I was thinking the same thing. I’ve never seen a player go from being so valuable to a complete non-factor in such a short period of time. He really hasn’t given us anything since the turn of the year. Nothing.
This is probably the best statement of the night
That's got to be a flagrant. How was Bilas saying it's debatable? I've seen less than that called a F1!
Without Zion, Carolina is just a lot better than us.
I agree with a lot of your posts, but not this one. You lose the best player in the nation and then you have to regroup on the spot, that's a tremendous amount to over come.
Looks pretty intentional to me.

And honestly, I thought all of the charges called were legit. Our guys are playing like idiots is all.
Agreed, our guys are just playing stupid basketball and forcing drives that UNC is in position for. If we actually had crisp, aware passing like the opponent, we wouldn't have these charges
You apparently didn't read the article. It would help if you did that before commenting. He doesn't say he "knows" or has any information or basing it on any tests - he's basing it on the movement on the injury; the nature of the injury (apparently he's done that in football and can generally get it right based on what he sees the leg do). He based it on the replay so, yeah, the replay is out there that quickly.

Ok slick sorry.,,article is waste of time to me then if he is guessing
To be fair Duke has took these same charges year in and year out. This is how other fans have felt over and over

Thanks for the perspective. Hope you’re having a terrific evening.
Some of these shots by our bench players are just shake your head moments. These are D1 athletes missing as badly as you can.
Time for everyone to celebrate how great Maye is. What a load of crap
Goldwire has to be the worst offensive guard I've ever seen. We have now seen him whiff two layups, air ball a three and air ball a 2 so bad it looked like a pass.. and I love the kid by the way, I wish the rest of our team played with his energy.
Maye must think his birthday came early. He is no where near a 30pt scorer yet we make him look like a POY candidate. Javin, Bolden cant cover him? Thats not good.
Hats off to the cheaters. They took care of business.

Just could not recover from the first minute psychologically.

Guys worked hard. Proud of the effort. Definitely needed better execution, but proud of the fight in these kids.
Goldwire has to be the worst offensive guard I've ever seen. We have now seen him whiff two layups, air ball a three and air ball a 2 so bad it looked like a pass.. and I love the kid by the way, I wish the rest of our team played with his energy.

That's a Duke 3 star. We don't get 3 stars like Luke Maye.
K should hire Ray Allen as an assistant coach.

Let him teach the fundamentals of shooting a basketball for the first 20 minutes of each practice. Because this team lacks that big time.
I’m not frustrated at could see it was over at half...

Only thing that matters is how significant Zions injury is both for himself and this team...

If he’s only out a week or two...we won’t remember or even care about this’s a total anamolly...

But if it’s serious...our season is essentially over and we will never forget this game....
Jack jav and goldwire are just woeful on offense

Thing is, Jack and Javin weren’t two months ago. Now Javin wasn’t great, but he had a great start to the year and played to his strengths. Jack looked like a most improved player candidate. I agree on Goldwire.

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