crazy this tournament. I’ll take a 3pt Duke victory. Hell, I’ll settle for a 1pt victory.
We will make 10+ 3s today and win by 8 points. Kansas can’t guard well and we will slow them up on offense. No one has shot well against our zone from 3 becaus we are making them shoot 3-4 feet behind th line.
Duke line back up to -3.5

Very interesting....good to see the sharps on Duke side
Kenny Smiff is still hating on Duke, What an enema nozzle.
Villanova looks so good. If we are fortunate enough to play next week, I hope the media considers us underdogs. I have a feeling they probably will after this performance.
I will not be shocked if Kansas plays a 2-3 zone against us. I have watched them a few times and they have played it during the Big 12 season. Could be interesting
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Nova not killing it like normal from 3. Shame TT found themselves shooting worse and down double digits, anyway.
I will not be shocked if Kansas plays a 2-3 zone against us. I have watched them a few times and they have played it during the Big 12 season. Could be interesting
Would be interesting, but we should be okay if they did with that smaller lineup of thiers.
Texas Tech off to a good start......wouldn't hurt my feelings at all for them to get rid of Nova

If T.Tech could just make some baskets another #1 could go down easily. They may be running out of time even if they get hot right now. Two 3's and 2 stops would do wonders. OFC
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If T.Tech could just make some baskets another #1 could go down easily. They may be running out of time even if they get hot right now. Two 3's and 2 stops would do wonders. OFC

Yep. I bet I have seen at least 5 or 6 missed layup's by them.
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Novas a lot like duke. They can kill you on drives but when they suck at 3s they keep taking them to prove a point
I'm going with Charles. Greenburg is a turble coach, turble announcer and turble annalist. OFC
It just seems like when Charles picks the team he thinks is going to win, they lose! I was hoping Charles would have picked Kansas:D
Ok guys we know what we need to do. Is it our time today? Start fast, D down and never let up. See you guys at half time. OFC
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