Favorite THR Quotes....

I also like how they want a link or proof when Clint makes a statement about a recruit- based on actual facts, but they can't prove a simple quote from Dean.

It's the ultimate irony. And then dave will pass it off as "Oh it's just my opinion, why do their opinions need protection?"

In case they haven't noticed, there's a difference. What Clint says is fact, or close to it. What they say is opinion. My biggest problem with THR is that too often they'll take whatever intel they're lucky to have and disregard it in favor of what they want to believe it. It's maddening.

I already told gary, if we get either PJ or Knox, I'll never say another negative word against our recruiting.
DSouthr with more of the "K is selfish and only thinks about himself" narrative. But of course, Classy Dean does it the right way yet again!!

"As for K retiring, father time is undefeated, his record is better than Ks! Who knows when or how K will do it. Will he do like Bohiem and have a season long swan song or will it be out of the blue like Dean did? I suspect he will want to enjoy a year swan song so he can be slobbered over by every commentator for that entire season."
Some sk dunce at THR responding to some quotes BOOGIEMAN posted over there with Durant, Kobe and Kyrie saying how highly they thought about K. Of course these knuckleheads need to twist it. And chessy ass Dsouthr responds to it with his usual stupidity. Even has to add on the old "LOL" at the end for the sake of exaggeration. Sk mocking K's intellect. Talk about rich...

Sk1310 said:
"So your telling me K just hands the ball over to the best players in the world and says "go play". Wow, dude is smart."

"Yeah, that is pretty much what those players were saying, don't worry about passing the ball, just go take it one on one and out talent the other guy, no need for me to have you run actually structured sets & stuff, you guys don't need a coach, so I am gonna lead ya from way over there and if you guys need me I will be over there looking like I am pissed at something and ready to cuss out a ref. By the way, anyone know any spanish cuss words, I don't think they speak polish? LOL"
Mikey hates duke threads over there for a good reason. They're unproductive and have nothing to do with our own team.
I agree with what you're saying. I just think it's supremely ironic for anyone affiliated with UNC to bemoan "abandoning any pretense of the student athlete" after what transpired in Chapel Hill the past 20+ years.
To take this further imp High School should jab basic lifeskill requirement such as balancing a checkbook ,and the importance of good credit as a prerequisite to graduate
Retard Archer:

"Dean got tired of recruiting, not coaching. Unfortunately, recruiting is ever more important with more OAD's and fewer guys interested in getting an education. I sense Roy is getting tired of dealing with it too. It doesn't seem to bother the LOM in the least."
Retard Archer:

"Dean got tired of recruiting, not coaching. Unfortunately, recruiting is ever more important with more OAD's and fewer guys interested in getting an education. I sense Roy is getting tired of dealing with it too. It doesn't seem to bother the LOM in the least."

As if Roy is concerned about his players getting an education... Even the Board of Trustees 9 miles away chuckle at that one!!!

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Retard Archer:

"Dean got tired of recruiting, not coaching. Unfortunately, recruiting is ever more important with more OAD's and fewer guys interested in getting an education. I sense Roy is getting tired of dealing with it too. It doesn't seem to bother the LOM in the least."

I guess recruiting a player like Mahktar N'daiye would take the wind out of any man's sails. OFC
Retard Archer:

"Dean got tired of recruiting, not coaching. Unfortunately, recruiting is ever more important with more OAD's and fewer guys interested in getting an education. I sense Roy is getting tired of dealing with it too. It doesn't seem to bother the LOM in the least."

Why did Dean retire so early? I suppose I should know this as a heel fan but I was too young to fully grasp Dean's retirement at the time.
Why did Dean retire so early? I suppose I should know this as a heel fan but I was too young to fully grasp Dean's retirement at the time.
If I'm remembering correctly, when he announced that he was retiring, he stated that he was retiring because he lost his passion for coaching.
Rob Jones, a member of the Tarheels Illustrated staff, is knocking some of the THR posters. Hmm... I wonder who he could possibly be referencing.

I will say that even as a member of the staff, there are recruits that I don't have any contact/relationship with and the same with Clint (although it's rare for him). That being said, I do always find it incredible that some posters seem to have info on every single target on UNC's radar. That's a pretty difficult accomplishment and it's one that I'm envious of.
Rob Jones, a member of the Tarheels Illustrated staff, is knocking some of the THR posters. Hmm... I wonder who he could possibly be referencing.

I will say that even as a member of the staff, there are recruits that I don't have any contact/relationship with and the same with Clint (although it's rare for him). That being said, I do always find it incredible that some posters seem to have info on every single target on UNC's radar. That's a pretty difficult accomplishment and it's one that I'm envious of.
Rob with a great, great post. I hope that the ill advised posters who listen to one person in particular over at THR read this and heed it as well.
Rob with a great, great post. I hope that the ill advised posters who listen to one person in particular over at THR read this and heed it as well.

He laid it on them that's for sure but if they heed the call it's gonna take away from this thread. OFC
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Rob with a great, great post. I hope that the ill advised posters who listen to one person in particular over at THR read this and heed it as well.
Other posters may get it but I don't think gary got the memo...

"Personally Rob, I prefer both, as do many of the good posters here. And honestly, you guys don't need any defense. For one thing, I haven't seen anyone here "attacking" y'all, and second, you and Clint do excellent work, as many of us have acknowledged and appreciate.

The real problems on this board occur when a few posters act like someone who actually has independent sources is committing some kind of blasphemy... or feel the need to disparage Radar, which at least until recently, has a history of being a lively and sometimes informative board in and of itself.

That seems to be "easy" for those here who worship at the altar of 24/7 and bring it over like it's gospel ;).

Seriously though, I pay attention to what you guys bring to us about UNC targets, and I also reach out to my little mafia of coaches and more often than not someone has some info, and fortunately that has been especially fruitful in recent years with the staff's focus on so many recruits that have ATL connections, either directly or thru AAU. I'm not gonna mention any names since you may know some of them, but I can tell you, Rob, that when the names of certain recruiting analysts come up in these conversations there are eye rolls. That is not the case with you and Clint. You guys have a good reputation and it is appreciated."
Had to share this, too damn funny. Is in a thread talking about how Roy has offered some Sterling Manley kid and some are starting to get a bit anxious over Roy "dipping" for 3 star players. Of course DSouthr and gary are there to tell them all how they are all underrated and "diamonds in the rough." Again, only Roy has the eye and all the other coaches are missing out because they can't spot talent like Roy can. Lol. From "CanuckChuck":

mikeirbyusa said:
"So what matters most to you? WHO he brings in or our RECORD? LSU got Simmons didn't they? How'd that work out for them?
Maybe I'm just all washed up but to me a Coaches merit should be how he finishes the season not who he brought in."

"What matters most? Does he win and run a clean program. That's 1 and 1a on my list.
Sorry but where I have determined Roy's merit? Stop being so darn defensive.
Maybe I should rephrase my concerns and we can discuss or not.

- It appears that Roy is not pulling in the big man talent he has in the past.
- Is this temporary or the new norm?
- If it is the new norm, how do you think Roy will adjust?"

That's 1 and 1a on your list huh, Chuck?? Well, how has that been going for the past couple decades?? WOW. As they say (whoever the hell THEY are) can't make it up.
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gary rationalizing why all these 3 stars will end up studs. Lol.

"Let's take a look at our current "lower-ranked" targets:
- Stokes is large freaky athlete who was a high-D1 Left Tackle prospect and got into basketball shape late. And he's a better basketball prospect than his older brother who made to to the dadgummed NBA.
- Manley was well on his way to a high ranking when it was derailed by a gruesome Paul George injury.
- Brooks is on the Brice Johnson path as for development. Different body-types but again, he blew up over the summer before his Sr year and now the big boys want him."

66 gary-7, Wednesday at 10:54 AM
mikerbyusa responding to CanuckChuck:

CanuckChuck said:
What matters most? Does he win and run a clean program. That's 1 and 1a on my list.
Sorry but where I have determined Roy's merit? Stop being so darn defensive.
Maybe I should rephrase my concerns and we can discuss or not.

1.- It appears that Roy is not pulling in the big man talent he has in the past.
2.- Is this temporary or the new norm?
3.- If it is the new norm, how do you think Roy will adjust?


"Numbered what you wanted to discuss.

1. Well, he did bring in Bradley who is a heck of a talent. But we are still fighting the effects of the "scandal" and will until ALL is cleared. Not to mention idiots like Gotthief saying he is fixing to retire on National TV!

2. I say it is temporary, only time will tell.

3. Roy will always do what is best for UNC and we are dern lucky to have him. While "handlers" are getting more and more involved with these kids, especially the Bigs Roy does not, nor do I want him to, deal with handlers."


Those dern (as mikey says) handlers screwing things up for Roy again!!! LOL. Also had to laugh at how mikey used quotation marks around the word SCANDAL. Yep, nothing at all happened there. Poor UNC is the true victim....
gary knows all....

I've mentioned a few times over the years that Roy's recruiting strategy has always been to go after a few select kids who are top players but also come from solid backgrounds (no handlers) --- "Carolina kids". That in itself pares down our elite pool. But before the junk and the OAD madness he could select from that pool enough elite players to form his core. You could expect at least one Burger Boy in each cycle, and sometimes more (Berry/Jackson/Pinson or Meeks/Hicks) supplemented by other good players with high potential (like Brice) and nice role players. If a player here and there was OAD, fine, but he never relied on that, nor should he.

"handlers", "Carolina Kids", ha haaaaa, there's that garbage yet AGAIN!!
Gary on who UNC fans should be listening to when it comes to info about recruits (sounds like a passive aggressive shot at @carolinablue34 and a few others):

If certain (mostly newby) posters would spend a little more time reading Radar and less time disrespecting it and puffing out their chests over their shiny new premium memberships they might actually learn something while they're here.

So if guys would spend more time listening to him and DSouth as opposed to Clint and their other insiders, they might actually learn something?

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Go luck with that!
I think there are enough people on the fence still
mikerbyusa responding to CanuckChuck:

3. Roy will always do what is best for UNC and we are dern lucky to have him. While "handlers" are getting more and more involved with these kids, especially the Bigs Roy does not, nor do I want him to, deal with handlers."

Roy will deal with handlers. However, the handlers are not sold on him getting their kids to the league sooner rather than later. every coach would love to have a 5 star guy stay for multiple years, Not just Roy. However, that is not the way it works right now.
What is this even based on? Jarnell was a 5-star recruit.

Don't you dare bring facts to the opinion party....

When all else fails and you have no stats or records to support any of your opinions, the self-righteous angle is always available to these clowns.
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Gary on who UNC fans should be listening to when it comes to info about recruits (sounds like a passive aggressive shot at @carolinablue34 and a few others):

If certain (mostly newby) posters would spend a little more time reading Radar and less time disrespecting it and puffing out their chests over their shiny new premium memberships they might actually learn something while they're here.

So if guys would spend more time listening to him and DSouth as opposed to Clint and their other insiders, they might actually learn something?


I don't even know what to say.....
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@UNC71-00 discussing OFC:

You aren't as big a fool as dudes who write OFC at the end of every poast and think that doing so makes them clever.

If OFC is stupid, what the hell is poast?
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Another asinine DSouthr rambling. Yes, we know. Roy has too much class/integrity. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

"When folks talk about Roy being out recruited, I have to ask those folks, do ya really understand why we are not getting the top shelf best of the best big man talents? I mean, we are getting top shelf back court talent, it is front court talent we are struggling with, do you really understand why?

The reason is easy, it is the big time talented big men that are the most likely to be one & done. It is the one & done players that tend to come with handlers and street agents, that have qualifying issues, that at times are looking for back room deals. That is not a 1 size fits all statement but it trends in that direction. You have to ask your self if that is the kind of program you want to see UNC become? Dukies embrace the one & done, they want their program in that direction, Ky started it so they love it. What was it, 2 times in the last 10 years has the national champs had 1 & done players, meaning 80% of the time the national champs do not have one & done players? Do you really want this program to bend in that direction?

I would love for us to be able to snag a one & doner every year but I want it to be a good kid, a kid that will do everything his coach asks him to do while he is here and not feel like he should be team captain and do Roy's job. Clearly we are the perceived opposite of one & done U right now and just as clearly even with all we have been thru for the last several years we just played in the natty game as one & done Us watched it on TV.

It is not as if Roy has not offered top shelf big men but Roy is not going to do some things that would reflect badly on the program if exposed and lord knows we don't need that. Roy is not going to have his version of WWW, he does not want his assistant coaches go out and talk down other programs like a former OKey head coach is known to do for a certain program 10mi down the road from UNC. Roy believes and I agree, we should conduct our program with class, even if others seem unable or unwilling to. I respect that in Roy and I don't want him or any other UNC coach to wallow in the mud even if other programs do. And if that means we have to play in national title games with out former 5 star Micky D big men then so be it..."
Another asinine DSouthr rambling. Yes, we know. Roy has too much class/integrity. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

"When folks talk about Roy being out recruited, I have to ask those folks, do ya really understand why we are not getting the top shelf best of the best big man talents? I mean, we are getting top shelf back court talent, it is front court talent we are struggling with, do you really understand why?

The reason is easy, it is the big time talented big men that are the most likely to be one & done. It is the one & done players that tend to come with handlers and street agents, that have qualifying issues, that at times are looking for back room deals. That is not a 1 size fits all statement but it trends in that direction. You have to ask your self if that is the kind of program you want to see UNC become? Dukies embrace the one & done, they want their program in that direction, Ky started it so they love it. What was it, 2 times in the last 10 years has the national champs had 1 & done players, meaning 80% of the time the national champs do not have one & done players? Do you really want this program to bend in that direction?

I would love for us to be able to snag a one & doner every year but I want it to be a good kid, a kid that will do everything his coach asks him to do while he is here and not feel like he should be team captain and do Roy's job. Clearly we are the perceived opposite of one & done U right now and just as clearly even with all we have been thru for the last several years we just played in the natty game as one & done Us watched it on TV.

It is not as if Roy has not offered top shelf big men but Roy is not going to do some things that would reflect badly on the program if exposed and lord knows we don't need that. Roy is not going to have his version of WWW, he does not want his assistant coaches go out and talk down other programs like a former OKey head coach is known to do for a certain program 10mi down the road from UNC. Roy believes and I agree, we should conduct our program with class, even if others seem unable or unwilling to. I respect that in Roy and I don't want him or any other UNC coach to wallow in the mud even if other programs do. And if that means we have to play in national title games with out former 5 star Micky D big men then so be it..."
So much nonsense. Good lord. He sounds like the Governor of Maine with his sweeping generalizations.
Another asinine DSouthr rambling. Yes, we know. Roy has too much class/integrity. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

"When folks talk about Roy being out recruited, I have to ask those folks, do ya really understand why we are not getting the top shelf best of the best big man talents? I mean, we are getting top shelf back court talent, it is front court talent we are struggling with, do you really understand why?

The reason is easy, it is the big time talented big men that are the most likely to be one & done. It is the one & done players that tend to come with handlers and street agents, that have qualifying issues, that at times are looking for back room deals. That is not a 1 size fits all statement but it trends in that direction. You have to ask your self if that is the kind of program you want to see UNC become? Dukies embrace the one & done, they want their program in that direction, Ky started it so they love it. What was it, 2 times in the last 10 years has the national champs had 1 & done players, meaning 80% of the time the national champs do not have one & done players? Do you really want this program to bend in that direction?

I would love for us to be able to snag a one & doner every year but I want it to be a good kid, a kid that will do everything his coach asks him to do while he is here and not feel like he should be team captain and do Roy's job. Clearly we are the perceived opposite of one & done U right now and just as clearly even with all we have been thru for the last several years we just played in the natty game as one & done Us watched it on TV.

It is not as if Roy has not offered top shelf big men but Roy is not going to do some things that would reflect badly on the program if exposed and lord knows we don't need that. Roy is not going to have his version of WWW, he does not want his assistant coaches go out and talk down other programs like a former OKey head coach is known to do for a certain program 10mi down the road from UNC. Roy believes and I agree, we should conduct our program with class, even if others seem unable or unwilling to. I respect that in Roy and I don't want him or any other UNC coach to wallow in the mud even if other programs do. And if that means we have to play in national title games with out former 5 star Micky D big men then so be it..."
All of Davids ramblings here just confirm that the dude has no idea about recruiting in the 21st century. Sure the recruits have handlers. (most of them are family members BTW) However what he fails to acknowledge is that many of these OAD kids, are really good kids who also have great grades. Not one of Duke's recent OAD players had any issues academically. Not one. UK's kids have continued to perform in the classroom very well. Sure an odd one here and there will not make the grade in HS, but how many of those guys are actually out there? One, maybe two top of the line guys every year? Maybe?

UNC folks who are bashing Capel for negatively recruiting need to understand that unsubstantiated rumors (no Gary's info means nothing here) go both ways. Some of us are privy to those rumors as well. It doesn't always paint a pretty picture of UNC's coaches either. Just saying that there is another side of that coin.BTW, does anyone truly believe that Capel has to negatively recruit against UNC? Kentucky maybe, but UNC? Not right now!

"Clearly we are the perceived opposite of one & done U right now and just as clearly even with all we have been thru for the last several years we just played in the natty game as one & done Us watched it on TV."

This part was pretty funny. Congrats on losing in the national title game. I will take Duke's success over the last 5-6 years and you can have a national title game loss.
I like that when I put "Tarhole Radar" into Google, it first suggests "Tarhole Reader". The Google suggestion is a paradox, perhaps even an oxymoron. It amuses me that my search engine has a sense of humor. :)
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