OT: Pet Peeves

Basketball announcers, coaches, announcers, etc when describing or breaking down a player"s game who say:
"He can score THE BALL!!" This has become trendy over the past several years much as "bigs" has been coined.

For most of my life I heard "so and so is a great scorer." Ah, trends.....

Oh and hot dogs served w/o chili too....

Basketball announcers, coaches, announcers, etc when describing or breaking down a player"s game who say:
"He can score THE BALL!!" This has become trendy over the past several years much as "bigs" has been coined.

For most of my life I heard "so and so is a great scorer." Ah, trends.....

Oh and hot dogs served w/o chili too....


Or "get in the HOLE", in golf.
Posters from other boards that take advantage of the patience tolerance of our mods and then trash them on their own board. And within the same line they come hear with the intent of trolling and flaming by acting as though they want to have a civil discussion but within 2 or 3 post the real troll comes out. I would much rather have them come straight out and show their true colors right from the start. Have no use for them. OFC
Or "get in the HOLE", in golf.

No matter where the tee shot goes "U DA MANNNN!!!!"

What about the guy who is a fan of whoever wins the title that year. The guy who has like 8 Championship shirts from 8 different teams but can't name one bench guy from any of those teams. They have all the gear, socks, shirt, hat.

Good ol Joe Frontrunner!!!

Posters from other boards that take advantage of the patience tolerance of our mods and then trash them on their own board. And within the same line they come hear with the intent of trolling and flaming by acting as though they want to have a civil discussion but within 2 or 3 post the real troll comes out. I would much rather have them come straight out and show their true colors right from the start. Have no use for them. OFC

Kind of like your buddy who you know HATES OUR BLUE DEVILS and says "oh I always pull for the ACC team, " and you KNOW its bull!! Just tell me you're a UNC fan man...,

right now the most annoying in golf are the guys that yell mashed potatoes on every shot, so stupid, it's not funny, it's just annoying.

when people who want to convey that they're laughing by saying "lolololololololol" lol stands for laughing out loud. what you're typing is laughing out loud out loud out loud out loud out loud etc. that and lolz, lulz. i've accepted lol, but the others are just annoying.
People that go to the drive through and give a super long order that they have to repeat it several times and after they get the order just sets there in their car and checks it out. Then when it's wrong and most of the time they are they set there until it's right . Mean while in the rest of the line everyone else who is in line food starts getting cold and that leads to other problems. Just go in and order. OFC
I have a habit of saying "how are you doing?" to people in passing. I know it is my fault for asking, but man, some people will actually tell you how they're doing and make you regret asking.

So I will say that is a pet peeve of mine and completely understand if people consider me asking how they are doing a pet peeve of their's.
People that go to the drive through and give a super long order that they have to repeat it several times and after they get the order just sets there in their car and checks it out. Then when it's wrong and most of the time they are they set there until it's right . Mean while in the rest of the line everyone else who is in line food starts getting cold and that leads to other problems. Just go in and order. OFC
Your pet peeve made me think of another pet peeve that I have that's related to yours. Fast food workers that think they deserve to make $15 per hour but 99% of the time they get our order wrong
Bad drivers. They drive me crazy. If the speed limit is 55 all I ask is that you go 55. Don't go 48. It pisses me off. One more thing....horrible left-lane drivers. If the speed limit is 65 and you're doing 60 do it in the right lane.
if you are doing 65 in a 65 , if someone comes up behind you , speed up or move right. Run into that on 421 every weekend going to and from Wilkes county. I move over if I am running 75 in a 65 if someone wants to pass.
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I don't post much at all but couldn't pass this thread up....

People who blow their freaking nose as hard and as loud as possible in the middle of a restaurant while everyone else is eating. Go to the F'ing bathroom Ahole! You may as well raise your leg and rip a fart at the table too. Nasty bastard.

In the corporate world, the "Reply All" to a company email. I don't need to see you tell someone else congrats on a job well done. Email them directly.

Like most, I could go on and on....
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I just despise when I'm having to miss a sporting event I want to see for other obligations and while I'm being a good sport and dealing with it someone says to me " you can just watch the highlights." Don't ever freaking say that to me. I'm wired so I want to see every play of every game my team plays. Highlights a lot of the time show crap and completely fail to tell the real story of what happened. I remember one time carolina was in a awesome game but just barely lost. SC on ESPN was like lol they got blown out and didn't show any of Carolina's good plays. Don't ever say that to me. I hate highlights. I want to see the game. Ugh.
1). People who don't return their shopping cart to the cart round up area. I'm convinced that anyone who is too lazy to do this doesn't have a job because they're too damn sorry for anyone to consider hiring them.
2) Riding in the passing lane when you're not even doing the speed limit or not passing anyone. Get your ass over so the rest of us that have a life and places to go can get there.
3) Meeting someone on a two lane road who is over the double yellow line and taking up space on my side. There's a dang line there for a reason.
4) Riding in the vehicle with someone that won't blow the horn when someone pulls in front of them or cuts them off in traffic. They put horns on cars for a reason. Use it!!!
Yes - I have road rage issues - I can't help it.
Gonna step on some toes again and I apologize. Blue tooth phones. I guess that's what you call them. Whether in the grocery store, restaurant or just generally in a public place. Most of those using them are loud and for me it's annoying especially if in a restaurant and they are sitting next to you and the conversation they are having takes up you entire meal time. Yes this happened to my wife and I. I've wondered if the guy was even talking to someone at all because he dominated the conversation and I told my wife afterwards that I thought he was just trying to impress us. He kept talking about making deals and told whoever it was to go ahead and make offers . Now I have to admit that on more than one occasion I've actually answered people because I thought they were talking to me especially in the grocery store. Like they would answer "hello" and I would look at them and smile and say " hello, how you doing." OFC
Now to tell on myself a couple of my wife's pet peeves. Me chomping on ice. Me grunting. I have all kinds of grunts. Getting out of a chair grunt, getting out of a car grunt, getting off the floor grunt which is really m ore of a groan and a sitting down grunt which is like a sigh, cleaning my teeth while watching T.V., waiting till the last second to give a turn signal but I do give one, Me farting although she thinks it's fine for her to fart and it's a fart not a poot, not putting the toilet seat down and channel surfing. OFC
I know this one will step on toes but two thing at sporting events really get on my nerves.

1-fans sitting behind me who are really obnoxious, vulgar, loud and nearly burst my eardrums. I have had to have a prayer meeting with a few and thank goodness they stopped screaming behind me.

2-fans who sit in front of me and think it's their god given right to stand all game blocking my view as I have a bum leg and can't stand forever. Yes, this has also gotten me in trouble a few times.
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People who don't think to stop behind the line at red lights, then have to try to back up when that 18 wheeler has to make a right turn.
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Construction crews that close off lanes on highways and then when you actually get to the construction one mile after the lane is closed, a bunch of guys are standing around while one guy is working.
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People who say warsh instead of wash.
As a northerner, other northerners that use the term "y'all".
People who leave multiple car lengths between them and the car in front of them at a red light, which typically screws multiple people over behind them. Especially if someone is trying to merge or make a turn, etc.
People who leave multiple car lengths between them and the car in front of them at a red light, which typically screws multiple people over behind them. Especially if someone is trying to merge or make a turn, etc.

That's because they are either texting or talking on the phone and just in time he realize the light has turned green just in time to make the light still texting or talking away. OFC

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