Syracuse Gets Hammered

Originally posted by Showenuff:
If UNC doesn't get popped soon, theres gonna be a whirlwind of heat on them.
I don't think UNC is going to get popped at all. They have too many big people in big places. There's probably so much dirty things that went on down in Chapel Hill the sports we couldn't handle it. Remember McCants.? Haven't heard from him in a while have we. This is one thing I hope I'm wrong on. They fired some scape goats. Too big and powerful. OFC
unx could easily skate but a lot of people are watching. Ain't like Boeheim and Cuse are some coach no one's ever heard of from some mid-major directional school either. They're big-time college basketball. Yeah , unx has friends in high (low) placves but like I said...lotsa people watching this. If the NCAA hammers unx for perception purposes only that's fine by me. "Hammered" is "hammered" , no matter how or why it happened. That said , another mention of "academics." You the unx situation...

"The behavior in this case, which placed the desire to achieve success on the basketball court over academic integrity, demonstrated clearly misplaced institutional priorities," the NCAA said.

"Academic" scandal
Mark G you are right. Mikeirby saying it is an academic scandal there not athletics is a joke. He is a blind fan as simple as that. It's laughable.
"If he doesn't get something in this case, the rule is to me rendered moot,'' one lawyer who handles NCAA cases told on Friday.

So as much as this was about Boeheim, it's also about every coach in college basketball.

Somewhere in Tennessee, Donnie Tyndall, under investigation for alleged violations committed while he was at Southern Miss, ought to be quivering in his orange blazer. Neither Larry Brown, facing NCAA scrutiny at SMU, nor Roy Williams, in the epicenter of the North carolina academic mess, should be breathing easy, either.

"Absolutely they should be worried,'' the same lawyer said.

Tyndall , Brown and Roy. Two have something in common that the third doesn't. Can ya name both and what it is?

Originally posted by kailman:
Mark G you are right. Mikeirby saying it is an academic scandal there not athletics is a joke. He is a blind fan as simple as that. It's laughable.
I got a bigger kick out of the response by RoseHeel:

"You, I, and every rational thinking person that's followed this scandal knows this. But the NCAA could try to save whatever credibility they think they have left and succumb to public pressure. That's what worries me."

In a related story, I personally will be getting hammered tonight, just to see what Syracuse feels like.
You're right that is pretty funny. Man these people don't get it.
I just read through all the posts in the thread over there and it's mind boggling how delusional most of the posters over there are but I did notice that a couple posters in the thread have their heads on straight and are thinking clearly/objectively without bias in their posts. It's quite hilarious to read.

This post was edited on 3/6 6:50 PM by DiehardDukeFan4Life
cuse and unc are 2 different situations. sure there is an academic element in both, but they are different. illegal activities of assistant coaches, the booster mess and extra benefits are probably the areas where the biggest impact is too be found, imho, but what do i know, i'm just a fan. if the sacs doesn't do anything about the afam classes, then the ncaa is dead in the water in regards to unc's academic situation. feel sorry for the cuse players who are going to be linked to this stuff.
The main difference in Cuse and unx is this....unx's offenses dwarf Cuse's and it ain't close. That said , the holes have done a great PR job in one area most observers don't even talk about anymore....the "prongs" unrelated to the academics/athletics scandal. By trying to limit the damage to the evil doings of those eggheads in the School of Arts and Sciences , unx has taken the focus away from all their "other" issues...the "sexy" stuff the NCAA LOVES to punish schools over. Boosters , cars , drugs , weapons , shady alums , convicted felons , agents etc. unx has all that too. The millions in PR have been well-spent in that area. No one even talks about Fats , PJ , Hertz , L-Mac , Iceberg , John Blake , Marvin Austin et al anymore. Well done , PR team. Finally , SACS and the NCAA are two different entities. One's actions have zero effect on the other. The NCAA doesn't need approval from SACS to penalize unx over academics. SACS isn't even a punitive organization. Their concern is making sure guidelines are met rather than assessing penalties. And not fer nuthin' , the last time I checked , SACS was none too happy that unx had lied to 'em the first time...and unx DID lie. Regardless , SACS doesn't have to hammer unx for the NCAA to penalize the school over academic issues. Too much reading at tarhole message boards can give one all sorts of distorted views on what unx has done for the last 18 years.
So unc players never had booster issues or other benefits? Lmmfao.
Originally posted by DevilDJ:
The main difference in Cuse and unx is this....unx's offenses dwarf Cuse's and it ain't close. That said , the holes have done a great PR job in one area most observers don't even talk about anymore....the "prongs" unrelated to the academics/athletics scandal. By trying to limit the damage to the evil doings of those eggheads in the School of Arts and Sciences , unx has taken the focus away from all their "other" issues...the "sexy" stuff the NCAA LOVES to punish schools over. Boosters , cars , drugs , weapons , shady alums , convicted felons , agents etc. unx has all that too. The millions in PR have been well-spent in that area. No one even talks about Fats , PJ , Hertz , L-Mac , Iceberg , John Blake , Marvin Austin et al anymore. Well done , PR team. Finally , SACS and the NCAA are two different entities. One's actions have zero effect on the other. The NCAA doesn't need approval from SACS to penalize unx over academics. SACS isn't even a punitive organization. Their concern is making sure guidelines are met rather than assessing penalties. And not fer nuthin' , the last time I checked , SACS was none too happy that unx had lied to 'em the first time...and unx DID lie. Regardless , SACS doesn't have to hammer unx for the NCAA to penalize the school over academic issues. Too much reading at tarhole message boards can give one all sorts of distorted views on what unx has done for the last 18 years.
and unc has already been whacked by the ncaa for most of what you are referencing. and actually if sacs, is punitive in that it can discredit the institution, says the afam classes are legit, or does nothing about them then they are approved and legitimate which then takes most of the steam out of any action that the ncaa can do about academic issues. your obsession is somewhat limiting your ability to comment on this issue, jmho.
Oh I thought Tilador was saying the difference was all the extra stuff unc had done as compared to cuse. He was really saying cuse was worse.?Huh. Lol UNC Trangressions have spawned 2 books millions of newspaper articles. Magazines..gigabytes of data use ..tweets..etc. but it all must be lies .. Funny stuff.
Originally posted by tilador:
cuse and unc are 2 different situations. sure there is an academic element in both, but they are different. illegal activities of assistant coaches, the booster mess and extra benefits are probably the areas where the biggest impact is too be found, imho, but what do i know, i'm just a fan. if the sacs doesn't do anything about the afam classes, then the ncaa is dead in the water in regards to unc's academic situation. feel sorry for the cuse players who are going to be linked to this stuff.
If the academic issues lead to a player being deemed ineligible, then the NCAA can, has, and will punish the school. UNC's academic scandal is the largest scandal in the history of the NCAA, goes back to the early '90s, multiple coaches, whistle blowers, etc.

If the NCAA is consistent, then at least one, maybe more, banner is coming down, multiple season post-season bans, probation, scholarship reductions, and millions of dollars paid back in the revenue UNC earned while cheating.
UNC's best and worst case scenarios-

Best case scenario: The NCAA does nothing and the worst thing they have to deal with is being a laughing stock among other fans, they're unable to every tout "The Carolina Way," can't brag about academics anymore, and, just, in general, lose any respect their university once had.

Worst case scenario: 3 banners come down, multiple years are wiped from the record books, and the Death Penalty is dished out.

They deserve the latter, but they'll end up somewhere between the two, IMO.
Originally posted by bleediteveryday30:
Well, if you go over to THR, hardly anyone seems to be worried. There are a few sane voices, but that is it. I actually think Roy and the university should self impose this season and possibly next year to soften the blow. But they won't I am sure. No, they will fight whatever comes at them. I think what has happened with Syracuse should serve as a reminder to UNC that this will not go away and they will at some point be punished. I honestly believe that the '05 title is gone. I doubt they touch '09. I would be bet that ole' Roy, Bill, and Matt suffer the consequences with nothing going beyond that. And I would bet that the seasons that will be hit the hardest probably will be years without much postseason success. So here are the results from 1993-2011, '93(title), '94(2nd rd), '95(final four), '96(2nd rd), '97(final four), '98(final four), '99(1st rd), '00(final four), '01(2nd rd), '02(no postseason), '03(nit), '04(2nd rd), '05(title), '06(2nd rd), '07(elite eight), '08(final four), '09(title), '10(nit), and '11(elite eight). So any thoughts as to which seasons get hit here for unc?
Are you saying The Banner Dome is going to look a little more open up there in the rafters. They aren't gonna take down the NIT runner up banner are they? That's a tragedy. That team worked hard for that banner.
Originally posted by FearTheBeard:
Originally posted by tilador:
cuse and unc are 2 different situations. sure there is an academic element in both, but they are different. illegal activities of assistant coaches, the booster mess and extra benefits are probably the areas where the biggest impact is too be found, imho, but what do i know, i'm just a fan. if the sacs doesn't do anything about the afam classes, then the ncaa is dead in the water in regards to unc's academic situation. feel sorry for the cuse players who are going to be linked to this stuff.
If the academic issues lead to a player being deemed ineligible, then the NCAA can, has, and will punish the school. UNC's academic scandal is the largest scandal in the history of the NCAA, goes back to the early '90s, multiple coaches, whistle blowers, etc.

If the NCAA is consistent, then at least one, maybe more, banner is coming down, multiple season post-season bans, probation, scholarship reductions, and millions of dollars paid back in the revenue UNC earned while cheating.
but the sacs is what would do that. if it affirms the afam classes then no one is ineligible. as to biggest scandal, if the afam classes are deemed ok by sacs, then there is no scandal going back to the 90s and i think it pales in comparison to other scandals. lots of heads might explode though.

good luck tomorrow night. hope it is as entertaining as the earlier game.
So fake classes that never happened can be deemed ok? Wtf are we even discussing here?
Originally posted by Showenuff:
So fake classes that never happened can be deemed ok? Wtf are we even discussing here?
good question. it's all smoke and mirrors anyway. if the classes were only for athletes that would be one thing, but what came out, to my knowledge, was that the "fake" classes were taken by the regular students as well. i took many independent studies courses as that was my major. i graduated with 160 credits, 40 more than required. education is something that is not just handed out...the individual has to work for it. in this case i think a lot of independent papers constituted the coursework. and pitiful standards/grading was applied to the papers. it has all been hyped and twisted to suit many people's agenda. and their 15 minutes are up.
Originally posted by tilador:
Originally posted by Showenuff:
So fake classes that never happened can be deemed ok? Wtf are we even discussing here?
good question. it's all smoke and mirrors anyway. if the classes were only for athletes that would be one thing, but what came out, to my knowledge, was that the "fake" classes were taken by the regular students as well. i took many independent studies courses as that was my major. i graduated with 160 credits, 40 more than required. education is something that is not just handed out...the individual has to work for it. in this case i think a lot of independent papers constituted the coursework. and pitiful standards/grading was applied to the papers. it has all been hyped and twisted to suit many people's agenda. and their 15 minutes are up.
So, tilador, what is it like living in imagination land?

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