Roast time with Pisgah101


Dec 26, 2005
The people asked for it… so the greatest poster on the board will now deliver.

What does Pisgah think about posters?? Many have wondered few actually know, this thread will answer that fun question with some good answers.

*don’t be a snowflake, this should be fun. We all have our quirks and posting styles that others pick up on, if you don’t wanna get called out don’t post that way. IF you become a snowflake and cry about what I say(or anyone else) I will use my honorary title as DI MOD (unofficial) to BAN you(not really but play along and don’t be a douche, we don’t want this thread to actually get locked)

King list of DI-
1. @pisgah101 the best of the best, this board almost fell apart when he left. He talks about himself in the third person because like Bob Dole, he will one day be (almost) President

That’s all of the king list

I will continue shortly..
You are not a sunshine pumper I'll give you that. You will sometimes pick us to lose (oh the horror) and will point out things we need to improve upon. You call things the way you see them, not how you want them to be.
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You are not a sunshine pumper I'll give you that. You will sometimes pick us to lose (oh the horror) and will point out things we need to improve upon. You call things the way you see them, not how you want them to be.
Butt kisser 😂

I really don’t have an issue or see anything wrong with poster from my end .
I’ve missed a lot more posters so sorry .
This could be interesting. In no particular order, I’ll rattle off some posters, with my views on them.
@pisgah101 - good fan, knows his stuff. Funny. I’ve met him and seen his wife in some of their pics. Dont know how he did it. Best game day thread starter. Thinks he’s a mod now though. Will be mayor of his hometown one day.
@sheyduke - knowledgeable, keeps in tune with recruiting. Good for DI. On a scale of 1-10, he’s a 4 on sense of humor, 2 on grammar.
Christophero - Maybe nicest guy on board. Knows basketball. Comes across unsure of himself sometimes. Would probably drive a car salesman bonkers on a possible purchase.
@timo0402 - smart, sometimes witty. A good fan. The best (don’t tell him he’s the only) moderator.
@timritterus - dry but knowledgeable. Probably manages people. Probably successful at it.
@dukesince91 - good fan. Knows the game. Probably kind of guy you could have a beer with at a bar.
@Fourteen44 - Knows the game, but walks into a room holding stick of dynamite in 1 hand, a grenade in the other.
@hart2chesson - passionate about Duke. Probably hasn’t missed a game in his life. Likes to stir the pot.
@GhostOf301 - Smart, and knowledgeable on many things. Sends @Dattier a Christmas card every year.
@Topps Coach54 - good man, knows the game. Can’t post too much about politics, cause his blood pressure rises.
@IFaZe - will always be known as Ipsy. Probably shouldn’t be allowed to post.
@K-oach Q - think he’s dachampishere’s ( a former poster) brother.
@skysdad - super nice guy. Been torn apart last few years due to in house war. Felt betrayed by DI, and now he’s at other site.
@bleediteveryday30 - good Duke fan. Doesn’t like bickering.
@GAAP - see @IFaZe. Wears Duke goggles.
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Well crap @christophero was going to get it bad but now I can’t do it

@Mac9192 - shoots it straight and stays pretty even throughout all the stuff here.. heck of a dude on the board and I’m real life and someone I consider an actual friend which is pretty dang cool from a message board.. sells a mean tire too!

@Fourteen44 and @Dad2ze- both heck of guys I consider friends and talk to in real life.. 14 knows everything about everything(and he really might for you haters lol) dad is chill and cool and as his name says… he’s proud to be (and is a good dad) these two definitely have different posting styles (14 scares me sometimes.. jk pal) but in the real world they’re both a lot alike!

@timo0402 ”last man standing” as a mod.. (really a figure head for my power) went from being my least favorite mod (hahaha) to favorite. Smart runs a solid podcast.. one of his co host is sus though

@hart2chesson passion. That prob the best way to describe him. The only thing in life he loves almost as much as Duke is Carolina losing. Has a Roy William poster that is hanging on by a thread from all the dart and bullet holes. Just ordered a Hubert one to replace ole Roy

@Dattier good BASKETBALL poster but seems to have forgotten the main purpose of this board late into the 2nd Obama term

@Topps Coach54 and @GhostOf301 two posters I really enjoy but need to post A LOT more

@timritterus another great poster who adds a lot and needs to be here more

I’ll continue soon…
Dang Mac you hit the nail on the head .
To be honest yes I really don’t have a sense of humor more straight to the point and since leaving law enforcement I really don’t keep in touch with grammar .
If I had an alter ego on DI I would say it’s Chris . He keeps me straight, while I keep him with a headache almost like Jim Carey in Me , Myself and Irene .
This could be interesting. In no particular order, I’ll rattle off some posters, with my views on them.
@pisgah101 - good fan, knows his stuff. Funny. I’ve met him and seen his wife in some of their pics. Dont know how he did it. Best game day thread starter. Thinks he’s a mod now though. Will be mayor of his hometown one day.
@sheyduke - knowledgeable, keeps in tune with recruiting. Good for DI. On a scale of 1-10, he’s a 4 on sense of humor, 2 on grammar.
Christophero - Maybe nicest guy on board. Knows basketball. Comes across unsure of himself sometimes. Would probably drive a car salesman bonkers on a possible purchase.
@timo0402 - smart, sometimes witty. A good fan. The best (don’t tell him he’s the only) moderator.
@timritterus - dry but knowledgeable. Probably manages people. Probably successful at it.
@dukesince91 - good fan. Knows the game. Probably kind of guy you could have a beer with at a bar.
@Fourteen44 - Knows the game, but walks into a room holding stick of dynamite in 1 hand, a grenade in the other.
@hart2chesson - passionate about Duke. Probably hasn’t missed a game in his life. Likes to stir the pot.
@GhostOf301 - Smart, and knowledgeable on many things. Sends @Dattier a Christmas card every year.
@Topps Coach54 - good man, knows the game. Can’t post too much about politics, cause his blood pressure rises.
@IFaZe - will always be known as Ipsy. Probably shouldn’t be allowed to post.
@K-oach Q - think he’s dachampishere’s ( a former poster) brother.
@skysdad - super nice guy. Been torn apart last few years due to in house war. Felt betrayed by DI, and now he’s at other site.
@bleediteveryday30 - good Duke fan. Doesn’t like bickering.
@GAAP - see @IFaZe. Wears Duke goggles.
This is hysterical. Good stuff Mac. Like to think I'm a little less dry in person, but you got me pretty good.

And Pisgah - thanks brother, wish I could be on more often. Work gets in the way.
Time for more

@christophero an @sheyduke for some reason I can’t separate y’all anymore lol y’all are like twin brothers who don’t necessarily like each but you’re still brother. Board stalwarts

@sheyduke seems like a guy I’d like in real life, not sure why but just a board vibe even if he can’t spell 🤣

@christophero keeps himself busy between game re-watching the game before. We need a running thread of his insight after the 3rd watch and 3rd bottle of jack. Favorite payer ever is probably boozer for obvious reasons

@skysdad- the board has passed him by

@bleediteveryday30 says he’s moderate but that doesn’t apply to @K-oach Q

@K-oach Q is who everyone here now.. if we play bad he showing up and letting u know. Winning Is his cure

More to come..
@smashmouth5 - smart, and seems like another one that you’d like to have a beer with at a bar.
@KDSTONE - witty, and funny. The bar probably calls his name when he walks in just like Cheers did to Norm.
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Well crap @christophero was going to get it bad but now I can’t do it

@Mac9192 - shoots it straight and stays pretty even throughout all the stuff here.. heck of a dude on the board and I’m real life and someone I consider an actual friend which is pretty dang cool from a message board.. sells a mean tire too!

@Fourteen44 and @Dad2ze- both heck of guys I consider friends and talk to in real life.. 14 knows everything about everything(and he really might for you haters lol) dad is chill and cool and as his name says… he’s proud to be (and is a good dad) these two definitely have different posting styles (14 scares me sometimes.. jk pal) but in the real world they’re both a lot alike!

@timo0402 ”last man standing” as a mod.. (really a figure head for my power) went from being my least favorite mod (hahaha) to favorite. Smart runs a solid podcast.. one of his co host is sus though

@hart2chesson passion. That prob the best way to describe him. The only thing in life he loves almost as much as Duke is Carolina losing. Has a Roy William poster that is hanging on by a thread from all the dart and bullet holes. Just ordered a Hubert one to replace ole Roy

@Dattier good BASKETBALL poster but seems to have forgotten the main purpose of this board late into the 2nd Obama term

@Topps Coach54 and @GhostOf301 two posters I really enjoy but need to post A LOT more

@timritterus another great poster who adds a lot and needs to be here more

I’ll continue soon…
You nailed me buddy. I really don’t know a lot about a lot, but I get really (often too) passionate when I do know something. It’s a damn curse I guess lol. I appreciate the words in all seriousness. I truly would help anyone here if they needed it, it’s just how I roll.

I do enjoy the board and bickering with y’all. It’s a good group, even with all of our differences.

Okay I’m done being sentimental 😂

Ps - I seriously am starting a go fund me for a Grandison jersey for @sheyduke
For the record I don’t intentionally spell bad . I type a lot from my phone and really don’t check over what I type before I hit the post reply button, lol.

I’d have a scotch or Whiskey with anyone on here .
I do it too and shocked I haven’t been called out.. I try to do better now that I’m the big time game day thread starter now😃
I don't think anyone on here bashes Duke. The worst thing I've read on here is that Jon would be on the hot seat if he didn't make the tournament his first few years (he would be) and that we weren't very good after the NC State game. (we weren't) No one called for Jon to be fired. Half of the Notre Dame football board (ok maybe a third) wanted Freeman fired after they lost to Marshall.
On an unrelated note, sad about Elvis's daughter. She was only 54.
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I have to disagree with you there, Chris, respectfully. A few only show up in game-day threads to bash Jon and the team and wax poetic about how they could coach better than Jon. It's only a few, but it is still f%&king annoying.
I have to disagree with you there, Chris, respectfully. A few only show up in game-day threads to bash Jon and the team and wax poetic about how they could coach better than Jon. It's only a few, but it is still f%&king annoying.
Now this bleed I agree with you .
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I kind of find the doom and gloom pasts amusing haha. You just have to realize people are emotional. We're probably not an NIT team or a final four team. We're somewhere in the middle.
Doom and gloom posts are only natural. I am guilty of it myself. My big gripe was always the other stupid shit. That's all.
@pisgah101 and @Fourteen44 are two great dudes. We chat over text a lot and I consider these two close friends. Scary that all 3 of us think the same on most issues. Both will give you the shirt off their back.

I enjoy reading and interacting with all of you. I know we may not agree with each other all the time but at the end of the day we are all Duke fans.
Clowns frighten me. Talk about me or not. I am not here enough for people to remember me...