K definitely got a boost. How anyone could argue he didn't is beyond me. But it's a bit ironic the same one's saying he had nothing to do with turning around the program are the same one's who were questioning his coaching during that three-game span where the USA looked beatable this past Olympics.
Listen, I agree, in large part, that there were other coaches who could have done what K has over the last 10-12 years. After all, as many have pointed out, we still have the best players in the world. Those same people who think he was selfish to stay on the job, one being the knucklehead DSouthr, were hoping back in 2008 he would keep the job forever because "it was taking away" from what he should be doing at Duke. Hell, we even have Duke fans who posted here and still do who were completely against it.
There's two things about this coaching USA thing that really bugs some UNC fans....1) they hate him and any success he has at anything (and he has a lot, so it's turned them into whiny, incoherent babies), and 2) it's been the praise heaped on him from players who've now had the chance to play for him, get to know him, and appreciate him as a person. That doesn't fit into the narrative UNC fans have made up in their mind and tried to pass along as fact for ages. Me? I eat it up because it drives them (more) batty and crazy.