I just read that Hicks is injured. Has anyone else heard this? I hope not. Hate to see any kid injured.
Yeah but a better stat than that is last 15 years Duke is 21-12 vs Holes
And something like 75-1 on timeouts taken. (Roy tripped once and the ref thought he was taking a timeout so it was awarded. Grayson did it. Roy cussed and slammed a chair)
What's the over/under on seconds into the game before someone at THR bitches about the officiating? And no, the hundreds of pregame posts about it don't count.
We're good. Just heard a Mike Poster song on the way to my meeting. It's an omen.
I'm excited to see Roy's coat.

... As he throws it off against the bench.
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They may still have the front court advantage, but no Hicks is huge.
Feeling good!!!! Best night of the year..... ready to sit back and enjoy!!

As many have said.... simple to me......

JUST FIGHT YOUR A$$ OFF, good things will come
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I hate that they don't have Hicks; just gives them extra excuses.

They can whine, but there are no excuses. You play with what you've got. No one has felt sorry for Duke this year, and I'm not about to feel sorry for UNC, nor am I going to listen to any excuses if Duke wins.

It is here!!!!!

Let's go Devils....kick the living crap out of the cheaters!!!!!

Game time.......let's do this!!!!!
It's game time. Hicks or no Hicks let's take care of business. Get off to a great stop and stay that way. OFC
Luke Maye is playing well early.

I like Grayson coming out and taking charge. That's a good long term sign for us tonight.

Jayson is thinking a little too much. I thought twice he could have gotten all the way to the basket but he didn't react. Maybe some freshman we hope.
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Think we're playing well, they are just playing better. No worries. Things will settle in. Jefferson needs to wake up and be strong. He plays so weak at times

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