duke football news

Don’t sell Nina King short.
Really. You tell us why not. Why is she qualified to decide who are best suited for mens' programs? WTF does she know about what football and basketball programs need? Will the all-knowing Duke faculty guide her decisions? Is the goal actually winning or is it that athletics should not be permitted to interfere with Duke's societal progressive goals? This is BS. If the university had uttered one syllable about why she could be trusted for picking coaches for mens' programs, I would be willing to hold my sh&t. But no. All of this causes me to question how much our teams really matter to the school. It's like when I was an undergraduate and the president of the university wanted to dumb athletics down and transform Duke into "the Harvard (or maybe even the Brown) of the South". But for K, that a$$hole may have succeeded. My rant is now over. In case you cannot tell, I am not real happy with the decision.

Really. You tell us why not. Why is she qualified to decide who are best suited for mens' programs? WTF does she know about what football and basketball programs need? Will the all-knowing Duke faculty guide her decisions? Is the goal actually winning or is it that athletics should not be permitted to interfere with Duke's societal progressive goals? This is BS. If the university had uttered one syllable about why she could be trusted for picking coaches for mens' programs, I would be willing to hold my sh&t. But no. All of this causes me to question how much our teams really matter to the school. It's like when I was an undergraduate and the president of the university wanted to dumb athletics down and transform Duke into "the Harvard (or maybe even the Brown) of the South". But for K, that a$$hole may have succeeded. My rant is now over. In case you cannot tell, I am not real happy with the decision.

Firmly in your corner my friend. I look for Nina to stay out of football, and afford Cut the same freedom Kevin White has. The translation is more losing, but little if any concern shown by the administration. OFC
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You think she got the job without K’s blessing? Or perhaps his strong advocacy? Not that he would know anything about running a major college sports program. And if you’re going to suggest that he is solely concerned about his basketball program, you’d be doing a disservice to someone who bleeds Duke blue more than any of us.
You think she got the job without K’s blessing? Or perhaps his strong advocacy? Not that he would know anything about running a major college sports program. And if you’re going to suggest that he is solely concerned about his basketball program, you’d be doing a disservice to someone who bleeds Duke blue more than any of us.
I do not think his advocacy was a determining factor. If he had had strong objections it may have played a part. I think the know-nothings on the committee made their choice based on factors other than enhancing the revenue-producing sports programs, a goal for which I see no evidence yet that she has the qualifications needed to achieve. As far as K is concerned, I think that after the fact he supported the choice in order to reduce any blowback from alumni and contributors. There is nothing to reflect that any other candidates were seriously considered or that King was K's first choice, or even a choice. K knew that he could create a firestorm by criticizing the choice of King over others, but for the good of the school, he issued a rather tepid endorsement of King. K would not be one to rock the boat. Neither K nor anyone else has said anything other than that she will be a continuation of Kevin White's work. I have yet to hear any explanation of why she might be particularly suited for the job. As to continuing White's work, I am not so sure that would be a good thing. A number of us here believe that change is needed and that now is the ideal time to pursue it.

Kevin White did nothing to change the climate on the Duke football team. He didn't require new assistants or to our knowledge get Cut to change his ways. Who's to say Nina King will be worse? Just because she's a woman? I'm sure the Duke Trustees will have the major say in the direction of the football team. One AD isn't going to change the philosophy of the school toward major sports teams.

I don't know what direction the trustees want to take the football program, but it won't be Nina King who decides.
Kevin White did nothing to change the climate on the Duke football team. He didn't require new assistants or to our knowledge get Cut to change his ways. Who's to say Nina King will be worse? Just because she's a woman? I'm sure the Duke Trustees will have the major say in the direction of the football team. One AD isn't going to change the philosophy of the school toward major sports teams.

I don't know what direction the trustees want to take the football program, but it won't be Nina King who decides.
Nina King has been part of the football problem per her most recent duties as White's predecessor...

wow the dislike towards king on here is something. ''WTF'' does she (a woman) know about mens programs? so what you are saying is no man should be deciding anything about womens sports because most of us dont know our ass from our elbow about them. guess per some posters we need 2 AD'S since a women cant be qualified to oversee a mens sport and a man cant run a womens sport. welp
i am as frustrated with the direction of the football team as anyone here but i will at least give her a chance. if she extends cut then i will be yelling BUT not because she is a woman but because she is wrong
wow the dislike towards king on here is something. ''WTF'' does she (a woman) know about mens programs? so what you are saying is no man should be deciding anything about womens sports because most of us dont know our ass from our elbow about them. guess per some posters we need 2 AD'S since a women cant be qualified to oversee a mens sport and a man cant run a womens sport. welp
i am as frustrated with the direction of the football team as anyone here but i will at least give her a chance. if she extends cut then i will be yelling BUT not because she is a woman but because she is wrong
Surf no sexism meant here at all but the fact she has been overseeing football speaks for itself.

Grade; F

As I recall UVa has a female AD, and their football team and men’s basketball team have done pretty well.
As I recall UVa has a female AD, and their football team and men’s basketball team have done pretty well.
So......UVA has a football coach in Bronko Mendenhall who OWNS Cut. 5-0 since hes been at UVA and the two schools compete for the same players too. Virginia has really sealed off Duke in that variable as well. Mendenhall hit the ground running in his efforts to improve the program. Only think Cut has hit lately is the ground, period.Its obvious King hasnt even lit a fire under Cut to get things turned around. As overseer of football she should have vehemently disagreed with the asinine idea of Cut to merely shuffle the cards among position coaches this offseason. We have a former running back and career RB coach running receivers dept this year, a much lauded receivers coach moving to the secondary. Besides there's no sexism at play here on my end, I am merely comparing the two programs going in opposite directions. OFC
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wow the dislike towards king on here is something. ''WTF'' does she (a woman) know about mens programs? so what you are saying is no man should be deciding anything about womens sports because most of us dont know our ass from our elbow about them. guess per some posters we need 2 AD'S since a women cant be qualified to oversee a mens sport and a man cant run a womens sport. welp
i am as frustrated with the direction of the football team as anyone here but i will at least give her a chance. if she extends cut then i will be yelling BUT not because she is a woman but because she is wrong
You miss the point, Surf. Does not matter to me if new AD is male, female or other. The issue is qualifications. What are they , Surf? If you know, tell me. If it is just being under the same failed leadership, that is not enough for me. Kind of resent your insinuation that my opposition is sexist based. Nothing in my previous emails even hinted at that. My position is, and will not change without good reason., that Duke's choice is not qualified to to the job. I really hope I am wrong. Time will tell.

the issue i took with your post was the ''why is she qualified to decide who are best suited for mens programs''
not all sports programs but just ''mens'' programs. i dont know if she will be good or bad. i dont know her. so far i would say she is 1-0 for her womens bball hire (yes that was her and not kevin white though he gets the credit). i am as frustrated with cut's killing the football program as anyone. i dont post on the basketball boards because i dont care as much about that sport. i love football. man i would love for us to be a solid 7-9 win team a year. i remember when people were pissed because we hired a losing coach from army and said he was not ready for a major college job. sometimes it works, sometimes it doesnt. i am with you in the ''nervous'' zone. god i cant take football getting much worse.
By and large in-house promotions at Duke and/or hiring someone outside w/o PRIOR EXPERIENCE into a NEW ROLE have NOT gone well. I really don't think theres anything SEXIST at all about the King appointment. The hire should have been for a football/basketball man OR woman.

If you look at FOOTBALL, Duke's in-house hires or outside the program hires w/no experience in NEW ROLE have been pretty awful over the last several decades:

Barry Wilson (Duke asst named head coach- no previous HC experience).
Carl Franks (was an asst from another program, had never bèen a head coach).
Ted Roof (Duke asst named head coach- no prior head coaching role)

'nuf said

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god i cant take football getting much worse.
I don't think any of us can. I think thats one thing we all come together on here. We all OBVIOUSLY TRULY CARE about DUKE FOOTBALL. We're not FRONTRUNNERS, we have followed the team thru some pretty dark times, had a few moments in the sun, and watched as the team returned to a comedy show.

Cut should really be one off the most watched coaches in ACC or nationally this year. His seat should be among the HOTTEST!!!! If he pulls another embarrassing year, A NEW AD can show COMMITMENT to football by showing him the door. OFC
Don't coaches whose contract isn't renewed 2 years in advance normally leave? There's no point to sticking around for the last year, knowing that you are on the way out, other than for the money, which I assume Cut doesn't need. Time for a nice administrative job and a thank you note.
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the issue i took with your post was the ''why is she qualified to decide who are best suited for mens programs''
not all sports programs but just ''mens'' programs. i dont know if she will be good or bad. i dont know her. so far i would say she is 1-0 for her womens bball hire (yes that was her and not kevin white though he gets the credit). i am as frustrated with cut's killing the football program as anyone. i dont post on the basketball boards because i dont care as much about that sport. i love football. man i would love for us to be a solid 7-9 win team a year. i remember when people were pissed because we hired a losing coach from army and said he was not ready for a major college job. sometimes it works, sometimes it doesnt. i am with you in the ''nervous'' zone. god i cant take football getting much worse.
To answer you, Surf, I mentioned mens' programs because they are the ones which provide primary support for all of Duke's athletics. In a later email I focused on revenue producing sports, by far the most important of which are mens basketball and football. I never meant to suggest that no woman could be capable of guiding mens programs, only that there was no evidence that this woman had the required experience and qualifications. Had a man been selected with the same lack of experience and qualifications, I would have also asked whether he was best suited to make coaching decisions for those programs. Her sex had nothing to do with my comments. I hope you understand that. I care especially about the football program which is in the deepest trouble. And I have seen no evidence that Ms. King has the qualifications to decide whether, if, or when to replace Cut, or with whom to replace him. The impetus for all of my posts on this subject is my continuing concern for football.

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Any time a coach quits or gets fired, recruiting can be difficult, unless it’s in the spring/early summer. Probably less true if you’re one of the perennially top 10 schools. Not much we can do about that, probably take our lumps recruiting-wise one year. But I’ll trade that for an upgraded coaching staff in a heartbeat. I think we have some kids who could be coached to a much higher performance level.
so 4 contracts signed
rumph 4 yr 4,233,544 mil with 753,544 signing bonus
carter 4 year 3,808,927 mil with 328,927 signing bonus
gray 4 year 3,793,776 mil with 313,776 signing bonus
dimukeje 4 year 3,641,860 mil with 161,860 signing bonus
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Well, Cut says that when one of his QB's has a turnover in practice, he will immediately be run on and off the field as punishment. Not unexpectedly, he did not mention what steps will be taken to actually reduce turnovers before they happen. Not a hint of any change to his system, even though this is supposedly the fastest group of QB's he has ever had. He says they all run 4.5's or faster. I'm no expert, but wouldn't this speed suggest we do something different from the Bryce system which produced 15 int's? OFC.
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Well, Cut says that when one of his QB's has a turnover in practice, he will immediately be run on and off the field as punishment. Not unexpectedly, he did not mention what steps will be taken to actually reduce turnovers before they happen. Not a hint of any change to his system, even though this is supposedly the fastest group of QB's he has ever had. He says they all run 4.5's or faster. I'm no expert, but wouldn't this speed suggest we do something different from the Bryce system which produced 15 int's? OFC.
DI its been a common theme over the off-season for Cut to rave about his personnel: "We're PHYSICALLY STRONGER than ever," "We have more depth than any team I've ever had at Duke," etc, etc. Interesting now he's raving about QB's SPEED, and you would think there would be some VARIATION SCHEME WISE as you noted to take advantage.

Its true- Holmberg, Diamont are MUCH FASTER than Chase Brice, but will it lead to alternative playbook??? I would say not. Cutcliffe is stubborn as a mule, and he will likely run the same garbage he's run for years. OFC
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In case you haven't seen it one of our DI posters and a big Duke football fan and fairly regular poster on this thread has passed away at 73. He was known on the board as dukeman. His real name was Wade McClenny and a Viet Nam vet. He didn't pist a whole lot but was as true a Duke fan that I have ever known. He was from Clinton N.C. Just wanted to make sure you football guys knew about it. He was a personal friend of mine for close to 50 years. Remember the dukeman. OFC
bang bang
colby campbell has committed as a grad transfer
6' 225 lb from presbyterian
as discussed a couple of pages ago, he was a two time all american at that level and got some pre draft talk in the nfl small school diamonds pages.
i like him and hope his ''step up'' in competition works for both him and us
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so i have to say cut actually did use the transfer portal this year.
i like the ot from pitt and the lb pick up. the db from michigan is good depth. the dt from nd could be really good if fully recovered from covid and he can relight his fire.
the two og kids are the big question marks (to me). they have really good size and if even one of these guys pans out and can play at this level then cut might have actually done well for us this year in filling need spots.
I have not felt in the past 5 years that the talent was much worse than teams we were competing against: Pitt, BC, Virginia, Wake, etc. The problem is they seemed to perform above their talent rating and we performed below ours, unlike the first 5-8 years of Cut's regime. Like all Duke fans, I'll hope he coaches up the team this coming season and avoid those terrible games where the wheels come off. They are embarrassing.
Here we have Coach K making a decision which he believes is in the best interest of Duke, his players, the team, and, last of all, himself. Contrast to Cut, who is hanging on evidently in a pitiable attempt to resurrect his 'system", irrespective of what may be best for Duke and future recruiting. Long live K!! OFC
Here we have Coach K making a decision which he believes is in the best interest of Duke, his players, the team, and, last of all, himself. Contrast to Cut, who is hanging on evidently in a pitiable attempt to resurrect his 'system", irrespective of what may be best for Duke and future recruiting. Long live K!! OFC
Coach Krzyzewski probably has more money in the bank than Coach Cutcliffe
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Here we have Coach K making a decision which he believes is in the best interest of Duke, his players, the team, and, last of all, himself. Contrast to Cut, who is hanging on evidently in a pitiable attempt to resurrect his 'system", irrespective of what may be best for Duke and future recruiting. Long live K!! OFC
Sadly it won't change him DI. Cut is only employed because he parlayed several years of success into a long term deal. He knows this. He knows Duke football was SO BAD for SO LONG, the administration won't rock the boat during his tenure. They'll remain grateful to him. He charmed the gullible Kevin White (who extended Charlie Weiss at Notre Dame as well, lol)right out of his skin. Cut is only looking out for Cut, and we needed an outside hire for AD w/no pre-existing ties to anyone. We'll find out if Kevin White protege Nina King is brainwashed by Cut too, or if AWFUL FOOTBALL is the continued way to go.....OFC
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Here we have Coach K making a decision which he believes is in the best interest of Duke, his players, the team, and, last of all, himself. Contrast to Cut, who is hanging on evidently in a pitiable attempt to resurrect his 'system", irrespective of what may be best for Duke and future recruiting. Long live K!! OFC

I was going to post the same basic thing. Of course it's easier to go out on top with a great recruiting class coming in for his last year. I don't think Cut has the ability to see that he is not on the verge of turning it around and will only continue the downward trend this coming season. Time will tell.
bang bang
eric weatherly a 3 star rb from fla just committed
5' 8'' 170 lbs
first team all-first coast (northeastern fla)
has over 25 offers from every major g5 program
duke, kentucky, southern miss, air force, army, navy, usf, liberty, coastal carolina plus lots more
ran a 10.9 in the 100m this year in track. equates to a 4.5 40
fast but not blazing. 1425 all purpose yds last season with 12 tds. used as a rb and wr
i think this is a good pick up for us
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bang bang
eric weatherly a 3 star rb from fla just committed
5' 8'' 170 lbs
first team all-first coast (northeastern fla)
has over 25 offers from every major g5 program
duke, kentucky, southern miss, air force, army, navy, usf, liberty, coastal carolina plus lots more
ran a 10.9 in the 100m this year in track. equates to a 4.5 40
fast but not blazing. 1425 all purpose yds last season with 12 tds. used as a rb and wr
i think this is a good pick up for us
Surf thanks for the info. I am just going to withhold opinion til I actually see the kid make the jump from high school to power 5 football. I kept waiting for RB Deon Jackson to blossom after his early career success,but didnt see it. Wonder though if that goes back to our inability to develop talent??? OFC
hmmm not sure about that hart. i just kinda question deon's drive to be better. mataeo sure stepped up and developed and took the limelight away from deon so the coaching seems to be working with some of the kids..
i agree our coaching has gone down but at the same time NOT fumbling is a personal demon the player needs to help fix. deon just never seemed to want to be the best to me
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