This will not end well

The FBI took his phone yesterday lol .With all the different charges does he have multiple court dates .if he guilty one pme court case he goes jail .anyone notcie the Zion story has died now hahah
The fact that there have been no statements made by Nike, Zion or his mother regarding creepy porn lawyer's accusations is a little concerning. It is likely that there is at least some truth to the allegations. But he hasn't provided anything other than teasers and has since gone back to the Ayton story. They could also just be advised to not say anything and call his bluff until he actually provides NEW and undeniable evidence.
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Fact is his evidence won't make it to court. The Nike trail isn't to show what he has but is about extortion case. Also he can't escape jail time with all this but says wrong . Can see mabye few but 40 charges. When or how long till he could go jail ?
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I'm gonna go with a different option. Zion, his mother and Nike have not commented because there is no wrongdoing. Boom.
Yea in all of that stuff he dropped, there is nothing in it pertaining to Zion. Those documents only mentioned Ayton, Bol-Bol and Brandon McCoy. Avenatti is a major blowhard who is dying for attention and he’s not really getting it.
I'm gonna go with a different option. Zion, his mother and Nike have not commented because there is no wrongdoing. Boom.
Maybe I didn't word it right. But I gave that option when I said they could be calling his bluff. I would like to think that after being caught up in the Kansas mess, that Zion and his family would be smarter than to take the chance. There is just a lot of speculation and no real evidence to go by. Kind of creepy porn lawyer's thing.
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Maybe I didn't word it right. But I gave that option when I said they could be calling his bluff. I would like to think that after being caught up in the Kansas mess, that Zion and his family would be smarter than to take the chance. There is just a lot of speculation and no real evidence to go by. Kind of creepy porn lawyer's thing.

My bad. I didn't mean anything by it. I just meant that I feel a lot of people on here like to jump to the worst case scenario. I'm confident in our program.

I think the speculation v. evidence statement in there is important.
I've tried staying away from all this mainly becuase it's obvious shoe companies have been paying players for a long time. I've always looked at it long as the schools aren't assisting with funneling the money, than what's the big deal??

Nothing will come of this. And if Duke is guilty, than everyone is guilty, UK UNC everyone. But I don't think anyone will come of this other than hopefully changes with the NCAA rules.
Creepy porn lawyer is and has always been trash. It's a shame his like minded political brethren had him on the news daily for a year for partisan political reasons. Until he actually tells the truth for once, everything he says is garbage.
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I don’t believe there was ever any direct payments from Duke/K to players but If you think Duke didn’t know about what was going on, youre very blind. Of course they know what’s going on. Just like UK does, just like Carolina/Kansas/Arizona and so on.

Well, I think we need to be a bit more careful in our language.

Do I think Duke knows that the shoe companies fairly regularly use sketchy influence, which sometimes includes payments to friends or relatives, to get kids to go to "their" colleges. Yes, I'm fairly certain Duke knows that.

Do I think Duke knew that Zion's family was the beneficiary of such a payment? No. I don't think Duke knew that [and to be clear, we don't have any evidence that such a payment ever happened]. If it turns out that happened and Duke knew of that specific payment, I will be disappointed to learn that news.

So, I'd hesitate to generically say "Duke knows what's going on" because I think it could be interpreted to mean "Duke knew Zion's mom got paid by Nike" and I doubt that statement is true.
Well, I think we need to be a bit more careful in our language.

Do I think Duke knows that the shoe companies fairly regularly use sketchy influence, which sometimes includes payments to friends or relatives, to get kids to go to "their" colleges. Yes, I'm fairly certain Duke knows that.

Do I think Duke knew that Zion's family was the beneficiary of such a payment? No. I don't think Duke knew that [and to be clear, we don't have any evidence that such a payment ever happened]. If it turns out that happened and Duke knew of that specific payment, I will be disappointed to learn that news.

So, I'd hesitate to generically say "Duke knows what's going on" because I think it could be interpreted to mean "Duke knew Zion's mom got paid by Nike" and I doubt that statement is true.
All due respect, there is a whole lot of hair splitting in this post.
Dang Avenatti:

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Or anything for that matter. Dude is a complete blowhard just looking for attention and for whatever reason people continue to give it to him. He’s a class A loser.

It’s glaringly coincidental that he’s obsessed with college players being paid and at the same time being sued from a bunch of different angles all relating to money. It’s pretty clear that he’s not worried about what’s morally correct, but rather what he can do to pad his own pocket.
C'mon Avenatti!! Show us what you got!! We're dying of suspense!! Oh wait, no we're not, you're just an attention who're with literally nothing new to spill. Enjoy prison!!

Fake News CNN and and their favorite Fraud they trotted out more times than you can count.
I think Duke will come out okay on this one. But, the fact is, regardless, if the NCAA does not radically change its policies - the sport at the college level is going to be weakened dramatically. The NCAA is so draconian, arrogant, and set in stone that it is shooting itself in its foot. And, it's unconscionable that they make billions, coaches make millions, yet players while getting an education don't really get their market value.

I'd venture to say that most of the violations for which teams are guilty are absurd and minor.

Players need to be able to earn while playing at the college level. There needs to be a base for every player and then bonuses based on image, jersey sales, and even let them have sneaker deals.

When particular areas become legal and open it takes away the shady characters like this guy spouting accusations.
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I think Duke will come out okay on this one. But, the fact is, regardless, if the NCAA does not radically change its policies - the sport at the college level is going to be weakened dramatically. The NCAA is so draconian, arrogant, and set in stone that it is shooting itself in its foot. And, it's unconscionable that they make billions, coaches make millions, yet players while getting an education don't really get their market value.

I'd venture to say that most of the violations for which teams are guilty are absurd and minor.

Players need to be able to earn while playing at the college level. There needs to be a base for every player and then bonuses based on image, jersey sales, and even let them have sneaker deals.

When particular areas become legal and open it takes away the shady characters like this guy spouting accusations.
Absurd. Besides, who decides what an individual player's "market value" is? You? Me? I guess you think that the NCAA has no purpose and should become the minor league for the NBA.
Man it lights me up when I hear college players need to be paid! I think they should be able to make whatever that can while at college but being paid hell no!
If they start paying college athletes, I will stop watching. If you wanna get paid, go to the nba.

This is the camp I used to be in. I'm not anymore, though. And truthfully, I don't have the answers on how the NCAA makes it work, but we're talking about a billion dollar business that profits off these kids....while most of them have a tough time scraping together enough to buy a pizza.