Favorite THR Quotes....

Im sure #metoo Corey had nothing covered up by K. K would never do such a thing. lol lol .....

I wish would answer my question on your post about getting caught a few post above. I thought for sure you would have replied to that. You posted it on April 26th on page 200. OFC
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What documented facts? You listing things does not mean that they are factually. I didn't see any proof unless I missed something.
Simply google any of the incidents that I mentioned and you will see the documentation.
What documented facts? You listing things does not mean that they are factually. I didn't see any proof unless I missed something.
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It's pretty sad that an institution such as the University of North Carolina has so much power that it controls the NCAA. I'm from that great state and despite being a Duke fan and many friends and family who earned their degrees legitimately from that Institute I am ashamed. Not only athletes got the benefit of getting credit for a class they never attended or did any work for but the regular student body to participate is a laugh in the face of students who went to class, did the work, had to get student loans and most are still paying them back and the ones who had to work their way through school which extended the years they were in school. All set up 20 plus years ago by so called people of integrity for the primary benefit of athletes and keeping them elegible to participate. What a fraud and they got away with it because it was well conceived. SHAME,SHAME, SHAME. Shame for the people who were fired and sacrificed to protect the ones who organized it and we have The ACC commissioner who was right in the middle of it all as their AD. SHAME on the NCAA for not having the stones to do the right thing. I guess 20 million can go a long ways. OFC
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Ol Roy chuckles every time he cranks that box on his desk and the little doll pops out the top. “Hubert, watch this!”

lol With a large batch of Wanda's nanner puddin on the side I'm sure. I wish the NCAA had the balls to do what's right and yank those sorry banners down. Also, I wish the University had integrity and fire that lying SOB Roy Williams.
I think Sky you have actually made it clear you DESPISE them as much as I do! OFC

And it irritates the crap of me when cheater fans come over here and try to make it sound like it's common that all programs cheat just like theirs. They try to justify it by saying it happens every where. If it does happen at other programs such as UL and they are caught then they get punished, put on probation , have sanctions put on them, lose scolly's, vacate wins and coaches get fired except for unc where they get out of it without even a slap on the wrist. Then here come the tar heel justifies here on DI and try to sell that crap to us. Bottom line is they can't help it. They are tar heel fans. It's their nature. Bless their hearts. OFC
I don't understand all of the anger and rage. We did pay for what happened. We lost Brandon Ingram to you all for his one year of college. We missed on Jason Tatum who unfortunately wasn't there to help us go to the NC game in 2016 or win the title in 2017. Our recruiting was hurt so bad that we had to rely on players like Kenny Williams and Luke Maye to beat Kentucky in 2016 and teach RJ Barrett how defense should be played. It also took us years to get players like Coby White, Nassir Little, Cole Anthony and Armando Bacot back on campus. Lastly, on a personal note. I have to say that I have a hard time wearing our gear because it sickens me to know that after all of this, after all of the rival fan bases expressing so much outrage, after losing all those women's basketball scholarships and vacating football wins, absolutely nothing happened to us and now nobody cares. As a tarheel I sincerely apologize for what we've put all of you through. The NCAA really dropped the ball on this one.
I don't understand all of the anger and rage. We did pay for what happened. We lost Brandon Ingram to you all for his one year of college. We missed on Jason Tatum who unfortunately wasn't there to help us go to the NC game in 2016 or win the title in 2017. Our recruiting was hurt so bad that we had to rely on players like Kenny Williams and Luke Maye to beat Kentucky in 2016 and teach RJ Barrett how defense should be played. It also took us years to get players like Coby White, Nassir Little, Cole Anthony and Armando Bacot back on campus. Lastly, on a personal note. I have to say that I have a hard time wearing our gear because it sickens me to know that after all of this, after all of the rival fan bases expressing so much outrage, after losing all those women's basketball scholarships and vacating football wins, absolutely nothing happened to us and now nobody cares. As a tarheel I sincerely apologize for what we've put all of you through. The NCAA really dropped the ball on this one.

LOL, UNC wasn't getting Brandon Ingram or Jayson Tatum from Duke. Also, the reason why top recruits haven't selected UNC is because hillbilly Roy has had a bad rep (rightfully so) with managing OAD type players. Generally, OAD type players end up 3 or 4 and done in Roy's system.
I don't understand all of the anger and rage. We did pay for what happened. We lost Brandon Ingram to you all for his one year of college. We missed on Jason Tatum who unfortunately wasn't there to help us go to the NC game in 2016 or win the title in 2017. Our recruiting was hurt so bad that we had to rely on players like Kenny Williams and Luke Maye to beat Kentucky in 2016 and teach RJ Barrett how defense should be played. It also took us years to get players like Coby White, Nassir Little, Cole Anthony and Armando Bacot back on campus. Lastly, on a personal note. I have to say that I have a hard time wearing our gear because it sickens me to know that after all of this, after all of the rival fan bases expressing so much outrage, after losing all those women's basketball scholarships and vacating football wins, absolutely nothing happened to us and now nobody cares. As a tarheel I sincerely apologize for what we've put all of you through. The NCAA really dropped the ball on this one.

You have to be in politics because you spin things so well. Anger and rage? Really give us a break. You lost Ingram? Come on man had he already committed to you guys. Tatum? Come on man. I guess he was coming to the hill to. Quit trying to pull this crap on us. You guys paid nothing for 20 years plus of cheating. You really think you paid for the biggest cheating scandal in the history of college sports by losing out on guys like Ingram and Tatum. Thats an insult but when you feel like you are enitlted we shouldn't expect any thing else. OFC
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LOL, UNC wasn't getting Brandon Ingram or Jayson Tatum from Duke. Also, the reason why top recruits haven't selected UNC is because hillbilly Roy has had a bad rep (rightfully so) with managing OAD type players. Generally, OAD type players end up 3 or 4 and done in Roy's system.

Good post but he's not gonna get it. He's been programmed. OFC
You have to be in politics because you spin things so well. Anger and rage? Really give us a break. You lost Ingram? Come on man had he already committed to you guys. Tatum? Come on man. I guess he was coming to the hill to. Quit trying to pull this crap on us. You guys paid nothing for 20 years plus of cheating. You really think you paid for the biggest cheating scandal in the history of college sports by losing out on guys like Ingram and Tatum. Thats an insult but when you feel like you are enitlted we shouldn't expect any thing else. OFC

I think if you go back and re-read my post you will understand better where I'm coming from.
I don't understand all of the anger and rage. We did pay for what happened. We lost Brandon Ingram to you all for his one year of college. We missed on Jason Tatum who unfortunately wasn't there to help us go to the NC game in 2016 or win the title in 2017. Our recruiting was hurt so bad that we had to rely on players like Kenny Williams and Luke Maye to beat Kentucky in 2016 and teach RJ Barrett how defense should be played. It also took us years to get players like Coby White, Nassir Little, Cole Anthony and Armando Bacot back on campus. Lastly, on a personal note. I have to say that I have a hard time wearing our gear because it sickens me to know that after all of this, after all of the rival fan bases expressing so much outrage, after losing all those women's basketball scholarships and vacating football wins, absolutely nothing happened to us and now nobody cares. As a tarheel I sincerely apologize for what we've put all of you through. The NCAA really dropped the ball on this one.

Wait, who is this ****ing douchebag again?
Wait, who is this ****ing douchebag again?

He really thinks he can post that mess over here and try to justify losing what they never had as paying the price. That's what he needs to post at thr. They will call him brilliant. He has become a troll and is just trying to push our buttons but I'm gonna tell him what a fool he his. I'm laughing at his every post because all of them are silly and I hope he has enough sense to realize he's getting no where. OFC
He really thinks he can post that mess over here and try to justify losing what they never had as paying the price. That's what he needs to post at thr. They will call him brilliant. He has become a troll and is just trying to push our buttons but I'm gonna tell him what a fool he his. I'm laughing at his every post because all of them are silly and I hope he has enough sense to realize he's getting no where. OFC

Sky at this point hes just making a fool of himself....We've done everything but read "Cheated" and "Tarnished Heels" to him at this point, covered everything from Fats Thomas to PJ to Marvin Austin...Hes a hopeless Wal-Mart based holes fan who probably hangs a Clemson flag in front of his house during FOOTBALL SEASON. To borrow from you my friend, "He cant help it, hes a tar heel." OFC
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He really thinks he can post that mess over here and try to justify losing what they never had as paying the price. That's what he needs to post at thr. They will call him brilliant. He has become a troll and is just trying to push our buttons but I'm gonna tell him what a fool he his. I'm laughing at his every post because all of them are silly and I hope he has enough sense to realize he's getting no where. OFC

Yeah, he is clearly trolling here.

And yes, UNC suffered, in that they became the shame of college sports. I mean, if they have any sense of decency and honor, they suffered... so maybe they didn't?







But congrats, you broke rules so badly that the NCAA didn't even think to create rules to stop it. Good job.

BTW, stop having your athletes drive cars paid for by pimps.

Oh, and stop having players dealing drugs out of a coaches house.

Oh, and while you are at it, could you stop having the whore mothers of your players getting jobs at UNC, and then ****ing their bosses, and then getting flown around the country to watch their sons' games?

You get where I'm going with this.
Yeah, he is clearly trolling here.

And yes, UNC suffered, in that they became the shame of college sports. I mean, if they have any sense of decency and honor, they suffered... so maybe they didn't?







But congrats, you broke rules so badly that the NCAA didn't even think to create rules to stop it. Good job.

BTW, stop having your athletes drive cars paid for by pimps.

Oh, and stop having players dealing drugs out of a coaches house.

Oh, and while you are at it, could you stop having the whore mothers of your players getting jobs at UNC, and then ****ing their bosses, and then getting flown around the country to watch their sons' games?

You get where I'm going with this.

Yeah, he is clearly trolling here.

And yes, UNC suffered, in that they became the shame of college sports. I mean, if they have any sense of decency and honor, they suffered... so maybe they didn't?







But congrats, you broke rules so badly that the NCAA didn't even think to create rules to stop it. Good job.

BTW, stop having your athletes drive cars paid for by pimps.

Oh, and stop having players dealing drugs out of a coaches house.

Oh, and while you are at it, could you stop having the whore mothers of your players getting jobs at UNC, and then ****ing their bosses, and then getting flown around the country to watch their sons' games?

You get where I'm going with this.

Excellent. Good post. OFC
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At least he's directly posting it here for us, so we don't have that wait time while someone copies and pastes it from THR. Less time in-between laughs.....I'll take it!!
At least he's directly posting it here for us, so we don't have that wait time while someone copies and pastes it from THR. Less time in-between laughs.....I'll take it!!

Good point. I just think he's missing out on a lot of thr likes by not posting this bull there or maybe he is posting it at thr. I don't know. I have a tombstone erected over there and my body lies molding in the grave. :D OFC
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