OT: Pet Peeves

Reading the peeves about the missing parts in the gas grill box brought to mind a peeve many of us likely have. Those_*&@#6@< packages that are so hard to open that are packaged in the clear see thru plastic that can send you to the ER for stitches if you make a mistake with the scissors or cut your hands trying to rip them apart.
Another pet peeve is half gallons of ice cream with only 48 ounces. (I know, I know, I'm living in the past.)
People who use over when they should have used more than. I have over $200. No, that means you are on top of $200. The correct terminology is "I have more than $200." Do not know why, but when AP style officially changed its rules to allow use of over in that instance, I died inside a little.

Baseball: 0-2 base hits that are NOT golfed or basically throwing the bat out there and got lucky. An 0-2 hit by pitch. A bases loaded walk-off walk. Saying something is an error because it touched the glove or it is not because it did not. So Bill Buckner did not commit an error in 1986?

Finally when driving, I am in the right lane on the highway approaching a car in front of me I want to pass. But the person in the left lane is being a speed demon. I want to wait for them to pass me, and they quickly pull up next to me but take forever to actually go pass. When I am on a side road with a left turning arrow about to turn on a major street (light is green not very long). Well, a person on the busy street turns when it is clear the light will turn red, knowing full well you are cutting in to my already short time with the potential to turn left. Last but not least, a driver clearly does something illegal and I honk at them and they get all animated and act like I am the idiot (like going through a red light when they are approaching the intersection it is red).
Ignoramuses who don't know how to maneuver a four way stop. If you get there first you can go through first. If not, then wait your damn turn!

Bad tippers. If the service is good your tip should never be less than 20%. IMO, 20% is standard for adequate service.

Agreed. Even if the service sucks, I never can stiff the waitress/waiter. I've been tempted a few times, but I usually end up giving benefit of the doubt and leaving something.
Ignoramuses who don't know how to maneuver a four way stop. If you get there first you can go through first. If not, then wait your damn turn!

This bothers me even at a two way stop. One, if you are waiting to turn left and someone pulls up across from you turning to their right and as soon as there is an opening, they go even though they were supposed to wait for you. Two. If someone was there first and they think they are being nice by letting you go when all they are doing is delaying the both of you.
People that interrupt especially the ones when you are having a conversation with someone and they walk right up and start a conversation with the person you are talking to. What's just as bad is the person you are talking to stops the conversation they are having with you and starts talking to the interrupter. I usually just walk away. OFC
People that interrupt especially the ones when you are having a conversation with someone and they walk right up and start a conversation with the person you are talking to. What's just as bad is the person you are talking to stops the conversation they are having with you and starts talking to the interrupter. I usually just walk away. OFC
UNC fans....

When people post on Facebook stuff like "my son/daughter got stung/bitten by something...not sure if I should take him/her to get checked out or what #AskFB" should obvious, take them to the doctor, especially if there's swelling and you don't know what stung/bit them
OK DiehardDuke Facebook is a whole other world. Thousands of pet peeves for Facebook.

My most disliked is a FB usher telling everyone they are at a certain place eating. (maybe a burger or sandwich or whatever.

"I am at Spuds and Suds Grill eating a wonderful baked potato with a cold beer, so very yummy"
OK DiehardDuke Facebook is a whole other world. Thousands of pet peeves for Facebook.

My most disliked is a FB usher telling everyone they are at a certain place eating. (maybe a burger or sandwich or whatever.

"I am at Spuds and Suds Grill eating a wonderful baked potato with a cold beer, so very yummy"
My most disliked is the people where every post they make is them b!tch!ng and complaining about something and/or threatening to kick someone's a$$
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At the bank when you are doing what you are supposed to do by filling out a deposit slip and someone gets ahead of you in line. One, they're basically just cutting in line without giving a damn because they are too lazy to go through the process. Two, because they didn't want to fill one out, the teller has to and you get to sit there in wait.
Some of my wife's pet peeves. Crunching on ice, channel surfing during commercials, cracking knuckles, going out wearing Crocs with white ankle socks on in public , doing dental hygiene while watching t.v. , not lid down on toilet, leaving towels on floor, leaving dirty clothes on floor, leaving dirty socks under bed, t.v. too loud except when it's something she's into,being on the D.I. board so much, saying the word "alright" when she ask about something, procrastinating saying we'll see when she ask me about something, telling her I will be off the computer in 15 minutes when I really mean 45 minutes, grunting whether I'm seating down, getting up, getting up off the floor ( that one is AWESOME) getting out of the car, getting into the car, well just about anything I do has a grunt. I think that's about it. OFC
How about this one...for those of you that are married.

Wife - Where you wanna eat?

Me - Chilis?

Wife - No. Anywhere but there.

Me - Olive Garden?

Wife - No. Anything else?

Me - I've picked two and you said no. You decide.

Wife - I don't care just pick somewhere!!!
How about this one...for those of you that are married.

Wife - Where you wanna eat?

Me - Chilis?

Wife - No. Anywhere but there.

Me - Olive Garden?

Wife - No. Anything else?

Me - I've picked two and you said no. You decide.

Wife - I don't care just pick somewhere!!!
You must have been riding in my back seat almost every time the wife and I go out to eat.
OK DiehardDuke Facebook is a whole other world. Thousands of pet peeves for Facebook.

My most disliked is a FB usher telling everyone they are at a certain place eating. (maybe a burger or sandwich or whatever.

"I am at Spuds and Suds Grill eating a wonderful baked potato with a cold beer, so very yummy"
I had a friend like that I thought was so obnoxious... until I learned her husband was a chef in a fancy restaurant. Now I give her a pass for that and only think she's obnoxious for talking about going sailing.
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That reminds me of another thing. People who take up two parking places. If they are that concerned about their car getting hit park it in outer darkness or drive a scooter. OFC
I can usually close my eyes, fish around under a seat in my car, and come up with a handful of stale goldfish, a pen, a hair band, 2 different sized paper clips, half a crayon, 3-4 broken dreams, a bottle cap, and an indecipherable note from months earlier. I'll take that half a crayon and write a non-profane note on the windshield of the bad parker, telling them they're a bad parker.
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I'll tell ya a darn huge pet peeve I have, That 10 pound squirrel that's eating almost every tomato on my mater bushes. He used to wait until they turned red before he took them but now I think he's taking them to his nest green to let them ripen.
I'll tell ya a darn huge pet peeve I have, That 10 pound squirrel that's eating almost every tomato on my mater bushes. He used to wait until they turned red before he took them but now I think he's taking them to his nest green to let them ripen.
Yea my biggest mater went missing yesterday. Gonna be calling that squirrels family together if I catch him in my mater vines.

I'll tell ya a darn huge pet peeve I have, That 10 pound squirrel that's eating almost every tomato on my mater bushes. He used to wait until they turned red before he took them but now I think he's taking them to his nest green to let them ripen.

Haha, believe it or not, climate change has led to increased numbers of fat squirrels. It sounds ridiculous but it's true.
We all have them. I'm a bit like Larry David in that I have many.

One of my current biggest is when people post a score from a game and say, "we lost 60-62.", you didn't. You lost 62-60. Never, ever, under any circumstance do you post the losing score first. Ever.

What is one of your biggest pet peeves? Trust me, this could 30 pages on my pet peeves alone. I'm very cynical by nature.

Remember that 50-82 score. I thought that was pretty cool . ;) OFC
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I'm surprised this one hasn't been posted. Performers who will not sing our National Anthem the proper way. They have to put their own little twist too it. It seems as though they want the attention to go to their voices and how they can extend notes. I've seen little kids sing it better than professionals. Whitney Houston. You may not sing it as well as she did but she did it right. If you can't hit the notes just don't sing it. It's our National Anthem and should be respected. OFC
People that block the aisles in grocery stores having conversations or like what happened to me yesterday. The store I went to had bacon on sale buy 2 get 3 free which is a good deal. There were a couple of people in front of me and some behind me waiting to get to where this brand of bacon was. Now there was plenty of bacon but the couple at the bacon picked up every pack of bacon that was there looking at each one making everyone wait. The woman knew we were waiting our shot at the deal because she kept looking at us. Didn't bother her one bit. I did get my bacon though. :D OFC
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