OT: Pet Peeves

I just saw this a couple of days ago. The driver was doing everything he could to make a left hand turn and the dog as all over the place. The dog might as well have been driving the car. OFC
Some owners have dogs that can probably drive better than they can.
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Kids dribbling basketball when I'm explaining a drill or set. Drives me insane!
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those people on bicycles.....with the pointed helmets and cut off yoga pants.....going 7 MPH and taking up the whole road.....and I am trying to make my tee time!!
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The money racket that youth sports has become. They play way too much ball, kids need to be kids. My 9 yr old nephew plays league ball and travel baseball, they're all over the state and by the time they turn 13-14 some will be burned out.
I would also video the parents so they can see how stupid they act. And then we have the nerve to say "what's wrong with these kids nowadays?"
Everyone involved takes it way too seriously
Politics on a basketball message board. I know we discuss a lot of random, sometimes off the wall topics but nothing good comes from that area
Artificially limiting topics is worse. Skip the threads you have no interest in.
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Artificially limiting topics is worse. Skip the threads you have no interest in.
Aha, what good can come of it Dattier? We definitely disagree politically as I probably do with others on here. Sky this is exactly why I said to stay off politics, because of stupid replies like his. Talking politics makes arguing Duke vs Carolina look like child's play
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Aha, what good can come of it Dattier? We definitely disagree politically as I probably do with others on here. Sky this is exactly why I said to stay off politics, because of stupid replies like his. Talking politics makes arguing Duke vs Carolina look like child's play
Looks like you're creating a self-fulfilling prophecy there.

I essentially stated a pet peeve in opposition to your pet peeve. This is how you respond to it. It looks more like it's a case of your not being able to handle a civil discussion of certain topics.
Looks like you're creating a self-fulfilling prophecy there.

I essentially stated a pet peeve in opposition to your pet peeve. This is how you respond to it. It looks more like it's a case of your not being able to handle a civil discussion of certain topics.
Datt, I'll bet you $100 to a busted rubber that if politics comes up on a thread, the thread will get nasty. All I made was a true post. Go tell a joke on the joke thread, you're a pretty good joke teller, or go post about Duke or anything else, but politics is a subject going nowhere good
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Datt, I'll bet you $100 to a busted rubber that if politics comes up on a thread, the thread will get nasty. All I made was a true post. Go tell a joke on the joke thread, you're a pretty good joke teller, or go post about Duke or anything else, but politics is a subject going nowhere good
And as I told you, referring to a mild, innocuous dissent from your opinion as a "stupid post" is creating the nastiness you attribute to political threads in general.

I didn't even state a political opinion. All I said was that I feel differently about its appropriateness.
The lounge is a good place for politics, but no one goes there. I get it out of my system on reddit. Plenty of polarization there to fight against.
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And as I told you, referring to a mild, innocuous dissent from your opinion as a "stupid post" is creating the nastiness you attribute to political threads in general.

I didn't even state a political opinion. All I said was that I feel differently about its appropriateness.
I didn't join DI until January of this year, but to prove that I was correct sir about politics, I searched back and found a thread that Sky started in June of 16 asking who people were going to vote for president. Just as I suspected, the thread got testy with some, including YOU, and the thread itself was 4 pages long. Look I like a debate as much as the next guy, but you however, take it to another level. I saw that in that particular thread. Politics and religion Datt. That's two topics that no good comes out of on a sports message board. Surely a man of your intelligence should agree on that, or I at least hope you can
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Agree w/Denver on the lounge being a good place, and on the whole would concur w/Mac politics here is probably best left checked at the door...I remember the long testy dialogue several months back pre-election. Got kind of nasty.... Hey just my take....

I didn't join DI until January of this year, but to prove that I was correct sir about politics, I searched back and found a thread that Sky started in June of 16 asking who people were going to vote for president. Just as I suspected, the thread got testy with some, including YOU, and the thread itself was 4 pages long. Look I like a debate as much as the next guy, but you however, take it to another level. I saw that in that particular thread. Politics and religion Datt. That's two topics that no good comes out of on a sports message board. Surely a man of your intelligence should agree on that, or I at least hope you can
I have no problem w/ your preferring we avoid political discussions. I know they get heated. So do discussions of how to use our bench. I happen to disagree that we should therefore avoid them, and that's all I said before you made a reference to my "stupid post." Calling people's posts "stupid posts" is creating the very thing you're complaining about.
I have no problem w/ your preferring we avoid political discussions. I know they get heated. So do discussions of how to use our bench. I happen to disagree that we should therefore avoid them, and that's all I said before you made a reference to my "stupid post." Calling people's posts "stupid posts" is creating the very thing you're complaining about.
We are both right. I shouldn't have said you made a stupid post and you shouldn't have made the reply you did off my first post about staying away from politics. You admit they get heated. Yes so does discussing Duke basketball, because we all think we have the answers, but the difference is we all pull for the same team.
We have that one thing in common, we like Duke. Have a good day Datt
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People who say "Really!?" The term "viral."
Interesting. What is a better term for the rapid spread of some social/digital news besides "viral"? Sort of like the word "bandwidth" to succinctly explain that you don't have the time or resources to accomplish some task.
Getting behind a slow driver and they time it just right for themselves to make the stop light but you get caught. OFC
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Spelling police. When I post from my phone and it's sunny I can barely see half the time. :) Also people who honk their horn if you don't gun it the second the light turns green. I got T-boned and nearly killed by some idiot running a light so I pause a beat when the light changes.
Cheap home construction: no insulation on ductwork, no foundation, narrow hallways, etc. Why does vinyl siding exist? Why are we using folding closet doors or glass patio doors on tracks? Did hinges suddenly stop working? I get that it's cheaper I read cricut cuttlebug review here , but it doesn't work and you have to rebuild it every 30 years.
For the vinyl siding, we used Benjamin Moore Revive, its specifically designed for that reason. There is a color card with 'safe' colors that will help minimize any problems with expansion / contraction on the siding aided by the paint's heat absorption. Coverage on it is completely nuts and it dries really soon. We did 2 coats, got flawless paint coverage (which was promised blue on blue), and it leaves the original textured look intact.
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People who comment on things without experiencing it personally. That ending sucked. Did you see it? No.
The last couple of drive through I went to had the car in front of me take 5 or 6 minutes to place the order then another 15 minutes waiting on the order to be filled. Does this happen to you often? The last time it happened was Wed. I went through Cook Out to get a couple of milkshakes and corn dogs. It wa taking freaking long I had time to reflect about things. While reflecting I decided to pay for the car behind me order. As I got to the window I did have second thoughts but it was only $3.42 which I happily paid and left feeling pretty good. :) OFC

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I think there should be a 20 dollar spending limit at a fast food drive through. Nothing worse than getting behind a minivan ordering 30 dollars worth of stuff. It takes forever.
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When did the word "literally" become nothing more than a word of emphasis? When will someone who doesn't really mean it say "I figuratively jumped out of my skin"?
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People who dramatically try to avoid dips in the road or slow way down for perfectly flat railroad crossings.
Not knowing your homophones. Over years and years of intense study, I've found that it is often a symptom of much, much worse issues.
That's probably true. What are some common examples you hear?

Your/you're is a biggie. There/their/they're is another one. Hear and here. Too and to. The simple ones, that most people just... I don't know, it doesn't take some great intellect to do it, it should just come naturally, if you read at all and English is your first language. But man, when I see someone writing some big thing, and they are messing up homophones... well, there is usually a direct correlation between that and the quality of the overall post.

People also struggle with apostrophes, but that one... I don't know, it is a little more understandable I think.
Your/you're is a biggie. There/their/they're is another one. Hear and here. Too and to. The simple ones, that most people just... I don't know, it doesn't take some great intellect to do it, it should just come naturally, if you read at all and English is your first language. But man, when I see someone writing some big thing, and they are messing up homophones... well, there is usually a direct correlation between that and the quality of the overall post.

People also struggle with apostrophes, but that one... I don't know, it is a little more understandable I think.

Ah. Yes. These errors are through text. I was thinking this was through conversation for some reason. Yes, those type of errors are very, very common, unfortunately.
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