
I get it... sorry to dukiejay, timo, show, and dukehokie cause I know your feelings and you guys are pretty dead on.... but this still is interesting to me... with the thought of a lot of people leaving could he possibly, somehow, maybe change his mind with the playing time available:

It's certainly possible- unlike a Tatum or Ingram though I don't think he's a can't miss guy- meaning you don't look back and say to yourself, are you going to tell a kid like that "no?" And obviously we wouldn't, but the question might just be do we as fans prefer him or develop Javin.
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It's certainly possible- unlike a Tatum or Ingram though I don't think he's a can't miss guy- meaning you don't look back and say to yourself, are you going to tell a kid like that "no?" And obviously we wouldn't, but the question might just be do we as fans prefer him or develop Javin.

Honestly with me... i want to develop javin! Just from what I see with him, he's a freak athlete that will really help the front court more then a year... I would love to have Knox don't get me wrong but if we miss out, like you said, I won't be devastated.... now as stated if we miss out on Duval, I feel like that will really hurt
Honestly with me... i want to develop javin! Just from what I see with him, he's a freak athlete that will really help the front court more then a year... I would love to have Knox don't get me wrong but if we miss out, like you said, I won't be devastated.... now as stated if we miss out on Duval, I feel like that will really hurt
We simply cannot miss on Duval.
From the video I've seen of Duval and Knox, I'm of the opinion that not only is Duval a bigger need because of his position (PG) but because he is a much better player. Getting either Luke or Grayson back I feel completely eliminates any need for Knox (he would still be nice to have, but would be far from "need"). Getting both Grayson and Luke back wouldn't eliminate the need to land Duval.
I would love to have Knox. I would trade two of him for one Duval.
Knox adds to the Duke roster. They don't have his versatility. To say he's not a need isn't the right way to think. He could be that combo multi role F that thrives at Duke.
Javin could be that guy but he didn't play

Not only could Javin be that guy, he is more willing to fill that role. Knox wants to be Tatum or Justin Jackson. He doesn't want to do what put him on the map which is hustle, scrap and out-athlete guys. To his defense, there's nothing wrong with that at all. I love when players want to evolve.

My only issue is that he wants to do it all in one season, and IMO he's not that kind of player. It's going to take him some time to do it at the college level consistently. And maybe we're taking his words too literally. He said he has a goal for himself to be one and done. That would mean he proved to the NBA that he is in fact elite. Maybe all he wants, is to come in and be great. Again no issues there, just be sure to have a contingency plan if it doesn't work that way.

But if it all clicks for him, and if he becomes that guy, he is seriously in Kawhii Leonard territory. ***read those IF's very carefully***
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I want to see some athletes on the floor. There's more ways to win than shooting threes. That means Duvall Jackson Javin Knox if they land those guys.
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Me n Dukehokie have been watching a lot of Trevon for a while. Games, not mix tapes. This kid is quickness, toughness, athletic anger in attack mode all the time. He can pull off some incredible passes, has great court vision and if you aren't real careful, he'll posterize you in a flash, regardless of your height. Confidence? LOL. Truck load.
Me n Dukehokie have been watching a lot of Trevon for a while. Games, not mix tapes. This kid is quickness, toughness, athletic anger in attack mode all the time. He can pull off some incredible passes, has great court vision and if you aren't real careful, he'll posterize you in a flash, regardless of your height. Confidence? LOL. Truck load.
Hey Show! Are his games on YouTube?
Much rather have Duval than Knox. Duval is a must get for next year to be a good year for the team. Even with him, Duke's probably only a top 15-20 team (assuming the exodus happens).

Interestingly, Knox went 1 for 10 from 3 in his most recent HS playoff game loss. 8 for 23 overall.

Duval fills a critical need. With Duval, you have a kid who will run the show, and you can throw in Frank as a combo guard and Trent, Jr. will be a solid scorer, slasher. Then feeding the big guy, Carter, and that's a really nice set up. Add Javin into the mix and he'll get a few buckets.

But, if there's the exodus everyone is talking about, then Duke is going to be pretty thin next year. We def need Duval.

One thing will be interesting if we are think next year is what kind of minutes Vrank and White will get. I'd like to see them get some time. K, of course, seems to be all or nothing on time.
Much rather have Duval than Knox. Duval is a must get for next year to be a good year for the team. Even with him, Duke's probably only a top 15-20 team (assuming the exodus happens).

Interestingly, Knox went 1 for 10 from 3 in his most recent HS playoff game loss. 8 for 23 overall.

Duval fills a critical need. With Duval, you have a kid who will run the show, and you can throw in Frank as a combo guard and Trent, Jr. will be a solid scorer, slasher. Then feeding the big guy, Carter, and that's a really nice set up. Add Javin into the mix and he'll get a few buckets.

But, if there's the exodus everyone is talking about, then Duke is going to be pretty thin next year. We def need Duval.

One thing will be interesting if we are think next year is what kind of minutes Vrank and White will get. I'd like to see them get some time. K, of course, seems to be all or nothing on time.
I'll say I want both, and I do. We neeeed Duval though, that's the difference. I would also caution you on judging Knox by one game as bad as it might have been- luke was pitiful in his last two games at Duke too and he will be a first round pick. Knox is talented and is a different player. If we get Duval, we then have three bonafide scorers next year in he, frank and Trent in the backcourt, Knox can play that stretch four/wing type and then you have carter. Five kids that can score.

There will be playing time available and a track record of success that Knox has seen.
It would be awesome to land Knox and literally crush the hearts of the powdered Blue! They are absolutely drooling they want him so badly.
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Hope that source is Coach k, capel, scheyer or Nolan.... haha but if true that's awesome!
If he's as good as you guys say he is, and I'll take your word for it, I hope he comes. Duke does need a true point. I love Jackson but he's no point

All in w/Mac...."if hes as good as you guys say he is." I am sure he likely is, I just share I guess the skepticism of MAC following this year's much ballyhooed class....Jackson truly is not a natural point- even though hes a PLAYER!

I'm greedy so let's get both but I wasn't carter and bolden together in the paint
It would be awesome to land Knox and literally crush the hearts of the powdered Blue! They are absolutely drooling they want him so badly.
Things could be moving in our direction and believe me I was on the other side with where I thought he would end up. Recruiting is fluid though.
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This doesn't surprise me. I don't think he's a done deal to duke, but trends can move in either direction in a short period of time. I do wonder if Roy will set something up with him after the tournament ends.
All in w/Mac...."if hes as good as you guys say he is." I am sure he likely is, I just share I guess the skepticism of MAC following this year's much ballyhooed class....Jackson truly is not a natural point- even though hes a PLAYER!


Jackson reminds me so much of J-Will as a frosh. Frank will hit camps all summer and have a strong handle next fall. Love his fire.
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I'm greedy so let's get both but I wasn't carter and bolden together in the paint
I read somewhere recently that he said he should have his decision made around mid April which I believe is around the time of the Jordan Brand Classic but I'm not completely certain about that.
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