Win or lose, these new rules are absolutely killing the game. And they keep saying "it'll be better once the kids get used to the new rules...."

I call bs; it'll take years to get used to this.

I'm not fond of them either. No flow to the game. I say they'll quit calling some of this stuff before the season is over.

We have been clutch at the free throw line thats for sure.
Wow!! That's a hard fought good win!! We battled and showed heart! We're young but we are going to be real good before it's over!! Go Duke!
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Could you imagine if they would have tossed in another one to end this half and the game....whew!
What we have to hope for is a strong finish and a lot of fight from Duke, to the end. That is where a team is built. "K" and staff will get it figured out, it just may be a little more of a painful process this year.
Still say Duke wins a "white knuckler" here.
Go Duke!!

^^ WHAT?!! Sometimes you just gotta trust ole' JC!! Big win guys, even though Georgetown is not a Final Four team, they are pretty good. These young kids are really showing up, and we can all see there is a lot of ways to get better. WOW, that was rich!!
Go Duke!!

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Im really not trying to be argumentative or over the edge rah rah BUT..... I understand BI hasn't lived up to hype yet but I'm not sure about all the negative talk on him. It only takes a series of plays for the talent to click and boom he could be great. The other freshman are playing great should be the focus
This is the kind of game the new kids need.. However, my heart does not. Dickie V. mentioned not knowing how to end this endless trip to the free throw line. Well, one rule change would help-you cannot call time out if you do not possess the ball. Your possession ends if you score either a field goal or free throw. You don't possess the ball if the other team is shooting free throws. I know most won't agree with this , but it would certainly speed the game up. I didn't think this game would ever get over.
Hey, let UK fans talk, yes he had a bad game against Kentucky, but the kid is 100% stud. If all other players were as determined as he is, we'd sweep the season.
Great game. Was hoping for another hail Mary like in the first half. An even game and have no problems losing today.
Hot Damn, that was intense!! Got to love this young team, gonna cause a lot of health problems this year! Grayson and Luke deadly at the FT line!
DT did such a great job stepping to the FT line, except for the last two, which I really felt bad for him. Can you imagine the pressure on that young fella at that time! Lot of things to work on, but a lot of time to do it. "K" and staff have to be ecstatic right now.
Go Duke!!

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Great win, second half showed the signs of life for this team. Guess they are starting to figure it out. There will be periods of head scratching play but the leaders are starting to emerge and the freshman are losing some of their nervousness. If Ingram can come play then we will be much much better
Vine. Watch K. "Ok. that's enough. We're done here. Nice win but we got ish to work on..."

Im really not trying to be argumentative or over the edge rah rah BUT..... I understand BI hasn't lived up to hype yet but I'm not sure about all the negative talk on him. It only takes a series of plays for the talent to click and boom he could be great. The other freshman are playing great should be the focus
I am one of them that probably needs to relax on him a little but it's hard to watch when you are used to seeing all Duke players play with energy and passion. That is my only problem with him. I don't care how much he scores just want to see him play like he wants to be out there. Good win, on to Yale
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This group is going to have A LOT of games like this over the course of the season. They have heart, and they are going to give us fans heartburn. It will be fun though.

When Thornton missed that layup where he was more open than he was in pregame warmups I was a little worried. But they grinded. Thank goodness they were solid from the line. I think Georgetown scored 12 points in their last 6 possessions.
I'm pretty confused over the PG talk..... DT has played VERY well the last 3 halves! It's like people listened to DickieV or something. I know who the PG of this team is and I have all the confidence in him.

Just how smart is DickieV,,,most knowledge fans wondered why Thorton wasn't @ PG fron day 1, (Well, at least I to have Allen & Thorton in together )

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