Not Skip, but that answer was great. I never heard of him, looked him up, and was very interesting.Skip Wise
When I was at Duke, Clemson had Skip Wise and Stan Rome. They were very athletic and talented. As I recall, Skip Wise was a one and done or two and done and never realized his tremendous potential. I'm sure others (Jim Sumner) will have a more detailed memory.
Not Skip, but that answer was great. I never heard of him, looked him up, and was very interesting.
I did look up Skip Wise and it is a very sad story. Drug use derailed his career. What a shame. I will remember him for his electric athleticism. Thanks Hart for remembering more than I did.
Winner! 426 was the exact number
Marin played on the Baltimore Bullets so I'm going with the Bullets, now the Wizards.
Wow must have been easy! I'll have to do better in the future (if I guess another one right). Good job Sky.