This is what he was responding to:↑
OK, now I see what got dadik so upset!
DAVE-DAVE-DAVE! Man you don't tug on Superman's cape-spit into the wind-draw on the Long Ranger or mess with Clint when it comes to recruiting!
Have you lost your flippin mind? NOBODY gets more inside info on recruits than Clint and Rob is right behind him. Get your butt over to premi and see what Clint-Rob know and WHO they talk to if you going to run your mouth about them!
I apologize dadik, did not read this post until I was on my deer stand and can't respond to good on that dern "smart elic phone". You right, maybe the worse post I ever saw from Dave.
HOPE he's right and we get him, but as of TODAY we do not lead for PJ, made up some ground no doubt, but we trail.
smh Dave, YOU are better than that. Just as well slapped AJ in the face.
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LOL Mikey, I am not slapping anyone in the face and shame on you for suggesting I have. All I am saying is I believe I am right, since when did believing you are right become a bad thing? Excuse me for not being in agreement just because Clint may see it differently. Clint is not perfect, who is? I don't claim to be perfect either, I think I am right and I stand up for my opinion and I don't ask anyone to agree with it.
I simply ask, if there is anything concrete out there that says the kid is picking Ky I would like to know about it, am I supposed to wilt on my opinion just because someone tells me Clint disagrees with me, especially when I can not even see what Clint has to say about this?
Definition of Ignorance
To echo gary, you are right about the hype machine at Ky crafting perception, they not only do it but they are really really good at it. And even worse is it not only has some effect, it works, it panders to what they think they want and it is happy to co-exist with the handlers and street agents and what ever has to occur to get a kid in and able to play.
But ya know what, it may work on some kids, it does not work on them all. Kal tried that pander with Carter and Carter dismissed them, tried it with Bamba and Bamba reaches out to Michigan, tried it with PJ and...well you know how I think that is going to work out...
In the end PJ could pick Ky for all I know, many experts do not see it the way I do. But I will say this, I don't care who the expert is that is saying PJ to Ky... Evan Daniels, Bossi, or even Clint & Rob, I would challenge every one of them to validate that pick with something concrete that refutes the reasons I have presented that have me thinking that Ky is not as strong a dog as they are assumed.
He is so certain he's right, even though he's a total nobody pulling "facts" out of his butt. Meanwhile, guys like Clint and Bossi, who are paid to do this for a living, must validate their information to him with concrete proof that refutes his insane ramblings. What planet does this guy live on?