This will not end well


Cameron Crazy
Jan 12, 2010
I have a bad feeling this will not end well for us. Hopefully it is nothing but I have always thought where there is smoke there is fire.

Whether or not anything comes out to bury Duke or K, we will still be guilty in the court of public opinion and seen as dirty. Simply because people have been waiting for decades to get something on Duke.

But then again, UNC has been cheating for 30 years or so and everyone has forgotten about it, so who knows.
Not Dukes responsibility to monitor Nike’s thousands of enployees and what they are doing. That’s literally impossible. I’m sure Nike has paid a lot of players, but I don’t believe Duke University has. But we were already guilty in most everyone’s eyes the day we got our first top ranked recruit
Not Dukes responsibility to monitor Nike’s thousands of enployees and what they are doing. That’s literally impossible. I’m sure Nike has paid a lot of players, but I don’t believe Duke University has. But we were already guilty in most everyone’s eyes the day we got our first top ranked recruit
Completely understand that and agree with you.
I just really hope our program is clean but who knows
Not Dukes responsibility to monitor Nike’s thousands of enployees and what they are doing. That’s literally impossible. I’m sure Nike has paid a lot of players, but I don’t believe Duke University has. But we were already guilty in most everyone’s eyes the day we got our first top ranked recruit

I agree with this. Maybe I'm wrong, but in recent years the NCAA has only been hitting schools who directly did dirt.

For example, Louisville got hit because of staff involvement. LSU, should something happen, will get hit because Will Wade is on tape negotiating a deal. In contrast, Ben McLemore's guardian, or someone related to him, took quite a bit of money and nothing happened to Kansas.

That said, I don't believe Nike paid his mother for him to go to Duke. A Nike school, maybe, but no way is Nike funneling players specifically to Duke. If they were I'm sure the schools who were left outside would be blowing whistles all over the place.
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Wouldn’t shock me if true. I think it’s in Nike’s best interest financially to use and exploit the Duke brand. Think about the commercials as of late such as the kid growing up dreaming of and then playing for Duke in the tourney. Meh. But this is not a poor reflection on Duke IMO unless Nike reps sat down with Duke reps and discussed these plans. We will see where it goes, but my common sense tells me that if some of the lesser known players are getting paid then how in the hell does somebody like Zion NOT get anything?
For it to not end well for Duke, they would have to have evidence that Duke was directly and knowingly involved. If Duke is guilty, pay the price. I have a hard time believing that programs are completely oblivious to how dirty shoe companies and AAU programs can be. I also have a hard time believing that Krzyzewski would knowingly put his reputation on the line and tarnish his legacy. But I don't know. There may be a blind eye type thing in which case, there is a level of responsibility the program holds.
Zions mom wanted him to play after his injury. I seriously doubt these allegations are true because if she was that interested in money, she’d had told him to sit the rest of the season. KEEP IN MIND the piece of garbage making these claims has a history of making garbage claims about others that turned out to be untrue and had to walk back statements before. He is not a well respected source.
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I’m just going to be realistic, screw it...
Do I think Nike pays players? Yes
Even Duke players? Yes
UNC? UK? Others? Yes
Do I think other brands pay players? Yes
For how long? Since the OAD era began
Why? Because money talks
Does ‘X’ school know about it? Yes (purposely oblivious if you don’t think so)

I’d be willing to bet that majority of top 10 recruits (maybe more) are either personally paid or their families are to attend X university. Money is probably offered at some point to all of these kids and a good portion of them don’t come from riches. I think we are being purposely oblivious to believe that these big time recruits are coming to schools for “free” when there’s money involved elsewhere. We all want to believe the feel-good crap that this isn’t littering college sports and there’s only like 5 guilty schools, but that’s a load of crap. I think just about every notable program (or other that has received a big time player) has dirty hands in some way.

I also think the NCAA is very, very aware and only inserts themselves to protect their money. If the powerhouses are busted, ratings will suck and 90% of fans won’t give a crap to watch otherwise. The NCAA may portray itself as a governing body but it’s a business and money is the #1 priority. So, they’re on board to protect schools that pad their pockets.

Probably gonna get some heat for saying all of this but it’s the probable reality.
Avaretti is not just naming Duke, but Duke is the big eye opener. He does mention the school directly but does Zions mother and the funneling of 10,000 dollars to her for consulting fees.

I do think he’s got a little something in documents but he also needs leverage for the extortion case Nike has on him not to mention the guy is broke and in bad tax trouble.

It’s also funny he only mentions players in the last two years.
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Avaretti is not just naming Duke, but Duke is the big eye opener. He does mention the school directly but does Zions mother and the funneling of 10,000 dollars to her for consulting fees.

I do think he’s got a little something in documents but he also needs leverage for the extortion case Nike has on him not to mention the guy is broke and in bad tax trouble.

It’s also funny he only mentions players in the last two years.
This guy is a world class pos. I sincerely hope that if NIKE is guilty, that some of them go to jail. Quit liking them when they picked Kapernick, or whatever that guys name is, to be part of their brand. I really hope that nothing comes of this , if it involves Duke , whether they knew or not.
Avaretti is not just naming Duke, but Duke is the big eye opener. He does mention the school directly but does Zions mother and the funneling of 10,000 dollars to her for consulting fees.

I do think he’s got a little something in documents but he also needs leverage for the extortion case Nike has on him not to mention the guy is broke and in bad tax trouble.

It’s also funny he only mentions players in the last two years.

Is the number in question really $10,000?
This guy is a world class pos. I sincerely hope that if NIKE is guilty, that some of them go to jail. Quit liking them when they picked Kapernick, or whatever that guys name is, to be part of their brand. I really hope that nothing comes of this , if it involves Duke , whether they knew or not.

Did you burn your Nike’s in protest?
Feels like a classic Occam’s Razor - if Adidas is paying the top kids Nike sure as shit is too. If the top Adidas schools were involved then so were the top Nike schools. This is basically common knowledge in College Football and AAU has been in the handler game much longer than 7 on 7 has even been around. There is no way Zion Williamson and his family turns down 6 figures to go to Duke just to play for K.

This won’t land well with the K does no wrong crowd but my guess is there is a reason when Capel came aboard things picked up on the trail
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Is the number in question really $10,000?
It’s the one figure he mentioned so far but Bol Bol and Ayton and McCoys numbers were higher by his accusations on what info he has.
I’m just going to be realistic, screw it...
Do I think Nike pays players? Yes
Even Duke players? Yes
UNC? UK? Others? Yes
Do I think other brands pay players? Yes
For how long? Since the OAD era began
Why? Because money talks
Does ‘X’ school know about it? Yes (purposely oblivious if you don’t think so)

I’d be willing to bet that majority of top 10 recruits (maybe more) are either personally paid or their families are to attend X university. Money is probably offered at some point to all of these kids and a good portion of them don’t come from riches. I think we are being purposely oblivious to believe that these big time recruits are coming to schools for “free” when there’s money involved elsewhere. We all want to believe the feel-good crap that this isn’t littering college sports and there’s only like 5 guilty schools, but that’s a load of crap. I think just about every notable program (or other that has received a big time player) has dirty hands in some way.

I also think the NCAA is very, very aware and only inserts themselves to protect their money. If the powerhouses are busted, ratings will suck and 90% of fans won’t give a crap to watch otherwise. The NCAA may portray itself as a governing body but it’s a business and money is the #1 priority. So, they’re on board to protect schools that pad their pockets.

Probably gonna get some heat for saying all of this but it’s the probable reality.
Beer I agree with you that its all about the money. When deep pockets are involved you can expect anything. Nothing points at Coach K or Zion himself but maybe mom wanted some new appliances or maybe nothing to it at all.
Wasn’t there questions about Zion prior to the season though?

I remember Capel being asked about it
Isn't that why Capel left tho? Because he was the bag man? And Duke is super dirty which is the only explanation any player would ever consider coming to a school like Duke?

Kidding aside, I don't really care. Not just because maybe some of our guys/their families have got money from shoe companies - just in general; any one of any school. I just don't care. Not saying it's good, but it's just the landscape of college basketball.

I remember Jay Williams saying in his book that even he had a large bag of money placed in his lap as a recruit.
I think Zion can never recover from this no matter how much we want him back next season. He's toast.
Since he knows how bad we'd love to have him back next season, it's likely we couldn't afford him anyway. How much collateral could we get with CIS?
It’s the one figure he mentioned so far but Bol Bol and Ayton and McCoys numbers were higher by his accusations on what info he has.

If 10K is the number being thrown around then I think it's either is BS or it is, if it actually changed hands, as above board as something like that can be.

I say that because I'm sure it would take more than 10K to swing the Zion recruitment if his family was shopping him for cash. Hell, the family could have gone to a nice neighborhood in Spartanburg, knocked on a random door and gotten twice that much as a loan against his future earnings from a complete stranger.

Seriously, Avenatti dropping 10K in the accusation is almost like the Austin Powers scene when Dr. Evil demanded a million dollars. Dennis Smith got 100 and I think somebody was on the hook to Bam Adebayo for about 70. I thought he was alleging something closer to those numbers along with stock options.
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I don’t believe there was ever any direct payments from Duke/K to players but If you think Duke didn’t know about what was going on, youre very blind. Of course they know what’s going on. Just like UK does, just like Carolina/Kansas/Arizona and so on.
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I'm sure that Duke has 22 million to buy their way out of it, if there is anything. Money talks and BS walks. Maybe we can borrow UNCheats rug to sweep it under.
This dude is really going at Nike from reading his feed lol
It's about time for creepy porn lawyer to put up or shut up. If he has a list of players that were specifically paid to go to Duke, he needs to just put it out there.

C'mon Avenatti!! Show us what you got!! We're dying of suspense!! Oh wait, no we're not, you're just an attention who're with literally nothing new to spill. Enjoy prison!!
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Anybody can make baseless accusations.

Michael Avenatti has 17 toes.

See how easy that is? Until I show you a picture of his 17 toes you should remain skeptical. Just like we should of his tweets.
I heard from a very reliable source he was once found "entangled" with a goat on his family's farm when he was in his teens.

Edit: Source: Goat