OT: Pet Peeves

I hate it when you are on a road when there are two lanes going one way and say the speed limit is 65 and you are going about 65 or 70 and run upon two cars going side by side going about 50 and you can't go round either one of them because they are both not going to slow or speed up. Drives me crazy. Does this bother anyone else.;) OFC
I hate it when you are on a road when there are two lanes going one way and say the speed limit is 65 and you are going about 65 or 70 and run upon two cars going side by side going about 50 and you can't go round either one of them because they are both not going to slow or speed up. Drives me crazy. Does this bother anyone else.;) OFC
You too?!! Man I thought I was the only one...
OK -- I hate when I am on a highway and for some reason the guy in the left lane decides to play "Let's make a blockage" with the guy in the right lane.
We call that "holding hands". I always push the one in the left lane because they're the ones that are supposed to get out of the way. I think the people who do that are control freaks and they get their rocks off holding other people up.
I hate it when you are on a road when there are two lanes going one way and say the speed limit is 65 and you are going about 65 or 70 and run upon two cars going side by side going about 50 and you can't go round either one of them because they are both not going to slow or speed up. Drives me crazy. Does this bother anyone else.;) OFC
I can't believe it took this long for anyone to bring this up!
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When your having a serious conversation with somebody your trying to keep your respect with but you need to pass gas. Timing is awful.
Another car pet peeve.

Car in the right lane going slow.
You pull into left lane to pass.
Driver of other car suddenly realizes they've been going 55 in a 65 zone and immediately hit the gas, making it more difficult to pass.
Hey Buddy, if you were going 75 a minute ago, I wouldn't have started passing you.
When your having a serious conversation with somebody your trying to keep your respect with but you need to pass gas. Timing is awful.


Need to go back to the earlier posts in the thread. :)

And yes, the passing gas part likely would be no fun.
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Jim you're post count has been up a little more here recently at DI. It's good to see posters like you around!

That you're was just a fun lil jab :);):p
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I could go on and on and on. I'll take your lead here though on basketball. I absolutely hate when you get someone that looks at a box score and the FT discrepancy and determine from that alone that the game wasn't called fairly.

Another OT because it happened this morning- a Yield sign, doesn't mean stop completely when no one is coming. just freaking go.
In defense of "duck" tape, there's a brand that capitalizes on that, using a duck on its label.

So with you on the 110% thing.

It's RsBI.

I've grown to like "scoring the ball." Passing, shooting, and defending the ball are fine. I like how "scoring the ball" is distinct from guys who shoot well but require others to set them up perfectly.
RBI is an acronym. Therefore the plural of the acronym RBI is RBIs.
People who wear clothes out in public they have no business wearing. Either you're blind or you have not found the full length mirror section at the local Wal Mart.
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People who wear clothes out in public they have no business wearing. Either you're blind or you have not found the full length mirror section at the local Wal Mart.
Yea didn't know yoga pants were made to stretch like that.

Case in point.

Bad mannered parents at their youths sports games. It's embarrassing to their kid, their kids team and everyone who is watching. They need to stay home and let their kid have some fun. I've seen many not only berating the other teams kid, their kids team mates and even their own kid. Don't mean to be judgemental and I don't want to step on toes but if any here does this stop it and stop living your life through your kid. OFC
Adding to my list...

Being on time!!! I mean how hard is it to arrive a little early somewhere. I was raised that early was on time and on time was late. Makes me wanna throat punch people who can't be "on time." Usually the people are late and call/text saying "Sorry, there was a bad wreck the road." Well if your ass woulda left 10 minutes earlier you may actually have been on time.
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Adding to my list...

Being on time!!! I mean how hard is it to arrive a little early somewhere. I was raised that early was on time and on time was late. Makes me wanna throat punch people who can't be "on time." Usually the people are late and call/text saying "Sorry, there was a bad wreck the road." Well if your ass woulda left 10 minutes earlier you may actually have been on time.

Danged right. I have a horror story about someone being late and it cost a 6th class 3 hours on a field trip to Busch Gardens because of a wreck. Won't tell it because it will take a Dsouth epic and it still ticks me off we I think about it. Certain people are late ever where they go no matter what time they are supposed to be there. They don't understand how much they inconvenient the folks that have to wait on them. Great pet peeve. OFC
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Adding to my list...

Being on time!!! I mean how hard is it to arrive a little early somewhere. I was raised that early was on time and on time was late. Makes me wanna throat punch people who can't be "on time." Usually the people are late and call/text saying "Sorry, there was a bad wreck the road." Well if your ass woulda left 10 minutes earlier you may actually have been on time.
Wow Dad2ze, I'm never going anywhere with you.
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Wow Dad2ze, I'm never going anywhere with you.

Dad2ze, we could ride together anywhere. On sort of a side note have you ever went to church , a funeral, a wedding or some type of function that you want to get there early to make sure you get ab good seat. There are others who get there early but the prefer seats that are farther back. You get your prime seat and then the only seats are around you. You have a nice end seat next to the aisle and then the laters start to arrive after the program starts and they are standing in the aisles looking for a seat when whoever is conducting whatever is going on ask all those down in front on outsides seats to move toward the middle so those inconsiderate laters can get those prime seats. Yep that gets to me. I'm just stand up and move to the aisle and let them go to the middle. OFC
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Dad2ze, we could ride together anywhere. On sort of a side note have you ever went to church , a funeral, a wedding or some type of function that you want to get there early to make sure you get ab good seat. There are others who get there early but the prefer seats that are farther back. You get your prime seat and then the only seats are around you. You have a nice end seat next to the aisle and then the laters start to arrive after the program starts and they are standing in the aisles looking for a seat when whoever is conducting whatever is going on ask all those down in front on outsides seats to move toward the middle so those inconsiderate laters can get those prime seats. Yep that gets to me. I'm just stand up and move to the aisle and let them go to the middle. OFC
I'd be honored to go with you anywhere.

Late to church burns me up. They look at me like "slide over!" Ummmmm not happening pal. Church has started at 10:45 since you been coming here 29 years ago. It starts at 10:45 not start seating at 10:45. I'm like you sky, I stand up and step in the aisle so they can go to the middle.
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Adding to my list...

Being on time!!! I mean how hard is it to arrive a little early somewhere. I was raised that early was on time and on time was late. Makes me wanna throat punch people who can't be "on time." Usually the people are late and call/text saying "Sorry, there was a bad wreck the road." Well if your ass woulda left 10 minutes earlier you may actually have been on time.
With you on the being on time pet peeve but you said another for me. I hate the saying, "if youre early you're on time and if you're on time you're late."
With you on the being on time pet peeve but you said another for me. I hate the saying, "if youre early you're on time and if you're on time you're late."
That saying was stuck in my head early on. Dad grew up in a military household and passed it to me. It got drilled in my head in the Fire Academy. I've drilled it into my kids heads too.
I'd be honored to go with you anywhere.

Late to church burns me up. They look at me like "slide over!" Ummmmm not happening pal. Church has started at 10:45 since you been coming here 29 years ago. It starts at 10:45 not start seating at 10:45. I'm like you sky, I stand up and step in the aisle so they can go to the middle.

Love you brother. I know I've stepped on some toes on this thread but believe me I love every stinking one of you. Danged I'm guilty of a lot of them myself and yes I'm sitting here in my Crocs with socks on and yes I've worn them out in public and my lovely wife let me know how stupid I looked but I am what I am. OFC
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Love you brother. I know I've stepped on some toes on this thread but believe me I love every stinking one of you. Danged I'm guilty of a lot of them myself and yes I'm sitting here in my Crocs with socks on and yes I've worn them out in public and my lovely wife let me know how stupid I looked but I am what I am. OFC
Sky are you OK? We are all guilty of most of the pet peeves and will probably continue to do so. It fine to wear your socks with Crocks. My brother wears white mid calf socks, Bermuda shorts and black Fleishman wingtip shoes and a baseball cap that is a size or two too small for him. He looks kinda of out of place on the beach but its ok if he likes the look.
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Sky, if I ever meet you in person, I shall expect Crocs with socks. :)
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The incessant blaring horn going off repeatedly on the car alarm, and seemingly stays on FOREVER!! Nobody within a country mile...

That reminds me of another thing. People who take up two parking places. If they are that concerned about their car getting hit park it in outer darkness or drive a scooter. OFC
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Buying something that needs to be assembled and then you get home and find out all the parts are not in the box. I bought a gas grill today and had to go back to the store twice to get parts that were missing. Man I was ticked!
Buying something that needs to be assembled and then you get home and find out all the parts are not in the box. I bought a gas grill today and had to go back to the store twice to get parts that were missing. Man I was ticked!

Buying anything that has to be assembled missing parts or not is a peeve of mine. My wife call me "Tim the Tool Man Taylor." Not very good at it. OFC
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Just sitting here watching The Boston Pops fireworks and playing my kazoo along with the orchestra . Just finished playing "Stars and Stripes Forever with them. I think my beautiful and talented wife Debbie just found a new pet peeve for herself. OFC