OT: Sports trivia part 2.

Correct. Sweet 16 and Final Four in 2000. You're up!

Seriously sucked for the team in 2000. We really only played 6 guys that year. Against Florida, Boozer was hampered with fouls. Believe it or not, Matt Christensen played more in the second half than Boozer (Boozer played less than 5 minutes). Also, I think Dunleavy was still dealing with mono at the time. He scored 9 points in the 3 NCAA Tournament games. At full strength, we were good enough to win it all.

Mike’s mono situation sucked, but he basically 100% by time the ACC tourney started. He won us that game vs Wake. He just didn’t shoot worth a piss in the tourney.

You brought up the game details and opened a can of worms. I can go on and on about this one... man. Matt had to play more than Boozer, do you remember what happened? He picked up his 3rd about 2 minutes into the 2nd half. We put him back in at the 15 minute mark and he picked up his 4th literally 1 minute later when we turned the ball over after inbounding. Boozer picked up the guy with the ball and physically defended him right to the basket. Boneheaded play by Boozer because Shane was standing right there in the paint. When he finally came back in we jumped to like a 6-8 point lead pretty quickly. Then he picked up his final foul with like 5 minutes to play. Correct me if I’m wrong, but I am nearly positive that we only netted 2 FTs after he fouled out and Florida scores like the last 15 points because of it. Donovan went zone with Boozer out and suffocated us from the 3PT line. We had no offense.

Shane (surprisingly) really ticked me off that game on 2 very critical possessions. First of all, why the F did he leave Boozer alone in the paint on that play that got him the 5th foul, he was up on the perimeter in the frickin’ grill of his man who wasn’t a threat and left Booz by himself down there. As smart as Shane always played, he should have been in position to play help D. After that, a couple possessions later they cut our lead to 1 or 2, Shane penetrates... This vacuum sucked the zone straight in. Dunleavy is in the corner WIDE OPEN. When I say wide open, I mean he was in his birthday suit naked of a defender. Shane tosses back to a mildly covered JWill who couldn’t hit the water that game if he was standing on a boat.

That whole game just sucked and seeing Chris get pulled in the final 10 seconds to a standing ovation and tears flowing down his face about crushed my heart.

I’ll shut up now lol and post a question.
Since we’re on the subject of the ‘00 season, I’ll make my question relevant. We had 1 player named to the 1st Consensus All-American team, and 1 player named to the 2nd Consensus All-American team. Two-part question—

Which Duke guy was 1st team?
Which Duke guy was 2nd team?
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Since we’re on the subject of the ‘00 season, I’ll make my question relevant. We had 1 player named to the 1st All-American team, and 1 player named to the 2nd All-American team. Two-part question—

Which Duke guy was 1st team?
Which Duke guy was 2nd team?

Shane 1
Jwill 2
Since we’re on the subject of the ‘00 season, I’ll make my question relevant. We had 1 player named to the 1st All-American team, and 1 player named to the 2nd All-American team. Two-part question—

Which Duke guy was 1st team?
Which Duke guy was 2nd team?

I thought they were both 2nd team All-American? I know the guys are Carrawell and Battier. I always use AP as my reference point... but perhaps my memory is off on 1st and 2nd Team? I would think Carrawell would have the edge on Battier since he was the ACC POY.
Mike’s mono situation sucked, but he basically 100% by time the ACC tourney started. He won us that game vs Wake. He just didn’t shoot worth a piss in the tourney.

You brought up the game details and opened a can of worms. I can go on and on about this one... man. Matt had to play more than Boozer, do you remember what happened? He picked up his 3rd about 2 minutes into the 2nd half. We put him back in at the 15 minute mark and he picked up his 4th literally 1 minute later when we turned the ball over after inbounding. Boozer picked up the guy with the ball and physically defended him right to the basket. Boneheaded play by Boozer because Shane was standing right there in the paint. When he finally came back in we jumped to like a 6-8 point lead pretty quickly. Then he picked up his final foul with like 5 minutes to play. Correct me if I’m wrong, but I am nearly positive that we only netted 2 FTs after he fouled out and Florida scores like the last 15 points because of it. Donovan went zone with Boozer out and suffocated us from the 3PT line. We had no offense.

Shane (surprisingly) really ticked me off that game on 2 very critical possessions. First of all, why the F did he leave Boozer alone in the paint on that play that got him the 5th foul, he was up on the perimeter in the frickin’ grill of his man who wasn’t a threat and left Booz by himself down there. As smart as Shane always played, he should have been in position to play help D. After that, a couple possessions later they cut our lead to 1 or 2, Shane penetrates... This vacuum sucked the zone straight in. Dunleavy is in the corner WIDE OPEN. When I say wide open, I mean he was in his birthday suit naked of a defender. Shane tosses back to a mildly covered JWill who couldn’t hit the water that game if he was standing on a boat.

That whole game just sucked and seeing Chris get pulled in the final 10 seconds to a standing ovation and tears flowing down his face about crushed my heart.

I’ll shut up now lol and post a question.

Dunleavy did play well in the ACC Tournament. I just don't know if he was completely recovered from the mono. Maybe mono is just a excuse to justify his poor play.

But yes, the Boozer foul situation was amazingly frustrating. We were a better team than Florida. I know Chris Burgess isn't one of the most beloved former Duke players, but he would have been a really nice asset to have in 2000. He's a 100 times more productive than Matt Christensen. Also, we were 3 for 19 from three. Could have won... should have won. Lots of boneheaded mistakes. I'm impressed with your memory of the game, though.

I actually didn't watch the game live. Watched it for the first time last year. I had a track meet that night that lasted til about 10 pm... just before the bus left, one of my teammates yelled out to everyone, "Duke lost!" My heart sank. I loved that team. Felt like I lost a family member.
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I thought they were both 2nd team All-American? I know the guys are Carrawell and Battier. I always use AP as my reference point... but perhaps my memory is off on 1st and 2nd Team? I would think Carrawell would have the edge on Battier since he was the ACC POY.

I like the consensus. It combines the results of AP, Coaches Assoc, etc. — So the question is related to consensus. I’ll edit it.
Since we’re on the subject of the ‘00 season, I’ll make my question relevant. We had 1 player named to the 1st Consensus All-American team, and 1 player named to the 2nd Consensus All-American team. Two-part question—

Which Duke guy was 1st team?
Which Duke guy was 2nd team?

1st - Chris Carrawell
2nd - Shane Battier
I like the consensus. It combines the results of AP, Coaches Assoc, etc. — So the question is related to consensus. I’ll edit it.

Was Carrawell (1st) and Battier (2nd) wrong? I said thought Carrwell would have the edge (as far as who'd be more likely to be 1st team), since we was the ACC POY in 2000.
1st - Chris Carrawell
2nd - Shane Battier

This is correct but @dukedevilz got it first

Was Carrawell (1st) and Battier (2nd) wrong? I said thought Carrwell would have the edge (as far as who'd be more likely to be 1st team), since we was the ACC POY in 2000.

This is correct. I was on hold with Amazon when I was reading your post and they answered right in the middle of it so I just quick replied. My bad

You’re up.
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Who is the only school that has had the #1 overall NBA draft pick two years in a row?
I know the answer but I feel like me and you will end up going back and forth all day with hoops questions. I’ll keep my mouth shut lol

It's not an easy question, IMO. Honestly thought it might need a hint. If you know it, you should probably go ahead. I think it's nice to have multiple questions in a day... and I won't be on the computer much longer today.
Nailed it! Guess it wasn't as hard as I thought it was.

1955- Dick Ricketts
1956- Sihugo Green

No, it was hard. Full disclosure....the only reason I knew it is because when I ‘googled’ NCAA trivia the other day I saw it. In fact, I almost used the question a few pages back.
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Let's get back to baseball....

Which MLB pitcher holds the record for appearing in the most career games with zero starts?

Hint....he played 22 major-league seasons.
No. I'll let a few more people guess and if no one gets it I'll give another hint.

Orosco was a pretty solid guess, though. Just looked up his numbers. The yellow-highlighted number indicates that he's the all-time leader in career pitching appearances (future trivia question a couple years down the road once we've all forgotten this). He had just 4 measly starts in his first 3 years - nothing after that.

Well guys some great guesses if nothing else-didnt know dukie jay knew his baseball SO WELL!!!! OFC
Here's a hint....he played all 22 of his seasons (1984-2005) in the National League and played for three different organizations.
Thanks Gill, hope its rite. Only thing is I can only remember John pitching for the Mets...


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