This will not end well

Players need to be able to earn while playing at the college level. There needs to be a base for every player and then bonuses based on image, jersey sales, and even let them have sneaker deals.

This just doesn’t work.
You can’t buy an officially licensed jersey with a player’s name on the back. NBA players aren’t even paid “bonuses based on image” and what does that even mean? That’s a boiling lawsuit waiting to fire up. There’d be >10 players with sneaker deals. If the NCAA played by your rules, our 4 freshmen would be driving Lambo’s and everyone else would be lucky enough to afford McDonald’s twice a week.

If they start paying college athletes, I will stop watching. If you wanna get paid, go to the nba.

This. I co-sign this post.
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I understand the NCAA can't directly pay the player's a "salary" because then you gotta pay the woman's backup goalie on the field hockey team. When it reality, 2 sports make money, men's basketball and men's football. And for some schools, only 1 sport makes money.

I just don't understand why players can't make money off their name/likeness? Why couldn't Zion already have a shoe deal with Nike while playing for Duke? Why can't guys go out and have an autograph session at the local mall and make $500 for doing so? I'd like to go get some autographs.
Duke players are superstars, they are local celebrities. Why can't they eat for free whenver they want at the local steakhouse?
This just doesn’t work.
You can’t buy an officially licensed jersey with a player’s name on the back. NBA players aren’t even paid “bonuses based on image” and what does that even mean? That’s a boiling lawsuit waiting to fire up. There’d be >10 players with sneaker deals. If the NCAA played by your rules, our 4 freshmen would be driving Lambo’s and everyone else would be lucky enough to afford McDonald’s twice a week.

This. I co-sign this post.

I'm firmly in the camp that there needs to be some sort of compensation....but again, I don't know how that's done and I understand your point, too. I mean, right now, barely any kids can afford McDonald's the way it is.
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I understand the NCAA can't directly pay the player's a "salary" because then you gotta pay the woman's backup goalie on the field hockey team. When it reality, 2 sports make money, men's basketball and men's football. And for some schools, only 1 sport makes money.

First of all, the NCAA wouldn’t pay. The university would. The NBA doesn’t pay Steph Curry, Golden State does. If the NCAA allows a university to pay one sport, they have to pay all sports, both genders and equally with a salary cap.

(All sports equally) Example: Duke basketball is worth more than Duke football. Flip the narrative for Clemson. Now how would it be fair for Duke to compete with Clemson in football? How would it be fair for Clemson to compete with Duke in basketball? If you think there’s already a substantial talent gap between P5 conferences and mid-majors, it’ll blow out of the water. Not only that, but only 2-3 schools per P5 conference would be competitive (at best)

(Both genders) Example: UConn women’s basketball is on TV ($$$) more than a good portion of men’s basketball teams. They can’t be shunned. If they are paid, every program must pay women’s basketball.

If you don’t believe in a salary cap / fairness and want to create New York Yankees everywhere, well, I’d say you’ve lost your mind.

Edit: @dukiejay I just saw your reply. Take a look at what I’m saying here though... How do you possibly go about it?
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Give each program an equal yearly budget from their own revenue. Have a system that pays based on achievements. Minutes played, points scored, assists/turnovers, other incentives. Cream rises to the top, so the top talent will always recieve more than the 7th or 8th man.

Might be a stupid idea, but the longer I think about it, the more I feel like these kids are being used more than being steered right in life.
This is just a question for anyone that might know as I honestly have no clue, but what are the rules regarding these kids or their families taking out loans based on their almost guaranteed earning potential (once they come to duke and Duke has paid their multimillion dollar insurance policies they are basically millionaires at that point)? A lot of our “rival” fanbases love to point out that the Williamson’s live in some big house in Durham. I have no idea where they live, but I can’t image it would be that hard to get someone to lend you a hundred thousand dollars for a year or two knowing that your kid is about to be worth at minimum $10M? Have always been curious about this and whether that would be a violation or what the actual rules are.
I'm firmly in the camp that there needs to be some sort of compensation....but again, I don't know how that's done and I understand your point, too. I mean, right now, barely any kids can afford McDonald's the way it is.

I don't disagree. My only thought is that whatever the compensation structure is, it has to be even across the board, otherwise, college becomes the new NBA in that you go to the highest bidder.

I still believe the biggest money-making aspect of this should be going to a school where you get a lot of exposure. If the rates are not the same for everyone, then you've essentially created another pro league.
This is just a question for anyone that might know as I honestly have no clue, but what are the rules regarding these kids or their families taking out loans based on their almost guaranteed earning potential (once they come to duke and Duke has paid their multimillion dollar insurance policies they are basically millionaires at that point)? A lot of our “rival” fanbases love to point out that the Williamson’s live in some big house in Durham. I have no idea where they live, but I can’t image it would be that hard to get someone to lend you a hundred thousand dollars for a year or two knowing that your kid is about to be worth at minimum $10M? Have always been curious about this and whether that would be a violation or what the actual rules are.

Athletes can take out insurance policies to borrow against future earnings. So for example, Zion’s insurance policy is $8M. In order to take out the insurance policy, a premium has to be paid. I believe Zion’s was around $60,000 which was paid for by Duke. Legally a university can’t just fork up the money and hand it over, but there’s certain loopholes that make it legal. Duke cooperated legally to make it happen. I’m not too sure on the specifics. I’m not 100% positive but I believe Zion can collect $8M (or whatever he hasn’t borrowed already) if he’s selected past 16th in the draft. Obviously he’ll be selected sooner so therefore he will be required to pay-back what was borrowed out of the $8M.

Hopefully that makes sense, I’m not a wiz on the whole ordeal but that’s my basic understanding.
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I'm firmly in the camp that there needs to be some sort of compensation....but again, I don't know how that's done and I understand your point, too. I mean, right now, barely any kids can afford McDonald's the way it is.
It is interesting what any type of compensation system would look like. I wouldn't be surprised if most kids ranked, say, top 25 and up are already getting some compensation (or at least their families are) whether that's from the school or the shoe companies or from wherever. So while I think most top kids are probably getting paid something, most of the kids across the landscape of college sports aren't a top 25 prospect. I agree with you and have no problem with kids getting paid, but yeah, I have no idea what that looks like fairly.
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If you can shoot a damn basketball you get to go to college for free and people are considering even paying you while you’re there while everybody else working (to make a living in the future) is struggling in college. I don’t get it....
If you can shoot a damn basketball you get to go to college for free and people are considering even paying you while you’re there while everybody else working (to make a living in the future) is struggling in college. I don’t get it....
I agree mostly. But let's face it, the every day student isn't bringing in millions of dollars to the institution like the athletes do.
What drives me crazy is the people allowed to sell Zion and other players jerseys and make money hand over fist based on their likeness, but the players get nothing. I’m not sure I think college players should be paid. They’re getting free room and board and tuition. They shouldn’t have to go hungry, so they should get an amount each semester equivalent to a cost of living loan regular students can get. The nba needs to get rid of the age limit. Let the kids that are good enough to go pro out of high school go make the money they can demand in the market.
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I agree with a lot of stuff said. I mean these kids are getting a free education worth a lot. Free room and board free meal plans and at duke and a lot of schools good free meals/separate eating beyond the plans. Everything is covered already. Normal college kids don’t get that. They take out loans. Athletes come out owing nothing with a degree in hand and elite ones make millions. Not a bad gig. Should the school/ncaa pay them? I think they’re already being paid in that aspect. And I guarantee every D1 school or the majority gives some compensation under the table

BUT people all over eBay and other places are selling Zion’s face on shirts and he can’t do it himself. The NCAA should allow you to make money on your likeness I don’t see a problem with that at all. I also think they should have a budget of some sort that allows parents and close relatives if they’re unable to afford to the tourney or bowl games to be able to go and stay somewhere.
I'm firmly in the camp that there needs to be some sort of compensation....but again, I don't know how that's done and I understand your point, too. I mean, right now, barely any kids can afford McDonald's the way it is.
Get a freaking summer job. That’s how I got my spending money in college. Worked 6 days, 50+ hours per week.
Get a freaking summer job. That’s how I got my spending money in college. Worked 6 days, 50+ hours per week.
I'm not sure their commitment to their athletic programs allows them the time to get a job.
Get a freaking summer job. That’s how I got my spending money in college. Worked 6 days, 50+ hours per week.
Their summer job is working out, practicing to get better for next year and taking summer school. These aren’t normal students. And correct me if I’m wrong someone else here- i don’t think they’re allowed to have paying internships or jobs while on scholarship. I could be incorrect on that though.
i don’t think they’re allowed to have paying internships or jobs while on scholarship. I could be incorrect on that though.
That is my understanding. They’re not allowed to work for compensation. Enforced poverty for some that don’t come from families with the means to support them.
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Their summer job is working out, practicing to get better for next year and taking summer school. These aren’t normal students. And correct me if I’m wrong someone else here- i don’t think they’re allowed to have paying internships or jobs while on scholarship. I could be incorrect on that though.

Wow didn’t know that but that’s really stupid!
At one point my wife and I were both full time students. I was not allowed to work the first year of my program and my wife had to drive an hour one way to get to her school. We survived on cost of living loans each semester. About $7,500 for 5 months. That was to pay for everything. I don’t see any reason these costs can’t be incorporated into full ride athletic scholarships. Give all student athletes a cost of living check (varies in amt depending on location). Not a loan, but not paying them exactly. Just giving them enough to live like an average student can.
At one point my wife and I were both full time students. I was not allowed to work the first year of my program and my wife had to drive an hour one way to get to her school. We survived on cost of living loans each semester. About $7,500 for 5 months. That was to pay for everything. I don’t see any reason these costs can’t be incorporated into full ride athletic scholarships. Give all student athletes a cost of living check (varies in amt depending on location). Not a loan, but not paying them exactly. Just giving them enough to live like an average student can.
I want to say they get money every week now and all meals provided for, but it changes so often i don’t even know what it is anymore.
Imagine pulling up to Wendy's and Javin is working the drive-thru in July!

These guys can't have jobs, they aren't your normal 19 year olds. They are up at 6am for workouts and their day probably ends around 5 pm. Not to mention all the camps they help out with, all star games, summer leagues, etc.
I mean, if the NCAA allowed them to, they could have jobs I guess...if we wanted to go 10-22 that year.
Imagine pulling up to Wendy's and Javin is working the drive-thru in July!

These guys can't have jobs, they aren't your normal 19 year olds. They are up at 6am for workouts and their day probably ends around 5 pm. Not to mention all the camps they help out with, all star games, summer leagues, etc.
I mean, if the NCAA allowed them to, they could have jobs I guess...if we wanted to go 10-22 that year.
That’s why Javin’s handles and shot haven’t developed, but he makes a mean frosty.
I want to say they get money every week now and all meals provided for, but it changes so often i don’t even know what it is anymore.
I thought they just got apparel, room and board. If they get cash, that’s news to me, but it’s a step in the right direction.
I feel so sorry for these players going to college for free, doing what they love to do, not getting paid in college, about to make millions in 1 year.... :rolleyes:
I feel so sorry for these players going to college for free, doing what they love to do, not getting paid in college, about to make millions in 1 year.... :rolleyes:

Except over 99% of them won't make millions after 1 year...or 2...or 3...or 4. Any compensation rules will never really protect any of the OADs.

Generally speaking, I've always tended to be in the camp that does not advocate for paying college players, however, sometimes it's a more complicated situation than what is assumed. Especially for those players that can't afford to be without a job for any period of time after they leave school. Those are the players that need the most protection.

There obviously isn't an easy answer, and it's complicated even further by the differing costs, and overall value, of the educations they are actually getting. It would be an interesting topic to tackle.
I thought they just got apparel, room and board. If they get cash, that’s news to me, but it’s a step in the right direction.
Honestly i don’t remember what it is, maybe it’s a stipend during the season. It changes so often i can’t keep track. Hopefully someone with some free time on their hands can find the official rules.
Except over 99% of them won't make millions after 1 year...or 2...or 3...or 4. Any compensation rules will never really protect any of the OADs.

Generally speaking, I've always tended to be in the camp that does not advocate for paying college players, however, sometimes it's a more complicated situation than what is assumed. Especially for those players that can't afford to be without a job for any period of time after they leave school. Those are the players that need the most protection.

There obviously isn't an easy answer, and it's complicated even further by the differing costs, and overall value, of the educations they are actually getting. It would be an interesting topic to tackle.
The 1% are the ones bringing in the money. As for the players that can’t afford to be without a job after they leave school. What about all the students who are in debt up to their ass when they leave school? Lol isn’t that the same thing? I’m confused. And that’s assuming those players didn’t get scholarships lol. Elaborate more.
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If they start paying college athletes, I will stop watching. If you wanna get paid, go to the nba.

Well that's the whole argument. They are forced to play a year of college and can't go straight to the NBA. They want to go but can't. I think I read that Duke basketball netted $32 million the year Ingram played. I would imagine a bit more this year just for Elite 8 performances. Expenses were just over $3 million. Where does this money go? Without star players would they net nearly as much? Don't come to me with a free tuition arguments when they help the program earn that much a year. Yes they need to be compensated in some way.
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Well that's the whole argument. They are forced to play a year of college and can't go straight to the NBA. They want to go but can't. I think I read that Duke basketball netted $32 million the year Ingram played. I would imagine a bit more this year just for Elite 8 performances. Expenses were just over $3 million. Where does this money go? Without star players would they net nearly as much? Don't come to me with a free tuition arguments when they help the program earn that much a year. Yes they need to be compensated in some way.
I hear ya. You have your opinion and I have mine. If they start paying them I won’t watch. Doesn’t mean either one of us wrong or right. That’s just my choice.
Well that's the whole argument. They are forced to play a year of college and can't go straight to the NBA. They want to go but can't. I think I read that Duke basketball netted $32 million the year Ingram played. I would imagine a bit more this year just for Elite 8 performances. Expenses were just over $3 million. Where does this money go? Without star players would they net nearly as much? Don't come to me with a free tuition arguments when they help the program earn that much a year. Yes they need to be compensated in some way.
They’re changing the rule. And the money goes to a lot of things lol. Vegas etc etc